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Merge pull request #4312 from esl/instrument/specific-assertions
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More specific assertions for instrumentation events
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gustawlippa authored Jul 4, 2024
2 parents 68da361 + 6939f92 commit 0684bd2
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Showing 28 changed files with 388 additions and 285 deletions.
18 changes: 10 additions & 8 deletions big_tests/tests/accounts_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -189,20 +189,22 @@ unregister(Config) ->
assert_event(auth_unregister_user, escalus_users:get_jid(Config, UserSpec)).

already_registered(Config) ->
escalus_fresh:story(Config, [{alice, 1}], fun(Alice) ->
escalus:send(Alice, escalus_stanza:get_registration_fields()),
Stanza = escalus:wait_for_stanza(Alice),
escalus:assert(is_iq_result, Stanza),
true = has_registered_element(Stanza)
escalus_fresh:story(Config, [{alice, 1}], fun already_registered_story/1).

already_registered_story(Alice) ->
AliceJid = escalus_utils:get_short_jid(Alice),
assert_event(auth_register_user, AliceJid), % one event expected
escalus:send(Alice, escalus_stanza:get_registration_fields()),
Stanza = escalus:wait_for_stanza(Alice),
escalus:assert(is_iq_result, Stanza),
true = has_registered_element(Stanza),
assert_event(auth_register_user, AliceJid). % still one event - nothing new

registration_conflict(Config) ->
[Alice] = escalus_users:get_users([alice]),
{ok, result, _Stanza} = escalus_users:create_user(Config, Alice),
{ok, conflict, _Raw} = escalus_users:create_user(Config, Alice).

admin_notify(Config) ->
[{Name1, UserSpec1}, {Name2, UserSpec2}] = escalus_users:get_users([alice, bob]),
[{_, AdminSpec}] = escalus_users:get_users([admin]),
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions big_tests/tests/amp_big_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -133,8 +133,9 @@ amp_test_helper_code() ->
" end.\n".

declared_events() ->
{mod_privacy_set, #{host_type => host_type()}} % tested by privacy helpers
[ % tested by privacy helpers
{mod_privacy_set, #{host_type => host_type()}},
{mod_privacy_get, #{host_type => host_type()}}

end_per_suite(C) ->
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions big_tests/tests/anonymous_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ connection_is_registered_with_login(Config) ->
true = F(),
mongoose_helper:wait_until(F, false),
assert_event(auth_anonymous_register_user, JID)
assert_event(auth_anonymous_unregister_user, JID)

messages_story(Config) ->
Expand All @@ -110,5 +110,6 @@ host_type() ->

assert_event(EventName, #jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer}) ->
instrument_helper:assert(EventName, #{host_type => host_type()},
fun(M) -> M =:= #{count => 1, user => LUser, server => LServer} end).
EventName, #{host_type => host_type()},
fun(M) -> M =:= #{count => 1, user => LUser, server => LServer} end).
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions big_tests/tests/auth_helper.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,17 +10,18 @@ assert_event(EventName, BinJid)
F = fun(M) ->
M =:= #{count => 1, user => LUser, server => LServer}
instrument_helper:assert(EventName, #{host_type => host_type()}, F);
instrument_helper:assert_one(EventName, #{host_type => host_type()}, F);
assert_event(EventName, BinJid)
when EventName =:= auth_authorize ->
#jid{lserver = LServer} = jid:from_binary(BinJid),
F = fun(#{time := Time, count := 1, server := Server}) ->
(Time > 0) and (Server =:= LServer)
%% Note: this could match events from other tests because there is no user name
instrument_helper:assert(EventName, #{host_type => host_type()}, F);
assert_event(EventName, BinJid) ->
#jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer} = jid:from_binary(BinJid),
F = fun(#{time := Time, count := 1, user := User, server := Server}) ->
(Time > 0) and (User =:= LUser) and (Server =:= LServer)
instrument_helper:assert(EventName, #{host_type => host_type()}, F).
instrument_helper:assert_one(EventName, #{host_type => host_type()}, F).
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions big_tests/tests/disco_and_caps_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -235,5 +235,5 @@ urls(sales) -> [<<"[email protected]">>].

assert_roster_get_event(Client) ->
ClientJid = jid:from_binary(escalus_client:full_jid(Client)),
instrument_helper:assert(mod_disco_roster_get, #{host_type => host_type()},
fun(#{count := 1, jid := Jid}) -> ClientJid =:= Jid end).
instrument_helper:assert_one(mod_disco_roster_get, #{host_type => host_type()},
fun(#{count := 1, jid := Jid}) -> ClientJid =:= Jid end).
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion big_tests/tests/domain_isolation_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ verify_alice_has_no_pending_messages(Alice, Bob) ->
assert_stanza_dropped(Sender, Recipient, Stanza) ->
SenderJid = jid:from_binary(escalus_utils:get_jid(Sender)),
RecipientJid = jid:from_binary(escalus_utils:get_jid(Recipient)),
router_stanza_dropped, #{host_type => host_type()},
fun(#{count := 1, from_jid := From, to_jid := To, stanza := DroppedStanza}) ->
From =:= SenderJid andalso To =:= RecipientJid andalso DroppedStanza =:= Stanza
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions big_tests/tests/graphql_roster_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ admin_list_contacts_story(Config, Alice, Bob) ->
[#{<<"subscription">> := <<"NONE">>, <<"ask">> := <<"NONE">>, <<"jid">> := BobBin,
<<"name">> := BobName, <<"groups">> := ?DEFAULT_GROUPS}] =
get_ok_value([data, roster, listContacts], Res),
roster_helper:assert_roster_event(Alice, mod_roster_get).
roster_helper:assert_roster_event(escalus_client:short_jid(Alice), mod_roster_get).

admin_list_contacts_wrong_user(Config) ->
% User with a non-existent domain
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ user_list_contacts_story(Config, Alice, Bob) ->
[#{<<"subscription">> := <<"NONE">>, <<"ask">> := <<"NONE">>, <<"jid">> := BobBin,
<<"name">> := Name, <<"groups">> := ?DEFAULT_GROUPS}] =
get_ok_value(?LIST_CONTACTS_PATH, Res),
roster_helper:assert_roster_event(Alice, mod_roster_get).
roster_helper:assert_roster_event(escalus_client:short_jid(Alice), mod_roster_get).

user_get_contact(Config) ->
escalus:fresh_story_with_config(Config, [{alice, 1}, {bob, 1}],
Expand Down
16 changes: 7 additions & 9 deletions big_tests/tests/instrument_cets_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,15 +42,13 @@ end_per_group(_, _Config) ->
init_per_testcase(_, Config) ->

check_instrumentation(Config) ->
instrument_helper:wait_for_new(cets_info, #{}),
instrument_helper:assert(cets_info, #{}, fun(Res) ->
%% Values are integers
lists:all(fun(Name) -> is_integer(maps:get(Name, Res)) end, instrumentation_metrics_names())
%% Check that there are no unknown fields
[] =:= maps:keys(maps:without(instrumentation_metrics_names(), Res))
check_instrumentation(_Config) ->
instrument_helper:wait_and_assert_new(cets_info, #{}, fun check_info/1).

%% Check that values are integers and there are no unknown fields
check_info(Res) ->
lists:all(fun(Name) -> is_integer(maps:get(Name, Res)) end, instrumentation_metrics_names())
andalso #{} =:= maps:without(instrumentation_metrics_names(), Res).

instrumentation_metrics_names() ->
Expand Down
163 changes: 110 additions & 53 deletions big_tests/tests/instrument_helper.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@


-export([declared_events/1, declared_events/2,
start/1, start/2, stop/0,
assert/3, assert/4, filter/2,
assert_not_emitted/1, assert_not_emitted/2,
wait_for/2, wait_for_new/2,
lookup/2, take/2]).
%% API for setup and teardown in test suites
-export([declared_events/1, declared_events/2, start/1, start/2, stop/0]).

%% API for assertions in test cases
-export([assert/3, assert_one/3, assert_not_emitted/3, assert_not_emitted/2, assert_not_emitted/1,
wait_and_assert/3, wait_and_assert_new/3, assert/4, timestamp/0]).

-import(distributed_helper, [rpc/4, mim/0]).

Expand All @@ -20,8 +20,14 @@
-type event_name() :: atom().
-type labels() :: #{atom() => term()}.
-type measurements() :: #{atom() => term()}.
-type check_fun() :: fun((measurements()) -> boolean()).
-type event_count() :: non_neg_integer() | positive.
-type opts() :: #{min_timestamp => integer(),
retries := non_neg_integer(),
delay := non_neg_integer(),
expected_count := event_count()}.

%% API
%% API for setup and teardown in test suites

%% @doc Helper to get `DeclaredEvents' needed by `start/1'
declared_events(Modules) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,65 +65,116 @@ stop() ->
verify_unlogged((Untested -- Logged) -- Negative),
verify_logged_but_untested((Logged -- Tested) -- Negative).

-spec assert(event_name(), labels(), fun((measurements()) -> boolean())) -> ok.
%% API for assertions in test cases

%% @doc Checks that there is at least one event with `EventName', `Labels'
%% and matching measurements.
-spec assert(event_name(), labels(), check_fun()) -> ok.
assert(EventName, Labels, CheckF) ->
assert(EventName, Labels, lookup(EventName, Labels), CheckF).
assert(EventName, Labels, CheckF, #{}).

%% @doc `CheckF' can return a boolean or fail with `function_clause', which means `false'.
%% This is for convenience - you only have to code one clause.
-spec assert(event_name(), labels(), [measurements()], fun((measurements()) -> boolean())) -> ok.
assert(EventName, Labels, MeasurementsList, CheckF) ->
case filter(CheckF, MeasurementsList) of
[] ->
ct:log("All measurements for event ~p with labels ~p:~n~p",
[EventName, Labels, MeasurementsList]),
ct:fail("No instrumentation events matched");
Filtered ->
ct:log("Matching measurements for event ~p with labels ~p:~n~p",
[EventName, Labels, Filtered]),
event_tested(EventName, Labels)
%% @doc Checks that there is exactly one event with `EventName', `Labels'
%% and matching measurements.
-spec assert_one(event_name(), labels(), check_fun()) -> ok.
assert_one(EventName, Labels, CheckF) ->
assert(EventName, Labels, CheckF, #{expected_count => 1}).

%% @doc Checks that there is no event with `EventName', `Labels' and matching measurements.
-spec assert_not_emitted(event_name(), labels(), check_fun()) -> ok.
assert_not_emitted(EventName, Labels, CheckF) ->
assert(EventName, Labels, CheckF, #{expected_count => 0}).

%% @doc Checks that there is no event with `EventName' and `Labels'.
-spec assert_not_emitted(event_name(), labels()) -> ok.
assert_not_emitted(EventName, Labels) ->
case lookup(EventName, Labels) of
[] ->
Events ->
ct:fail("Measurements emitted but should not ~p", [Events])
assert_not_emitted(EventName, Labels, fun(_) -> true end).

%% @doc Checks that there is no event for any of the `{EventName, Labels}' tuples.
-spec assert_not_emitted([{event_name(), labels()}]) -> ok.
assert_not_emitted(Events) ->
[assert_not_emitted(Event, Label) || {Event, Label} <- Events].
[assert_not_emitted(Event, Label) || {Event, Label} <- Events],

%% @doc Waits for a matching event.
-spec wait_and_assert(event_name(), labels(), check_fun()) -> ok.
wait_and_assert(EventName, Labels, CheckF) ->
assert(EventName, Labels, CheckF, #{retries => 50, delay => 100}).

%% @doc Waits for a matching event, ignoring past events.
-spec wait_and_assert_new(event_name(), labels(), check_fun()) -> ok.
wait_and_assert_new(EventName, Labels, CheckF) ->
assert(EventName, Labels, CheckF, #{min_timestamp => timestamp(), retries => 50, delay => 100}).

%% @doc Assert that an expected number of events with `EventName' and `Labels' are present.
%% Events are filtered by applying `CheckF' to the map of measurements.
%% `CheckF' can return a boolean or fail with `function_clause', which means `false'.
%% This is for convenience - you only have to code one clause.
-spec assert(event_name(), labels(), check_fun(), opts()) -> ok.
assert(EventName, Labels, CheckF, Opts) ->
FullOpts = maps:merge(default_opts(), Opts),
assert_loop(EventName, Labels, CheckF, FullOpts).

-spec timestamp() -> integer().
timestamp() ->
rpc(mim(), ?HANDLER_MODULE, timestamp, []).

%% Internal functions

-spec default_opts() -> opts().
default_opts() ->
#{retries => 0, delay => timer:seconds(1), expected_count => positive}.

-spec assert_loop(event_name(), labels(), check_fun(), opts()) -> ok.
assert_loop(EventName, Labels, CheckF, Opts) ->
#{retries := Retries, expected_count := ExpectedCount, delay := Delay} = Opts,
All = case Opts of
#{min_timestamp := Timestamp} ->
select_new(EventName, Labels, Timestamp);
#{} ->
select(EventName, Labels)
Filtered = filter(CheckF, All),
case check(Filtered, ExpectedCount) of
false when Retries > 0 ->
assert_loop(EventName, Labels, CheckF, Opts#{retries := Retries - 1});
CheckResult ->
assert_check_result(EventName, Labels, All, Filtered, CheckResult, ExpectedCount)

-spec filter(fun((measurements()) -> boolean()), [measurements()]) -> [measurements()].
filter(CheckF, MeasurementsList) ->
lists:filter(fun(Measurements) ->
try CheckF(Measurements) catch error:function_clause -> false end
end, MeasurementsList).

%% @doc Remove previous events, and wait for a new one. Use for probes only.
-spec wait_for_new(event_name(), labels()) -> [measurements()].
wait_for_new(EventName, Labels) ->
take(EventName, Labels),
wait_for(EventName, Labels).

%% @doc Lookup an element, or wait for it, if it didn't happen yet.
-spec wait_for(event_name(), labels()) -> [measurements()].
wait_for(EventName, Labels) ->
{ok, MeasurementsList} = mongoose_helper:wait_until(fun() -> lookup(EventName, Labels) end,
fun(L) -> L =/= [] end,
#{name => EventName}),

-spec lookup(event_name(), labels()) -> [measurements()].
lookup(EventName, Labels) ->
[Measurements || {_, Measurements} <- rpc(mim(), ?HANDLER_MODULE, lookup, [EventName, Labels])].

-spec take(event_name(), labels()) -> [measurements()].
take(EventName, Labels) ->
[Measurements || {_, Measurements} <- rpc(mim(), ?HANDLER_MODULE, take, [EventName, Labels])].

%% Internal functions
-spec select(event_name(), labels()) -> [measurements()].
select(EventName, Labels) ->
rpc(mim(), ?HANDLER_MODULE, select, [EventName, Labels]).

-spec select_new(event_name(), labels(), integer()) -> [measurements()].
select_new(EventName, Labels, Timestamp) ->
rpc(mim(), ?HANDLER_MODULE, select_new, [EventName, Labels, Timestamp]).

-spec check([measurements()], event_count()) -> boolean().
check(Filtered, positive) ->
length(Filtered) > 0;
check(Filtered, ExpectedCount) ->
length(Filtered) =:= ExpectedCount.

-spec assert_check_result(event_name(), labels(), All :: [measurements()],
Filtered :: [measurements()], CheckResult :: boolean(),
event_count()) -> ok.
assert_check_result(_EventName, _Labels, _All, [], true, _ExpectedCount) ->
ok; % don't mark non-emitted events as tested
assert_check_result(EventName, Labels, _All, Filtered, true, _ExpectedCount) ->
ct:log("Matching measurements for event ~p with labels ~p:~n~p", [EventName, Labels, Filtered]),
event_tested(EventName, Labels);
assert_check_result(EventName, Labels, All, Filtered, false, ExpectedCount) ->
ct:log("Assertion failed for event ~p with labels ~p.~nMatching measurements:~n~p~n~n"
"Other measurements:~n~p", [EventName, Labels, Filtered, All -- Filtered]),
ct:fail("Incorrect number of instrumentation events - matched: ~p, expected: ~p",
[length(Filtered), ExpectedCount]).

%% Don't fail if some events are unlogged, because we don't have full test coverage (yet)
verify_unlogged([]) -> ok;
Expand Down
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions big_tests/tests/mam_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,7 +113,8 @@

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3287,7 +3288,7 @@ prefs_set_request(Config) ->
?assert_equal(ResultIQ1, ResultIQ2),
escalus:story(Config, [{alice, 1}], F).
escalus:fresh_story(Config, [{alice, 1}], F).

query_get_request(Config) ->
F = fun(Alice) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3377,11 +3378,13 @@ muc_prefs_set_request(ConfigIn) ->
muc_prefs_set_request_not_an_owner(ConfigIn) ->
F = fun(Config, _Alice, Bob) ->
Room = ?config(room, Config),
RoomAddr = room_address(Room),
escalus:send(Bob, stanza_to_room(stanza_prefs_set_request(<<"roster">>,
[<<"[email protected]">>],
[<<"[email protected]">>],
mam_ns_binary()), Room)),
escalus:assert(is_error, [<<"cancel">>, <<"not-allowed">>], escalus:wait_for_stanza(Bob))
escalus:assert(is_error, [<<"cancel">>, <<"not-allowed">>], escalus:wait_for_stanza(Bob)),
assert_no_event_with_jid(mod_mam_muc_get_prefs, RoomAddr)
RoomOpts = [{persistent, true}],
UserSpecs = [{alice, 1}, {bob, 1}],
Expand Down

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