A simple python client for the OSDU data platform.
Choose the client that best meets your needs. The same methods are all supported for each.
BYOT: Bring your own token. Great for backend service or business logic that supplements a front-end application.
This client assumes you are obtaining a token yourself (e.g. via your application's login form or otheer mechanism. With this SimpleOsduClient, you simply provide that token. With this simplicity, you are also then respnsible for reefreeshing the token as needed and re-instantiating the client with the new token.
Requires: boto3==1.15.*
Good for batch tasks that don't have an interactive front-end. Token management is handled with the boto3 library directly through the Cognito service. You have to supply additional arguments for this.
- search
- query
- query_with_paging
- storage
- query_all_kinds
- get_record
- get_all_record_versions
- get_record_version
- store_records
- delete_record
- delivery
- get_signed_urls
- entitlement
- get_groups
- get_group_members
- add_group_member
- delete_group_member
- create_group
pip install osdupy
Run unit tests
python -m unittest -v tests.unit
Run integration tests
python -m unittest -v tests.integration
If environment variable OSDU_API_URL
is set, then it does not need to be passed as an argument. Otherwise it must be passed as keyword argument.
from osdu.client.simple import SimpleOsduClient
data_partition = 'opendes'
token = 'token-received-from-front-end-app'
# With env var `OSDU_API_URL` set in current environment.
osdu = SimpleOsduClient(data_partition, token)
# Without env var set.
api_url = 'https://your.api.base_url.com'
osdu = SimpleOsduClient(data_partition, token, api_url=api_url)
The only required argument is data_partition
. If your environment variables (below) have been set, then client can be instantiated with only data_partition
as an argument.
Environment variables:
from osdu.client.aws import AwsOsduClient
data_partition = 'osdu'
osdu = AwsOsduClient(data_partition)
If you have not set the above environment variales—or you have only set some—then you will need to pass any undefined as args when instantiating the client.
from getpass import getpass
from osdu.client.aws import AwsOsduClient
api_url = 'https://your.api.url.com' # Must be base URL only
client_id = 'YOURCLIENTID'
user = '[email protected]'
password = getpass()
data_partition = 'osdu'
profile = 'osdu-dev'
message = user + client_id
dig = hmac.new(client_secret.encode('UTF-8'), msg=message.encode('UTF-8'),
secretHash = base64.b64encode(dig).decode()
osdu = AwsOsduClient(data_partition,
Below are just a few usage examples. See integration tests for more comprehensive usage examples.
query = {
"kind": f"opendes:osdu:*:*"
result = osdu.search.query(query)
# { results: [ {...}, .... ], totalCount: ##### }
For result sets larger than 1,000 records, use the query with paging method.
page_size = 100 # Number of records per page (1-1000)
query = {
"kind": f"opendes:osdu:*:*",
"limit": page_size
result = osdu.search.query_with_paging(query)
# Iterate over the pages to do something with the results.
for page, total_count in result:
for record in page:
# Do stuff with record...
record_id = 'opendes:doc:123456789'
result = osdu.storage.get_record(record_id)
# { 'id': 'opendes:doc:123456789', 'kind': ..., 'data': {...}, 'acl': {...}, .... }
new_or_updated_record = './record-123.json'
with open(new_or_updated_record, 'r') as _file:
record = json.load(_file)
result = osdu.storage.store_records([record])
result = osduClient.entitlements.get_groups()
# {
# "desId": "[email protected]",
# "groups": [
# {
# "description": "Datalake Plugin-Manager users",
# "email": "[email protected]",
# "name": "service.plugin.user"
# },
# {
# "description": "Datalake csv-parser admins",
# "email": "[email protected]",
# "name": "service.csv-parser.admin"
# },
# #...
# {
# "description": "The viewer of the datalake csv-parser service",
# "email": "[email protected]",
# "name": "service.csv-parser.viewer"
# }
# ],
# "memberEmail": "[email protected]"
# }
result = osduClient.entitlements.get_group_members('[email protected]')
# "members": [
# {
# "email": "[email protected]",
# "role": "OWNER"
# },
# {
# "email": "[email protected]",
# "role": "OWNER"
# },
# {
# "email": "[email protected]",
# "role": "OWNER"
# }
# ]
Add a user ([email protected]) to groups to give entitlement to search for and retrieve data.
query = {
"email": "[email protected]",
"role": "MEMBER",
result = osduClient.entitlements.add_group_member('[email protected]',query)
query = {
"email": "[email protected]",
"role": "OWNER",
result = osduClient.entitlements.add_group_member('[email protected]',query)
Remove a user ([email protected]) from a group.
query = {
"email": "[email protected]",
"role": "MEMBER",
result = osduClient.entitlements.delete_group_member('[email protected]',query)
query = {
"email": "[email protected]",
"role": "OWNER",
result = osduClient.entitlements.delete_group_member('[email protected]',query)