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Cover error cases in muc_http_api_SUITE
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chrzaszcz committed Sep 14, 2022
1 parent 6d493fa commit 8c84819
Showing 1 changed file with 86 additions and 44 deletions.
130 changes: 86 additions & 44 deletions big_tests/tests/muc_http_api_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,8 @@

-import(domain_helper, [domain/0]).
-import(domain_helper, [domain/0, secondary_domain/0]).
-import(rest_helper, [post/3, delete/2]).

%% Suite configuration
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,8 +56,10 @@ complex() ->

failure_response() ->

%% Init & teardown
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,7 +129,7 @@ invite_online_user_to_room(Config) ->
recipient => escalus_client:short_jid(Bob),
reason => Reason},
{{<<"404">>, _}, <<"Room not found">>} = rest_helper:post(admin, Path, Body),
set_up_room(Config, Alice),
set_up_room(Config, escalus_client:short_jid(Alice)),
{{<<"204">>, _}, <<"">>} = rest_helper:post(admin, Path, Body),
Stanza = escalus:wait_for_stanza(Bob),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,60 +276,99 @@ multiparty_multiprotocol(Config) ->
user_sees_message_from(Alice, Room, 2))

failed_invites(Config) ->
escalus:fresh_story(Config, [{alice, 1}, {bob, 1}], fun(Alice, Bob) ->
Name = set_up_room(Config, Alice),
BAlice = escalus_client:short_jid(Alice),
BBob = escalus_client:short_jid(Bob),
% Invite to a non-existent room
{{<<"404">>, _}, <<"Room not found">>} = send_invite(<<"thisroomdoesnotexist">>, BAlice, BBob),
% Invite with a bad jid
{{<<"400">>, _}, <<"Invalid recipient JID">>} = send_invite(Name, BAlice, <<"@badjid">>),
{{<<"400">>, _}, <<"Invalid sender JID">>} = send_invite(Name, <<"@badjid">>, BBob),

failed_messages(Config) ->
escalus:fresh_story(Config, [{alice, 1}], fun(Alice) ->
Name = set_up_room(Config, Alice),
% Message to a non-existent room succeeds in the current implementation
BAlice = escalus_client:short_jid(Alice),
{{<<"204">>, _}, <<>>} = send_message(<<"thisroomdoesnotexist">>, BAlice),
% Message from a bad jid
{{<<"400">>, _}, <<"Invalid sender JID", _/binary>>} = send_message(Name, <<"@badjid">>),
room_creation_errors(Config) ->
Config1 = escalus_fresh:create_users(Config, [{alice, 1}]),
AliceJid = escalus_users:get_jid(Config1, alice),
Name = ?config(room_name, Config),
Body = #{name => Name, owner => AliceJid, nick => <<"nick">>},
{{<<"400">>, _}, <<"Missing room name">>} =
post(admin, <<"/mucs/", (domain())/binary>>, maps:remove(name, Body)),
{{<<"400">>, _}, <<"Missing nickname">>} =
post(admin, <<"/mucs/", (domain())/binary>>, maps:remove(nick, Body)),
{{<<"400">>, _}, <<"Missing owner JID">>} =
post(admin, <<"/mucs/", (domain())/binary>>, maps:remove(owner, Body)),
{{<<"400">>, _}, <<"Invalid room name">>} =
post(admin, <<"/mucs/", (domain())/binary>>, Body#{name := <<"@invalid">>}),
{{<<"400">>, _}, <<"Invalid owner JID">>} =
post(admin, <<"/mucs/", (domain())/binary>>, Body#{owner := <<"@invalid">>}),
{{<<"404">>, _}, <<"Given user not found">>} =
post(admin, <<"/mucs/", (domain())/binary>>, Body#{owner := <<"baduser@baddomain">>}).

invite_errors(Config) ->
Config1 = escalus_fresh:create_users(Config, [{alice, 1}, {bob, 1}]),
AliceJid = escalus_users:get_jid(Config1, alice),
BobJid = escalus_users:get_jid(Config1, bob),
Name = set_up_room(Config1, AliceJid),
Path = path([Name, "participants"]),
Body = #{sender => AliceJid, recipient => BobJid, reason => <<"Join this room!">>},
{{<<"400">>, _}, <<"Missing sender JID">>} =
post(admin, Path, maps:remove(sender, Body)),
{{<<"400">>, _}, <<"Missing recipient JID">>} =
post(admin, Path, maps:remove(recipient, Body)),
{{<<"400">>, _}, <<"Missing invite reason">>} =
post(admin, Path, maps:remove(reason, Body)),
{{<<"400">>, _}, <<"Invalid recipient JID">>} =
post(admin, Path, Body#{recipient := <<"@badjid">>}),
{{<<"400">>, _}, <<"Invalid sender JID">>} =
post(admin, Path, Body#{sender := <<"@badjid">>}),
{{<<"404">>, _}, <<"MUC domain not found">>} =
post(admin, <<"/mucs/baddomain/", Name/binary, "/participants">>, Body),
{{<<"404">>, _}, <<"Room not found">>} =
post(admin, path(["thisroomdoesnotexist", "participants"]), Body).

kick_user_errors(Config) ->
Config1 = escalus_fresh:create_users(Config, [{alice, 1}]),
AliceJid = escalus_users:get_jid(Config1, alice),
Name = ?config(room_name, Config1),
{{<<"404">>, _}, <<"Room not found">>} = delete(admin, path([Name, "nick"])),
set_up_room(Config1, AliceJid),
mongoose_helper:wait_until(fun() -> check_if_moderator_not_found(Name) end, ok),
%% Alice sends presence to the room, making her the moderator
{ok, Alice} = escalus_client:start(Config1, alice, <<"res1">>),
escalus:send(Alice, muc_helper:stanza_muc_enter_room(Name, <<"ali">>)),
%% Alice gets her affiliation information and the room's subject line.
escalus:wait_for_stanzas(Alice, 2),
%% Kicking a non-existent nick succeeds in the current implementation
{{<<"204">>, _}, <<>>} = delete(admin, path([Name, "nick"])),
escalus_client:stop(Config, Alice).

%% @doc Check if the sequence below has already happened:
%% 1. Room notification to the owner is bounced back, because the owner is offline
%% 2. The owner is removed from the online users
%% As a result, a request to kick a user returns Error 404
check_if_moderator_not_found(RoomName) ->
case delete(admin, path([RoomName, "nick"])) of
{{<<"404">>, _}, <<"Moderator user not found">>} -> ok;
{{<<"204">>, _}, _} -> not_yet

message_errors(Config) ->
Config1 = escalus_fresh:create_users(Config, [{alice, 1}]),
AliceJid = escalus_users:get_jid(Config1, alice),
Name = set_up_room(Config1, AliceJid),
Path = path([Name, "messages"]),
Body = #{from => AliceJid, body => <<"Greetings!">>},
% Message to a non-existent room succeeds in the current implementation
{{<<"204">>, _}, <<>>} = post(admin, path(["thisroomdoesnotexist", "messages"]), Body),
{{<<"400">>, _}, <<"Missing message body">>} = post(admin, Path, maps:remove(body, Body)),
{{<<"400">>, _}, <<"Missing sender JID">>} = post(admin, Path, maps:remove(from, Body)),
{{<<"400">>, _}, <<"Invalid sender JID">>} = post(admin, Path, Body#{from := <<"@invalid">>}).

%% Ancillary (adapted from the MUC suite)

set_up_room(Config, Alice) ->
set_up_room(Config, OwnerJID) ->
% create a room first
Name = ?config(room_name, Config),
Path = path([]),
Body = #{name => Name,
owner => escalus_client:short_jid(Alice),
owner => OwnerJID,
nick => <<"ali">>},
Res = rest_helper:post(admin, Path, Body),
{{<<"201">>, _}, Name} = Res,

send_invite(RoomName, BinFrom, BinTo) ->
Path = path([RoomName, "participants"]),
Reason = <<"I think you'll like this room!">>,
Body = #{sender => BinFrom,
recipient => BinTo,
reason => Reason},
rest_helper:post(admin, Path, Body).

send_message(RoomName, BinFrom) ->
Path = path([RoomName, "messages"]),
Message = <<"Greetings!">>,
Body = #{from => BinFrom,
body => Message},
rest_helper:post(admin, Path, Body).

make_distinct_name(Prefix) ->
{_, S, US} = os:timestamp(),
L = lists:flatten([integer_to_list(S rem 100), ".", integer_to_list(US)]),
Expand Down

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