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Validate GTFS files

The General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) defines a common format for public transportation schedules and associated geographic information.

This project is a validating tool for such files and can perform checks ranging from simple ones (the archive is not valid, a file is missing) to more complex ones (a vehicle is moving too fast).

Online tool

transport-validator is the tool used by the French National Access Point to validate GTFS files. If you want to use it online, you can validate your own files at this address.

Validation output

Validation output is twofold:

  • it gives useful information about the validated file, under the metadata entry
  • it lists a serie of validation items, with a corresponding severity, under the validations entry. When relevant, geographical data (GeoJSON) related to the issue is given to ease file debugging.

The output is by default formatted in json, but yaml is also available. See Options for more information.

    "metadata": {
    "validations": {


Give useful information about the validated file content:

Entry format Description
start_date "YYYY-MM-DD" The starting date of the calendar information (both calendar.txt and calendar_dates.txt are taken into account).
end_date "YYYY-MM-DD" The ending date of the calendar information (both calendar.txt and calendar_dates.txt are taken into account).
networks_start_end_dates map Gives the starting and ending dates of the calendar information for each network. For example: {"agency name 1":{"start_date":"2022-08-18","end_date":"2022-10-23"}, "agency name 2":{"start_date":"2020-08-18","end_date":"2023-10-23"}}
networks list of strings A list of unique agencies names, found in agency.txt
modes list of strings A list of the route_types found in routes.txt
issues_count Object A summary of the validation issues found in the validations section. Keys of the object are the issue name, values are the number of corresponding issues found.
has_fares boolean True if a fare_attributes.txt file exists and contains information
has_shapes boolean True if a shapes.txt file exists and contains information
has_pathways boolean True if a pathways.txt file exists and contains information
some_stops_need_phone_agency boolean Some stops have a continuous_pickup or a continuous_drop_off field equal to 2.
some_stops_need_phone_driver boolean Some stops have a continuous_pickup or a continuous_drop_off field equal to 3.
validator_version string The validator version as found in the Cargo.toml

There is also a stats object inside with various statistics about the data:

Entry format Description
stops_count integer Number of stops found in the file stops.txt (for any location_type)
stop_areas_count integer Number of stop areas (location_type equal to 1) found in the file stops.txt.
stop_points_count integer Number of stops (location_type equal to 0) found in the file stops.txt.
stops_with_wheelchair_info_count integer or null Number of stops (with any location_type) with wheelchair_boarding information.
lines_count integer Number of routes found in routes.txt
routes_with_custom_color_count integer Number of routes with a custom color
routes_with_short_name_count integer Number of routes with a short name
routes_with_long_name_count integer Number of routes with a long name
trips_count integer Number of trips found in trips.txt
trips_with_bike_info_count integer Number of trips found in trips.txt with bike information provided (bikes_allowed equal to 1 or 2)
trips_with_wheelchair_info_count integer Number of trips found in trips.txt with wheelchair information provided (wheelchair_accessible equal to 1 or 2)
trips_with_shape_count integer Number of trips found in trips.txt with an attached shape
trips_with_trip_headsign_count integer Number of trips with a headsign
transfers_count integer Number of transfers
fares_attribute_count integer Number of fares attributes
fares_rules_count integer Number of fares rules

Note: For the stops_with_wheelchair_info_count, the information can be specified at the stop level (wheelchair_boarding equal to 1 or 2), or inherited from its parent station. Can be null if the GTFS contains errors preventing to compute this field.


    "metadata": {
        "start_date": "2020-11-02",
        "end_date": "2022-01-31",
        "networks": [
        "modes": [
            "bus", "tramway"
        "issues_count": {
            "ExcessiveSpeed": 5,
            "CloseStops": 10,
            "NullDuration": 10,
            "MissingName": 1,
            "MissingCoordinates": 1215,
            "InvalidCoordinates": 1215,
            "DuplicateStops": 49,
            "IdNotAscii": 171
        "stats": {
            "stops_count": 17,
            "stop_areas_count": 2,
            "stop_points_count": 9,
            "stops_with_wheelchair_info_count": null,
            "lines_count": 5,
            "routes_with_custom_color_count": 0,
            "routes_with_short_name_count": 0,
            "routes_with_long_name_count": 4,
            "trips_count": 11,
            "trips_with_bike_info_count": 3,
            "trips_with_wheelchair_info_count": 3,
            "trips_with_shape_count": 0,
            "trips_with_trip_headsign_count": 9,
            "transfers_count": 0,
            "fares_attribute_count": 2,
            "fares_rules_count": 4
        "has_fares": true,
        "has_shapes": true,
        "has_pathways": false,
        "some_stops_need_phone_agency": false,
        "some_stops_need_phone_driver": false


The "validations" key contains the actual validation results.


Each check is associated with a severity level.

Severity Description
Fatal Critical error, the GTFS archive couldn't be opened
Error The file does not respect the GTFS specification
Warning Not a specification error, but something is most likely wrong in the data
Information Simple information

List of checks

The validator performs a number of checks. The list of checks can be seen in the file

Here is a human friendly list of them :

check name Severity Description
UnusedStop Information A stop is not used.
Slow Information The speed between two stops is too low.
ExcessiveSpeed Information The speed between two stops is too high.
CloseStops Information Two stops very close to each other in the same trips
InvalidRouteType Information The type of a route is not valid.
DuplicateStops Information Two stop points or stop areas look identical. They share the same name, and are geographically very close. This check is not applied to station entrances (location_type equal to 2)
DuplicateStopSequence Error Several stop times in a trip have the same stop_sequence value. The stop_sequence values within a trip must be unique.
ExtraFile Information The file does not belong to a GTFS archive
UnusedShapeId Information A shape_id defined in shapes.txt is not used elsewhere in the GTFS
NegativeTravelTime Warning The travel duration between two stops is negative.
NegativeStopDuration Warning The departure_time at a stop is earlier than its arrival_time.
MissingName Error An agency, a route or a stop has its name missing.
MissingCoordinates Warning A shape point or a stop is missing its coordinate(s).
NullDuration Warning The travel duration between two stops is null.
MissingLanguage Warning The publisher language code is missing.
InvalidLanguage Warning The publisher language code is not valid.
DuplicateObjectId Error The object has at least one object with the same ID.
InvalidStopLocationTypeInTrip Warning Only Stop Points are allowed to be used in a Trip
InvalidStopParent Warning The parent station of this stop is not a valid one
IdNotAscii Warning The identifier is not only ASCII characters
MissingId Error An agency, a calendar, a route, a shape point, a stop or a trip has its Id missing.
MissingUrl Error An agency or a feed publisher is missing its URL.
InvalidUrl Error The URL of an agency or a feed publisher is not valid.
InvalidCoordinates Error The coordinates of a shape point or a stop are not valid.
InvalidTimezone Error The TimeZone of an agency is not valid.
MissingPrice Error A fare is missing its price.
InvalidCurrency Error The currency of a fare is not valid
InvalidTransfers Error The number of transfers of a fare is not valid.
InvalidTransferDuration Error The transfer duration of a fare is not valid.
ImpossibleToInterpolateStopTimes Error It's impossible to interpolate the departure/arrival of some stoptimes of the trip
InvalidShapeId Error A shape_id referenced in trips.txt does not exist in shapes.txt
InvalidReference Fatal Reference not valid. For example a stop referenced by a stop time that does not exist
InvalidArchive Fatal .zip Archive not valid.
UnloadableModel Fatal A fatal error has occured by building the links in the model
MissingMandatoryFile Fatal Mandatory file missing
SubFolder Error Files were in a subfolder, which is explicitly forbidden by the specification

Geojson information

When relevant for the check, geojson information is added for each check output, making the GTFS debug process easier.


Here is a validation output containing one warning, triggered by a non Ascii Stop id:

"validations": {
    "IdNotAscii" : [
            "severity": "Warning",
            "issue_type": "IdNotAscii",
            "object_id": "AllBél",
            "object_type": "Stop",
            "object_name": "",
            "related_objects": [],
            "geojson": {
                "features": [
                        "geometry": null,
                        "properties": {
                            "id": "AllBél",
                            "name": ""
                        "type": "Feature"
                "type": "FeatureCollection"

Another example showing the GeoJSON information for an information about two stops too close:

    "validations": {
        "CloseStops": [
                "severity": "Information",
                "issue_type": "CloseStops",
                "object_id": "PH00320P",
                "object_type": "Stop",
                "object_name": "Baril Les Hauts",
                "related_objects": [
                        "id": "PH00320C",
                        "object_type": "Stop",
                        "name": "Baril Les Hauts"
                        "id": "MAGM",
                        "object_type": "Route",
                        "name": "MAGM-MagmaBus Navette Centre Ville St Philippe"
                "details": "distance between the stops is 0 meter(s)",
                "geojson": {
                    "features": [
                            "geometry": {
                                "coordinates": [
                                "type": "Point"
                            "properties": {
                                "id": "PH00320P",
                                "name": "Baril Les Hauts"
                            "type": "Feature"
                            "geometry": {
                                "coordinates": [
                                "type": "Point"
                            "properties": {
                                "id": "PH00320C",
                                "name": "Baril Les Hauts"
                            "type": "Feature"
                            "geometry": null,
                            "properties": {
                                "details": "distance between the stops is 0 meter(s)"
                            "type": "Feature"
                    "type": "FeatureCollection"


  1. This project is written in Rust. You need to first install Rust on your machine.

  2. Clone the project:

git clone
cd transport-validator

Run the validator

Run from a local directory

The release version can be run as:

cargo run --release -- --input test_data/unused_stop

It is the fastest and recommanded version to use when validating files.

If you are developping on the validator, you can also run a debug build:

cargo run -- --input test_data/unused_stop

The validator can read a zip file, or an url:

cargo run --release -- -i
cargo run --release -- -i

If you do not intend to run the validator as a dæmon, it can be compiled without dæmon support, saving on compile time and binary size:

cargo run --release --no-default-features -- -i

Run as a dæmon

The validator can run as a HTTP dæmon to validate any file from a url.

For now the call is synchronous. Be aware that if the file is large, the time required to download the GTFS zip, the request might time out.

The command to launch the dæmon is:

cargo run --release

You can then ask for a validation:

curl http://localhost:7878/validate?url=


  • --input or -i: Path (can be a directory or a zip file) or HTTP URL (file will be downloaded) of the GTFS file.
  • --max-issues or -m: The maxium number of issues per type. Defaults to 1000.
  • --output-format or -f: Output format (when using the validator in command line). Value by default is json, but yaml is also available.
  • --custom-rules or -c: Path to a YAML file containing custom values to use during the validation.

Custom rules

Some values used during the validations can be customized by using the --custom-rules option and providing a path to a YAML file.

Available customizations are:

Field Description
max_tramway_speed Maximum speed in km/h on a route_type tramway before triggering an ExcessiveSpeed warning
max_subway_speed Maximum speed in km/h on a route_type subway before triggering an ExcessiveSpeed warning
max_rail_speed Maximum speed in km/h on a route_type rail before triggering an ExcessiveSpeed warning
max_bus_speed Maximum speed in km/h on a route_type bus before triggering an ExcessiveSpeed warning
max_ferry_speed Maximum speed in km/h on a route_type ferry before triggering an ExcessiveSpeed warning
max_cable_car_speed Maximum speed in km/h on a route_type cable car before triggering an ExcessiveSpeed warning
max_gondola_speed Maximum speed in km/h on a route_type gondola before triggering an ExcessiveSpeed warning
max_funicular_speed Maximum speed in km/h on a route_type funicular before triggering an ExcessiveSpeed warning
max_coach_speed Maximum speed in km/h on a route_type coach before triggering an ExcessiveSpeed warning
max_air_speed Maximum speed in km/h on a route_type air before triggering an ExcessiveSpeed warning
max_taxi_speed Maximum speed in km/h on a route_type taxi before triggering an ExcessiveSpeed warning
max_other_speed Maximum speed in km/h on a route_type other before triggering an ExcessiveSpeed warning


max_bus_speed: 120
max_gondola_speed: 50

If you need to customize other values, please let us know.


To lint our code we use rustfmt

Install it running:

rustup component add rustfmt-preview

Lint your code running:

cargo fmt --all -- --write-mode=diff


Questions? Comments? Get in touch with the's technical team: [email protected]
