This repository contains the data and scripts necessary to reproduce the results presented in our manuscript, "grand: A Python Module for Grand Canonical Water Sampling in OpenMM", submitted to J. Chem. Inf. Model. by M. L. Samways, H. E. Bruce Macdonald and J. W. Essex (2020).
The parameters/
directory can be used to reproduce our calculation of the excess
chemical potential and standard state volume of water, water-density
can be
used to analyse the density of water using both GCMC/MD and NPT MD.
Finally, the bpti
directory contains the scripts required to run the simulations
reported for bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI).
Each of these directories contains a separate README describing the necessary
The grand module required to run these simulations can be downloaded
If you encounter any problems with these scripts, please contact the authors to discuss.