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rework of ejabberd_hooks module
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DenysGonchar committed Apr 19, 2021
1 parent 6f405f0 commit ec24b01
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Showing 7 changed files with 544 additions and 497 deletions.
218 changes: 127 additions & 91 deletions src/ejabberd_hooks.erl
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Expand Up @@ -34,10 +34,10 @@

%% gen_server callbacks
Expand All @@ -54,7 +54,18 @@


-type hook() :: {atom(), jid:server() | global, module(), fun() | atom(), integer()}.
-type hook() :: {HookName :: atom(),
HostType :: binary() | global,
Module :: module() | undefined,
Fn :: fun() | atom(),
Priority:: integer()}.

-type key() :: {HookName :: atom(),
HostType :: binary() | global}.

-type element() :: {Priority:: integer(), %% must be first to ensure proper sorting
Module :: module() | undefined,
Fn :: fun() | atom()}.

-record(state, {}).

Expand All @@ -67,94 +78,93 @@ start_link() ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ejabberd_hooks}, ejabberd_hooks, [], []).

%% @doc Add a fun to the given hook.
%% The integer sequence is used to sort the calls:
%% The integer Priority is used to sort the calls:
%% low numbers are executed before high numbers.
-spec add(Hook :: atom(),
Host :: jid:server() | global,
-spec add(HookName :: atom(),
HostType :: binary() | global,
Function :: fun() | atom(),
Seq :: integer()) -> ok.
add(Hook, Host, Function, Seq) when is_function(Function) ->
add(Hook, Host, undefined, Function, Seq).
Priority :: integer()) -> ok.
add(HookName, HostType, Function, Priority) when is_function(Function) ->
add_hook({HookName, HostType, undefined, Function, Priority}).

%% @doc Add a module and function to the given hook.
%% The integer sequence is used to sort the calls:
%% The integer Priority is used to sort the calls:
%% low numbers are executed before high numbers.
-spec add(Hook :: atom(),
Host :: jid:server() | global,
-spec add(HookName :: atom(),
HostType :: binary() | global,
Module :: atom(),
Function :: fun() | atom(),
Seq :: integer()) -> ok.
add(Hook, Host, Module, Function, Seq) ->
gen_server:call(ejabberd_hooks, {add, Hook, Host, Module, Function, Seq}).
Priority :: integer()) -> ok.
add(HookName, HostType, Module, Function, Priority) ->
add_hook({HookName, HostType, Module, Function, Priority}).

-spec add([hook()]) -> ok.
add(Hooks) when is_list(Hooks) ->
add_or_del(add, Hooks).

-spec add_or_del(add | delete, [hook()]) -> ok.
add_or_del(AddOrDel, Hooks) ->
[erlang:apply(?MODULE, AddOrDel, tuple_to_list(Hook)) ||
Hook <- Hooks],
[add_hook(Hook) || Hook <- Hooks],

-spec add_hook(hook()) -> ok.
add_hook(Hook) ->
gen_server:call(ejabberd_hooks, {add, Hook}).

%% @doc Delete a module and function from this hook.
%% It is important to indicate exactly the same information than when the call was added.
-spec delete(Hook :: atom(),
Host :: jid:server() | global,
-spec delete(HookName :: atom(),
HostType :: binary() | global,
Function :: fun() | atom(),
Seq :: integer()) -> ok.
delete(Hook, Host, Function, Seq) when is_function(Function) ->
delete(Hook, Host, undefined, Function, Seq).
Priority :: integer()) -> ok.
delete(HookName, HostType, Function, Priority) when is_function(Function) ->
delete_hook({HookName, HostType, undefined, Function, Priority}).

-spec delete(Hook :: atom(),
Host :: jid:server() | global,
-spec delete(HookName :: atom(),
HostType :: binary() | global,
Module :: atom(),
Function :: fun() | atom(),
Seq :: integer()) -> ok.
delete(Hook, Host, Module, Function, Seq) ->
gen_server:call(ejabberd_hooks, {delete, Hook, Host, Module, Function, Seq}).
Priority :: integer()) -> ok.
delete(HookName, HostType, Module, Function, Priority) ->
delete_hook({HookName, HostType, Module, Function, Priority}).

-spec delete([hook()]) -> ok.
delete(Hooks) when is_list(Hooks) ->
add_or_del(delete, Hooks).
[delete_hook(Hook) || Hook <- Hooks],

-spec delete_hook(hook()) -> ok.
delete_hook(Hook) ->
gen_server:call(ejabberd_hooks, {delete, Hook}).

%% @doc Run the calls of this hook in order, don't care about function results.
%% If a call returns stop, no more calls are performed.
-spec run(Hook :: atom(),
Args :: [any()]) -> ok.
run(Hook, Args) ->
run(Hook, global, Args).

-spec run(Hook :: atom(),
Host :: jid:server() | global,
Args :: [any()]) -> ok.
run(Hook, Host, Args) ->
-spec run_global(HookName :: atom(),
Args :: [any()]) -> ok.
run_global(HookName, Args) ->
run_fold(HookName, global, ok, Args).

-spec run_for_host_type(HookName :: atom(),
HostType :: binary(),
Args :: [any()]) -> ok.
run_for_host_type(HookName, HostType, Args) ->
%% We don't provide mongoose_acc here because we can't create a valid one.
run_fold(Hook, Host, ok, Args).
run_fold(HookName, HostType, ok, Args).

%% @spec (Hook::atom(), Val, Args) -> Val | stopped | NewVal
%% @spec (HookName::atom(), Acc, Args) -> Val | stopped | NewVal
%% @doc Run the calls of this hook in order.
%% The arguments passed to the function are: [Val | Args].
%% The result of a call is used as Val for the next call.
%% The arguments passed to the function are: [Acc | Args].
%% The result of a call is used as Acc for the next call.
%% If a call returns 'stop', no more calls are performed and 'stopped' is returned.
%% If a call returns {stop, NewVal}, no more calls are performed and NewVal is returned.
-spec run_fold(Hook :: atom(), Val :: term(), Args :: [term()]) -> term() | stopped.
run_fold(Hook, Val, Args) ->
run_fold(Hook, global, Val, Args).

-spec run_fold(Hook :: atom(),
Host :: global | jid:server(),
Val :: term(),
Args :: [term()]) ->
term() | stopped.
run_fold(Hook, Host, Val, Args) ->
case ets:lookup(hooks, {Hook, Host}) of
[{_, Ls}] ->
mongoose_metrics:increment_generic_hook_metric(Host, Hook),
run_fold1(Ls, Hook, Val, Args);
[] ->
%% If a call returns {stop, NewAcc}, no more calls are performed and NewAcc is returned.
-spec run_global(HookName :: atom(), Acc :: term(), Args :: [term()]) ->
NewAcc :: term() | stopped.
run_global(HookName, Acc, Args) ->
run_fold(HookName, global, Acc, Args).

-spec run_for_host_type(HookName :: atom(),
HostType :: binary(),
Acc :: term(),
Args :: [term()]) ->
NewAcc :: term() | stopped.
run_for_host_type(HookName, HostType, Acc, Args) ->
run_fold(HookName, HostType, Acc, Args).

%%% Callback functions from gen_server
Expand All @@ -180,31 +190,33 @@ init([]) ->
%% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} | (terminate/2 is called)
%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
handle_call({add, Hook, Host, Module, Function, Seq}, _From, State) ->
Reply = case ets:lookup(hooks, {Hook, Host}) of
handle_call({add, Hook}, _From, State) ->
{Key, El} = get_key_and_el(Hook),
Reply = case ets:lookup(hooks, Key) of
[{_, Ls}] ->
El = {Seq, Module, Function},
case lists:member(El, Ls) of
true ->
false ->
%% NB: lists:merge/2 returns sorted list!
NewLs = lists:merge(Ls, [El]),
ets:insert(hooks, {{Hook, Host}, NewLs}),
ets:insert(hooks, {Key, NewLs}),
[] ->
NewLs = [{Seq, Module, Function}],
ets:insert(hooks, {{Hook, Host}, NewLs}),
mongoose_metrics:create_generic_hook_metric(Host, Hook),
NewLs = [El],
ets:insert(hooks, {Key, NewLs}),
{reply, Reply, State};

handle_call({delete, Hook, Host, Module, Function, Seq}, _From, State) ->
Reply = case ets:lookup(hooks, {Hook, Host}) of
handle_call({delete, Hook}, _From, State) ->
{Key, El} = get_key_and_el(Hook),
Reply = case ets:lookup(hooks, Key) of
[{_, Ls}] ->
NewLs = lists:delete({Seq, Module, Function}, Ls),
ets:insert(hooks, {{Hook, Host}, NewLs}),
NewLs = lists:delete(El, Ls),
ets:insert(hooks, {Key, NewLs}),
[] ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,29 +261,53 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
%%% Internal functions
-spec run_fold(HookName :: atom(),
HostType :: global | binary(),
Acc :: term(),
Args :: [term()]) ->
term() | stopped.
run_fold(HookName, HostType, Acc, Args) ->
Key = {HookName, HostType},
case ets:lookup(hooks, Key) of
[{_, Ls}] ->
mongoose_metrics:increment_generic_hook_metric(HostType, HookName),
run_hook(Ls, Key, Acc, Args);
[] ->

run_fold1([], _Hook, Val, _Args) ->
run_hook([], _Key, Val, _Args) ->
run_fold1([{_Seq, Module, Function} | Ls], Hook, Val, Args) ->
Res = hook_apply_function(Module, Function, Val, Args),
run_hook([{_Priority, Module, Function} | Ls], Key, Acc, Args) ->
Res = hook_apply_function(Module, Function, Acc, Args),
case Res of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
error_running_hook(Reason, Hook, Args),
run_fold1(Ls, Hook, Val, Args);
error_running_hook(Reason, Key, Args),
run_hook(Ls, Key, Acc, Args);
stop ->
{stop, NewVal} ->
NewVal ->
run_fold1(Ls, Hook, NewVal, Args)
{stop, NewAcc} ->
NewAcc ->
run_hook(Ls, Key, NewAcc, Args)

hook_apply_function(_Module, Function, Val, Args) when is_function(Function) ->
safely:apply(Function, [Val | Args]);
hook_apply_function(Module, Function, Val, Args) ->
safely:apply(Module, Function, [Val | Args]).
hook_apply_function(_Module, Function, Acc, Args) when is_function(Function) ->
safely:apply(Function, [Acc | Args]);
hook_apply_function(Module, Function, Acc, Args) ->
safely:apply(Module, Function, [Acc | Args]).

error_running_hook(Reason, Hook, Args) ->
error_running_hook(Reason, Key, Args) ->
?LOG_ERROR(#{what => hook_failed,
text => <<"Error running hook">>,
hook => Hook, args => Args, reason => Reason}).
hook_key => Key, args => Args, reason => Reason}).

-spec get_key_and_el(hook()) -> {key(), element()}.
get_key_and_el({HookName, HostType, Module, Function, Priority}) ->
Key = {HookName, HostType},
El = {Priority, Module, Function},
{Key, El}.

-spec create_hook_metric(Key :: key()) -> any().
create_hook_metric({HookName, HostType}) ->
mongoose_metrics:create_generic_hook_metric(HostType, HookName).
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/mongoose_commands.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ register_commands(Commands) ->
fun(Command) ->
check_registration(Command), %% may throw
ets:insert_new(mongoose_commands, Command),
mongoose_hooks:register_command(global, Command),
Expand All @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ unregister_commands(Commands) ->
fun(Command) ->
ets:delete_object(mongoose_commands, Command),
mongoose_hooks:unregister_command(global, Command)

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