The Autonomous Emergency Braking System described here integrates two neural networks for enhanced vehicle safety and lane adherence:
1. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for Lane Following:
- This network is responsible for determining the steering angle.
- The output is based on visual inputs, ensuring the vehicle remains centered within its lane.
2. Dueling Deep Q-Network (Dueling DQN):
- This network receives the steering angle from the CNN, combined with data on velocity and distance.
- It then computes Q-values for potential actions.
- The action with the highest Q-value is selected, guiding the vehicle's next move.
Together, these networks enable the vehicle to autonomously apply brakes as needed, preventing collisions with vehicles ahead while ensuring consistent lane positioning.
- Install Anaconda for Linux
- Install CARLA for Linux
conda create --name <env> --file requirements.txt
- Open a terminal and enter command:
./ -opengl
to run CARLA simulator - Activate conda environment in another terminal then enter command:
- To visualize the agent in action, open a third terminal and enter the command:
sudo docker run -it --network="host" -e CARLAVIZ_HOST_IP=localhost -e CARLA_SERVER_IP=localhost -e CARLA_SERVER_PORT=2000 mjxu96/carlaviz:0.9.11
then open a browser and go to localhost:
- Chae, Hyunmin, et al. "Autonomous braking system via deep reinforcement learning." 2017 IEEE 20th International conference on intelligent transportation systems (ITSC). IEEE, 2017.
- Bojarski, Mariusz, et al. "End to end learning for self-driving cars." arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.07316 (2016).
- Wang, Ziyu, et al. "Dueling network architectures for deep reinforcement learning." International conference on machine learning. PMLR, 2016.