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Merge pull request #3825 from esl/hooks/mod_smart_markers
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Refactored hook handlers in mod_smart_markers
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NelsonVides authored Oct 25, 2022
2 parents 75c9692 + 8d04b71 commit edccf71
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Showing 2 changed files with 75 additions and 52 deletions.
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions src/mongoose_hooks.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1008,8 +1008,11 @@ room_exists(HostType, Room) ->
Version :: binary(),
NewAcc :: mongoose_acc:t().
room_new_affiliations(Acc, Room, NewAffs, Version) ->
Params = #{room => Room, new_affs => NewAffs, version => Version},
Args = [Room, NewAffs, Version],
ParamsWithLegacyArgs = ejabberd_hooks:add_args(Params, Args),
HostType = mod_muc_light_utils:acc_to_host_type(Acc),
run_hook_for_host_type(room_new_affiliations, HostType, Acc, [Room, NewAffs, Version]).
run_hook_for_host_type(room_new_affiliations, HostType, Acc, ParamsWithLegacyArgs).

%% MAM related hooks

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1465,7 +1468,10 @@ filter_room_packet(HostType, Packet, EventData) ->
Room :: jid:luser(),
Result :: any().
forget_room(HostType, MucHost, Room) ->
run_hook_for_host_type(forget_room, HostType, #{}, [HostType, MucHost, Room]).
Params = #{muc_host => MucHost, room => Room},
Args = [HostType, MucHost, Room],
ParamsWithLegacyArgs = ejabberd_hooks:add_args(Params, Args),
run_hook_for_host_type(forget_room, HostType, #{}, ParamsWithLegacyArgs).

-spec invitation_sent(HookServer, Host, RoomJID, From, To, Reason) -> Result when
HookServer :: jid:server(),
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117 changes: 67 additions & 50 deletions src/smart_markers/mod_smart_markers.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,10 +69,9 @@

%% Hook handlers
-export([process_iq/5, user_send_packet/4, filter_local_packet/1,
remove_user/3, remove_domain/3, forget_room/4, room_new_affiliations/4]).
-ignore_xref([process_iq/5, user_send_packet/4, filter_local_packet/1,
remove_user/3, remove_domain/3, forget_room/4, room_new_affiliations/4]).
-export([process_iq/5, user_send_packet/3, filter_local_packet/3,
remove_user/3, remove_domain/3, forget_room/3, room_new_affiliations/3]).

%% Type declarations
Expand All @@ -95,7 +94,7 @@ start(HostType, #{iqdisc := IQDisc, keep_private := Private} = Opts) ->
HostType, ?NS_ESL_SMART_MARKERS, ejabberd_sm,
fun ?MODULE:process_iq/5, #{keep_private => Private}, IQDisc),
ejabberd_hooks:add(hooks(HostType, Opts)).
gen_hook:add_handlers(hooks(HostType, Opts)).

-spec stop(mongooseim:host_type()) -> ok.
stop(HostType) ->
Expand All @@ -105,7 +104,7 @@ stop(HostType) ->
_ -> ok
gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler_for_domain(HostType, ?NS_ESL_SMART_MARKERS, ejabberd_sm),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(hooks(HostType, Opts)).
gen_hook:delete_handlers(hooks(HostType, Opts)).

-spec supported_features() -> [atom()].
supported_features() ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,21 +190,29 @@ maybe_thread(Bin) ->
[{<<"thread">>, Bin}].

-spec hooks(mongooseim:host_type(), gen_mod:module_opts()) -> [ejabberd_hooks:hook()].
-spec hooks(mongooseim:host_type(), gen_mod:module_opts()) -> gen_hook:hook_list().
hooks(HostType, #{keep_private := KeepPrivate}) ->
[{user_send_packet, HostType, ?MODULE, user_send_packet, 90} |
[{user_send_packet, HostType, fun ?MODULE:user_send_packet/3, #{}, 90} |
private_hooks(HostType, KeepPrivate) ++ removal_hooks(HostType)].

private_hooks(_HostType, false) ->
private_hooks(HostType, true) ->
[{filter_local_packet, HostType, ?MODULE, filter_local_packet, 20}].
[{filter_local_packet, HostType, fun ?MODULE:filter_local_packet/3, #{}, 20}].

removal_hooks(HostType) ->
[{remove_user, HostType, ?MODULE, remove_user, 60},
{remove_domain, HostType, ?MODULE, remove_domain, 60},
{forget_room, HostType, ?MODULE, forget_room, 85},
{room_new_affiliations, HostType, ?MODULE, room_new_affiliations, 60}].
[{remove_user, HostType, fun ?MODULE:remove_user/3, #{}, 60},
{remove_domain, HostType, fun ?MODULE:remove_domain/3, #{}, 60},
{forget_room, HostType, fun ?MODULE:forget_room/3, #{}, 85},
{room_new_affiliations, HostType, fun ?MODULE:room_new_affiliations/3, #{}, 60}].

-spec user_send_packet(Acc, Params, Extra) -> {ok, Acc} when
Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(),
Params :: map(),
Extra :: map().
user_send_packet(Acc, _, _) ->
{From, To, Packet} = mongoose_acc:packet(Acc),
{ok, user_send_packet(Acc, From, To, Packet)}.

-spec user_send_packet(mongoose_acc:t(), jid:jid(), jid:jid(), exml:element()) ->
Expand All @@ -219,54 +226,64 @@ user_send_packet(Acc, From, To, Packet = #xmlel{name = <<"message">>}) ->
user_send_packet(Acc, _From, _To, _Packet) ->

-spec filter_local_packet(mongoose_hooks:filter_packet_acc() | drop) ->
mongoose_hooks:filter_packet_acc() | drop.
filter_local_packet(Filter = {_From, _To, _Acc, Msg = #xmlel{name = <<"message">>}}) ->
case mongoose_chat_markers:has_chat_markers(Msg) of
-spec filter_local_packet(Acc, Params, Extra) -> {ok, Acc} when
Acc :: mongoose_hooks:filter_packet_acc() | drop,
Params :: map(),
Extra :: map().
filter_local_packet(Filter = {_From, _To, _Acc, Msg = #xmlel{name = <<"message">>}}, _, _) ->
NewFilter = case mongoose_chat_markers:has_chat_markers(Msg) of
false -> Filter;
true -> drop
filter_local_packet(Filter) ->

remove_user(Acc, User, Server) ->
{ok, NewFilter};
filter_local_packet(Filter, _, _) ->
{ok, Filter}.

-spec remove_user(Acc, Params, Extra) -> {ok, Acc} when
Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(),
Params :: #{jid := jid:jid()},
Extra :: map().
remove_user(Acc, #{jid := #jid{luser = User, lserver = Server}}, _) ->
HostType = mongoose_acc:host_type(Acc),
mod_smart_markers_backend:remove_user(HostType, jid:make_bare(User, Server)),
{ok, Acc}.

-spec remove_domain(mongoose_hooks:simple_acc(),
mongooseim:host_type(), jid:lserver()) ->
remove_domain(Acc, HostType, Domain) ->
-spec remove_domain(Acc, Params, Extra) -> {ok, Acc} when
Acc :: mongoose_domain_api:remove_domain_acc(),
Params :: #{domain := jid:lserver()},
Extra :: #{host_type := mongooseim:host_type()}.
remove_domain(Acc, #{domain := Domain}, #{host_type := HostType}) ->
mod_smart_markers_backend:remove_domain(HostType, Domain),
{ok, Acc}.

-spec forget_room(mongoose_hooks:simple_acc(), mongooseim:host_type(), jid:lserver(), jid:luser()) ->
forget_room(Acc, HostType, RoomS, RoomU) ->
-spec forget_room(Acc, Params, Extra) -> {ok, Acc} when
Acc :: mongoose_domain_api:simple_acc(),
Params :: #{muc_host := jid:lserver(), room := jid:luser()},
Extra :: #{host_type := mongooseim:host_type()}.
forget_room(Acc, #{muc_host := RoomS, room := RoomU}, #{host_type := HostType}) ->
mod_smart_markers_backend:remove_to(HostType, jid:make_noprep(RoomU, RoomS, <<>>)),
{ok, Acc}.

%% The new affs can be found in the Acc:element, where we can scan for 'none' ones
-spec room_new_affiliations(mongoose_acc:t(), jid:jid(), mod_muc_light:aff_users(), binary()) ->
room_new_affiliations(Acc, RoomJid, _NewAffs, _NewVersion) ->
-spec room_new_affiliations(Acc, Params, Extra) -> {ok, Acc} when
Acc :: mongoose_domain_api:simple_acc(),
Params :: #{room := jid:jid()},
Extra :: map().
room_new_affiliations(Acc, #{room := RoomJID}, _) ->
HostType = mod_muc_light_utils:acc_to_host_type(Acc),
case mongoose_acc:element(Acc) of
undefined -> Acc;
Packet ->
case exml_query:paths(Packet, [{element_with_ns, ?NS_MUC_LIGHT_AFFILIATIONS},
{element_with_attr, <<"affiliation">>, <<"none">>},
cdata]) of
[] -> Acc;
Users ->
FromJid = jid:to_bare(jid:from_binary(User)),
mod_smart_markers_backend:remove_to_for_user(HostType, FromJid, RoomJid)
end || User <- Users ],
Packet = mongoose_acc:element(Acc),
maybe_remove_to_for_users(Packet, RoomJID, HostType),
{ok, Acc}.

-spec maybe_remove_to_for_users(exml:element() | undefined, jid:jid(), mongooseim:host_type()) -> ok.
maybe_remove_to_for_users(undefined, _, _) -> ok;
maybe_remove_to_for_users(Packet, RoomJID, HostType) ->
Users = exml_query:paths(Packet, [{element_with_ns, ?NS_MUC_LIGHT_AFFILIATIONS},
{element_with_attr, <<"affiliation">>, <<"none">>},
FromJIDs = lists:map(fun(U) -> jid:to_bare(jid:from_binary(U)) end, Users),
RemoveFun = fun(FromJID) -> mod_smart_markers_backend:remove_to_for_user(HostType, FromJID, RoomJID) end,
lists:foreach(RemoveFun, FromJIDs).

%% Other API
Expand Down

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