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Janusz Jakubiec authored and Janusz Jakubiec committed Apr 25, 2023
1 parent bdfb1d1 commit 72f1278
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Showing 4 changed files with 92 additions and 89 deletions.
146 changes: 76 additions & 70 deletions big_tests/tests/service_mongoose_system_metrics_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,17 +7,16 @@

-define(SERVER_URL, "http://localhost:8765").
-define(ETS_TABLE, qs).
-define(TRACKING_ID, "UA-151671255-2").
-define(TRACKING_ID_CI, "UA-151671255-1").
-define(TRACKING_ID, #{id => "G-7KQE4W9SVJ", secret => "Secret"}).
-define(TRACKING_ID_CI, #{id => "G-7KQE4W9SVJ", secret => "Secret2"}).
-define(TRACKING_ID_EXTRA, #{id => "UA-EXTRA-TRACKING-ID", secret => "Secret3"}).

-record(event, {
cid = "",
tid = "",
ec = "",
ea = "",
ev = "",
el = "" }).
name = <<"">>,
params = #{},
client_id = <<"">>,
instance_id = <<"">>,
app_secret = <<"">>}).

-import(distributed_helper, [mim/0, mim2/0, mim3/0, rpc/4,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -228,7 +227,7 @@ module_opts_are_reported(_Config) ->
check_module_backend(mod_privacy, Backend),
check_module_backend(mod_private, Backend),
check_module_backend(mod_pubsub, Backend),
check_module_opt(mod_push_service_mongoosepush, api_version, <<"\"v3\"">>),
check_module_opt(<<"mod_push_service_mongoosepush">>, <<"api_version">>, <<"\"v3\"">>),
check_module_backend(mod_roster, Backend),
check_module_backend(mod_vcard, Backend).

Expand All @@ -239,7 +238,7 @@ rdbms_module_opts_are_reported(_Config) ->
check_module_backend(mod_mam, rdbms).

check_module_backend(Module, Backend) ->
check_module_opt(Module, backend, atom_to_binary(Backend)).
check_module_opt(atom_to_binary(Module), <<"backend">>, atom_to_binary(Backend)).

mongoose_version_is_reported(_Config) ->
mongoose_helper:wait_until(fun is_mongoose_version_reported/0, true).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,7 +271,7 @@ xmpp_stanzas_counts_are_reported(Config) ->
escalus:send(Alice, escalus_stanza:chat_to(Bob, <<"Hi">>)),
escalus:assert(is_chat_message, [<<"Hi">>], escalus:wait_for_stanza(Bob)),
F = fun() -> assert_message_count_is_incremented(Sent, Received) end,
mongoose_helper:wait_until(F, ok)
mongoose_helper:wait_until(F, ok, #{sleep_time => 500, time_left => timer:seconds(20)})

config_type_is_reported(_Config) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -384,31 +383,32 @@ supports_dynamic_domains(Module) ->

all_event_have_the_same_client_id() ->
Tab = ets:tab2list(?ETS_TABLE),
UniqueSortedTab = lists:usort([Cid || #event{cid = Cid} <- Tab]),
UniqueSortedTab = lists:usort([Cid || #event{client_id = Cid} <- Tab]),
1 = length(UniqueSortedTab).

is_host_count_reported() ->

are_modules_reported() ->

is_in_table(EventCategory) ->
is_in_table(EventName) ->
Tab = ets:tab2list(?ETS_TABLE),
fun(#event{ec = EC}) ->
verify_category(EC, EventCategory)
fun(#event{name = Name, params = Params}) ->
verify_name(Name, EventName, Params)
end, Tab).

verify_category(EC, <<"module">>) ->
Result = re:run(EC, "^mod_.*"),
verify_name(<<"module_with_opts">>, <<"module">>, Params) ->
Module = maps:get(<<"module">>, Params),
Result = re:run(Module, "^mod_.*"),
case Result of
{match, _Captured} -> true;
nomatch -> false
verify_category(EC, EC) ->
verify_name(Name, Name, _) ->
verify_category(_EC, _EventCategory) ->
verify_name(_, _, _) ->

get_events_collection_size() ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -464,30 +464,30 @@ primary_tracking_id() ->

events_are_reported_to_tracking_ids(ConfiguredTrackingIds) ->
Tab = ets:tab2list(?ETS_TABLE),
ActualTrackingIds = lists:usort([Tid || #event{tid = Tid} <- Tab]),
ExpectedTrackingIds = lists:sort([list_to_binary(Tid) || Tid <- ConfiguredTrackingIds]),
ActualTrackingIds = lists:usort([InstanceId || #event{instance_id = InstanceId} <- Tab]),
ExpectedTrackingIds = lists:sort([list_to_binary(Tid) || #{id := Tid} <- ConfiguredTrackingIds]),
?assertEqual(ExpectedTrackingIds, ActualTrackingIds).

is_feature_reported(EventCategory, EventAction) ->
length(match_events(EventCategory, EventAction)) > 0.
is_feature_reported(EventName, Key) ->
length(match_events(EventName, Key)) > 0.

is_feature_reported(EventCategory, EventAction, EventLabel) ->
length(match_events(EventCategory, EventAction, EventLabel)) > 0.
is_feature_reported(EventName, Key, Value) ->
length(match_events(EventName, Key, Value)) > 0.

is_module_backend_reported(Module, Backend) ->
is_feature_reported(atom_to_binary(Module), <<"backend">>, atom_to_binary(Backend)).
is_module_opt_reported(Module, <<"backend">>, Backend).

is_module_opt_reported(Module, Key, Value) ->
is_feature_reported(atom_to_binary(Module), atom_to_binary(Key), Value).
length(get_matched_events_for_module(Module, Key, Value)) > 0.

is_mongoose_version_reported() ->
is_feature_reported(<<"cluster">>, <<"mim_version">>).
is_feature_reported(<<"cluster">>, <<"version">>).

is_cluster_uptime_reported() ->
is_feature_reported(<<"cluster">>, <<"uptime">>).

are_xmpp_components_reported() ->
is_feature_reported(<<"cluster">>, <<"number_of_components">>).
is_feature_reported(<<"cluster">>, <<"components">>).

is_config_type_reported() ->
IsToml = is_feature_reported(<<"cluster">>, <<"config_type">>, <<"toml">>),
Expand All @@ -504,68 +504,74 @@ are_outgoing_pools_reported() ->

is_iq_count_reported() ->

is_message_count_reported() ->
is_in_table(<<"xmppMessageSent">>) andalso is_in_table(<<"xmppMessageReceived">>).
XmppMessageSent = is_feature_reported(<<"xmpp_stanza_count">>,
XmppMessageReceived = is_feature_reported(<<"xmpp_stanza_count">>,
XmppMessageSent andalso XmppMessageReceived.

assert_message_count_is_incremented(Sent, Received) ->
assert_increment(<<"xmppMessageSent">>, Sent),
assert_increment(<<"xmppMessageReceived">>, Received).

assert_increment(EventCategory, InitialValue) ->
Events = match_events(EventCategory, integer_to_binary(InitialValue + 1), <<$1>>),
?assertMatch([_], Events). % expect exactly one event with an increment of 1
Events = match_events(<<"xmpp_stanza_count">>, <<"stanza_type">>, EventCategory),
% expect exactly one event with an increment of 1
SeekedEvent = [Event || Event = #event{params =
#{<<"total">> := Total, <<"increment">> := 1}} <- Events, Total == InitialValue + 1],
?assertMatch([_], SeekedEvent).

get_metric_value(EventCategory) ->
[#event{ea = Value} | _] = match_events(EventCategory),
[#event{params = #{<<"total">> := Value}} | _] = match_events(<<"xmpp_stanza_count">>, <<"stanza_type">>, EventCategory),

more_than_one_component_is_reported() ->
Events = match_events(<<"cluster">>, <<"number_of_components">>),
lists:any(fun(#event{el = EL}) ->
binary_to_integer(EL) > 0
Events = match_events(<<"cluster">>),
lists:any(fun(#event{params = Params}) ->
maps:get(<<"components">>, Params) > 0
end, Events).

match_events(EC) ->
ets:match_object(?ETS_TABLE, #event{ec = EC, _ = '_'}).
match_events(EventName) ->
ets:match_object(?ETS_TABLE, #event{name = EventName, _ = '_'}).

match_events(EC, EA) ->
ets:match_object(?ETS_TABLE, #event{ec = EC, ea = EA, _ = '_'}).
match_events(EventName, ParamKey) ->
Res = ets:match_object(?ETS_TABLE, #event{name = EventName, _ = '_'}),
[Event || Event = #event{params = #{ParamKey := _}} <- Res].

match_events(EC, EA, EL) ->
ets:match_object(?ETS_TABLE, #event{ec = EC, ea = EA, el = EL, _ = '_'}).
match_events(EventName, ParamKey, ParamValue) ->
Res = ets:match_object(?ETS_TABLE, #event{name = EventName, _ = '_'}),
[Event || Event = #event{params = #{ParamKey := Value}} <- Res, Value == ParamValue].

get_matched_events_for_module(ParamModule, Key, ParamValue) ->
Res = ets:match_object(?ETS_TABLE, #event{name = <<"module_with_opts">>, _ = '_'}),
[Event || Event = #event{params = #{<<"module">> := Module, Key := Value}} <- Res,
Value == ParamValue, Module == ParamModule].

%% Cowboy handlers
handler_init(Req0) ->
{ok, Body, Req} = cowboy_req:read_body(Req0),
StrEvents = string:split(Body, "\n", all),
#{measurement_id := InstanceId, api_secret := AppSecret} = cowboy_req:match_qs([measurement_id, api_secret], Req0),
BodyMap = jiffy:decode(Body, [return_maps]),
EventTab = maps:get(<<"events">>, BodyMap),
ClientID = maps:get(<<"client_id">>, BodyMap),
fun(StrEvent) ->
Event = str_to_event(StrEvent),
fun(Event) ->
EventRecord = #event{name = maps:get(<<"name">>, Event),
params = maps:get(<<"params">>, Event),
client_id = ClientID,
instance_id = InstanceId,
app_secret = AppSecret},
%% TODO there is a race condition when table is not available
ets:insert(?ETS_TABLE, Event)
end, StrEvents),
ets:insert(?ETS_TABLE, EventRecord)
end, EventTab),
Req1 = cowboy_req:reply(200, #{}, <<"">>, Req),
{ok, Req1, no_state}.

str_to_event(Qs) ->
StrParams = string:split(Qs, "&", all),
Params = lists:map(
fun(StrParam) ->
[StrKey, StrVal] = string:split(StrParam, "="),
{binary_to_atom(StrKey, utf8), StrVal}
end, StrParams),
cid = get_el(cid, Params),
tid = get_el(tid, Params),
ec = get_el(ec, Params),
ea = get_el(ea, Params),
el = get_el(el, Params),
ev = get_el(ev, Params)

get_el(Key, Proplist) ->
proplists:get_value(Key, Proplist, undef).
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions src/system_metrics/mongoose_system_metrics_collector.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -182,7 +182,6 @@ get_outgoing_pools() ->
params => #{value => Type}} || #{type := Type} <- OutgoingPools].

get_xmpp_stanzas_count(PrevReport) ->
io:format("PREV_REPORT: ~p", [PrevReport]),
StanzaTypes = [xmppMessageSent, xmppMessageReceived, xmppIqSent,
xmppIqReceived, xmppPresenceSent, xmppPresenceReceived],
NewCount = [count_stanzas(StanzaType) || StanzaType <- StanzaTypes],
Expand All @@ -204,9 +203,8 @@ calculate_stanza_rate([], NewCount) ->
[{Type, Count, Count} || {Type, Count} <- NewCount];
calculate_stanza_rate(PrevReport, NewCount) ->
ReportProplist = [{Name, Key} ||
#{name := xmpp_stanzas_count,
#{name := xmpp_stanza_count,
params := #{stanza_type := Name, total := Key}} <- PrevReport],
io:format("ReportProplist: ~p\n", [ReportProplist]),
[{Type, Count,
case proplists:get_value(Type, ReportProplist) of
undefined -> Count;
Expand Down
16 changes: 3 additions & 13 deletions src/system_metrics/mongoose_system_metrics_sender.erl
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Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
[service_mongoose_system_metrics:tracking_id()]) -> ok.
send(ClientId, Reports, TrackingIds) ->
io:format("\nReports: ~p", [Reports]),
send_reports_for_each_tracking_id(ClientId, TrackingIds, Reports),

Expand All @@ -39,20 +38,11 @@ flush_reports(ReportUrl, Reports, ClientId,
Headers = [],
ContentType = "application/json",
Body = jiffy:encode(#{client_id => list_to_binary(ClientId), events => Reports}),
io:format("Body: ~p", [Body]),
ReportUrl2 = uri_string:normalize(ReportUrl ++ "?api_secret=" ++ TrackingSecret ++ "&measurement_id=" ++ TrackingId),
io:format("URL: ~p", [ReportUrl2]),
ReportUrl2 = uri_string:normalize(
ReportUrl ++ "?api_secret=" ++ TrackingSecret ++ "&measurement_id=" ++ TrackingId),
Request = {ReportUrl2, Headers, ContentType, Body},
Res = httpc:request(post, Request, [{ssl, [{verify, verify_none}]}], []),
io:format("RES: ~p", [Res]),
httpc:request(post, Request, [{ssl, [{verify, verify_none}]}], []);
flush_reports(ReportUrl, Reports, ClientId, TrackingId) ->
{NewBatch, RemainingLines} = lists:split(20, Reports),
flush_reports(ReportUrl, NewBatch, ClientId, TrackingId),
flush_reports(ReportUrl, RemainingLines, ClientId, TrackingId).

term_to_string(Term) when is_binary(Term) ->
term_to_string(Term) ->
R = io_lib:format("~p",[Term]),
15 changes: 12 additions & 3 deletions src/system_metrics/service_mongoose_system_metrics.erl
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Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@

-type system_metrics_state() :: #system_metrics_state{}.
-type client_id() :: string().
-type tracking_id() :: string().
-type tracking_id() :: #{id => string(), secret => string()}.

-spec verify_if_configured() -> ok | ignore.
verify_if_configured() ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,13 +73,22 @@ config_spec() ->
<<"periodic_report">> => #option{type = integer,
validate = non_negative},
<<"report">> => #option{type = boolean},
<<"tracking_id">> => #option{type = string,
validate = non_empty}
<<"tracking_id">> => tracking_id_section()
defaults = #{<<"initial_report">> => timer:minutes(5),
<<"periodic_report">> => timer:minutes(6)}

tracking_id_section() ->
items = #{<<"id">> => #option{type = string,
validate = non_empty},
<<"secret">> => #option{type = string,
validate = non_empty}
required = all

-spec start_link(mongoose_service:options()) -> {ok, pid()}.
start_link(Opts) ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, Opts, []).
Expand Down

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