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Repository for the next version of the Generic Insurance Framework (GIF) smart contracts. The official version is GIF V3.


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GIF-Next (Generic Insurance Framework, version 3)

For technical reason, this repository is called gif-next, but it contains the code of the version 3 of the Generic Insurance Framework (GIF).

Submodules checkout

The project depends heavily on the use of submodules for dependencies, so it is important to checkout the submodules when cloning the repository.

For initial checkout call

git submodule update --init --recursive

To update to the latest submodules, run the following command after updating to any revision (or checking out the repository)

git submodule update --recursive

Recommended IDE & Development Environment

The project is setup with a devcontainer for Visual Studio Code. This is the recommended way for use with the project. It will provide a consistent development environment for all developers with all the required dependencies installed.

Hardhat is used for compiling the smart contracts and all deployment scripts are hardhat based. Unit tests are written using the forge testing framework. See below for most important commands to run tests and deployments.

What to do next

If you are interested in creating your own products, have a look at our example sandbox repository that contains a simple example of how to build new products on top of the GIF. Or see our documentation on the setup of the fire example components.

Or dive into the gif framework code by running the tests and/or deploying the contracts.

Running all unit tests

forge test

Staring a full protocol deployment

hh run scripts/deploy_gif.ts

For a non-local deployment add the --network switch. The available network names are defined in hardhat.config.ts.

hh run scripts/deploy_gif.ts --network polygonAmoy

To include the fire example components instead run the following command

hh run scripts/deploy_all.ts

The command accepts regular hardhat parameters for network selection and other configuration. Also some environment variables are required for deployment.

Code verification is done separately using the following command (which read data from the serialized deployment state of the deploymnent script that ran beforehand)

hh run scripts/verify_deployment.ts

This uses the same environment variables as the deployment script.

Important environment variables

  • NETWORK_URL the rpc endpoint to use
  • WALLET_MNEMONIC the HD wallet mnemonic to use for deployment. Wallet #0 will be the protocol owner.
  • GAS_PRICE the gas price to use for deployment
  • DIP_ADDRESS the address of the already deployed DIP token. if not set, the script will deploy a new DIP token
  • RESUMEABLE_DEPLOYMENT if this flag is set to true, the deployment will write all transactions to a state file so the deployment can be resumed after a failure (or after a manual stop). data is stored in the deployment/<chainid>/ directory.
  • ETHERSCAN_API_KEY the api key for etherscan
  • POLYGONSCAN_API_KEY the api key for polygonscan
  • WRITE_ADDRESSES_TO_FILE dumps all deployed addresses to file deployment.env

Hardhat commands

NPM Commands

npm run build

npm run test
npm run ptest
npm run test-with-gas
npm run coverage


Produce solidty-docgen documentation using the command below.

hh docgen

The resulting markdown files are written to docs

Full protocol deployment

Install the dependencies before running the script below for the first time.

npm install

The deploy script will deploy all required contracts for gif and create a test instance.

# run deployment on a locally created ganache instance
hh run scripts/deploy_gif.ts
# set appropriate values vor env variables (see below)

# run deployment on another network
hh run --network <networkname> scripts/deploy_gif.ts

The deployment will persist deployment information into the files deployments/<chainid>/deployment_state.json, deployments/<chainid>/libraries.json and deployments/<chainid>/verification_log.json. This data can then be used for verification of the deployed contracts on etherscan/polygonscan.

For the verification of the contracts on etherscan/polygonscan the above files (created by previous deployment) are required and then the following command can be used:

hh run --network <networkname> scripts/verify_deployment.ts 

Environment variables:

  • WRITE_ADDRESSES_TO_FILE set to true to write the addresses of the deployed contracts to a file (default: false)
  • RESUMEABLE_DEPLOYMENT set to true to have all (deployment) transactions written to a state file so the script can be resumed after a failure (or after a manual stop) (default: false)
  • GAS_PRICE set to the gas price to use for deployment (default: undefined)
  • WALLET_MNEMONIC the mnemonic of the wallet to use for deployment (required for mumbai and mainnet)
  • DIP_ADDRESS the address of the already deployed DIP token. if not set, the script will deploy a new DIP token
  • WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID set to infura project id (required for mumbai and mainnet)
  • ETHERSCAN_API_KEY POLYGONSCAN_API_KEY the api key for etherscan/polygonscan (required for mumbai and mainnet)
  • SKIP_INSTANCE_CREATION1 set to true to skip the creation of a test instance at the end of the deployment (default: false)

Deploy full protocol with fire example components

hh run scripts/deploy_all.ts

Like before, use the --network option to deploy on a different network.

Deploy only the fire example components

hh run scripts/deploy_fire_components.ts

Ensure that the deployment runs on a chain where a compatible version of the GIF is already deployed. Then ensure the correct environment variables are set. An up to date list of required environment variables can be found in the deploy_fire_components.ts script in the main method (just check the lines that contain a process.env statement). To be safe, set the environment variable WRITE_ADDRESSES_TO_FILE to true when deploying the gif and then copy all values from the generated deployment.env file to the .env file in the root directory of the repository before running the fire example deployment.

Like before, use the --network option to deploy on a different network.


hh console --network <networkname>

me = hre.ethers.Wallet.fromPhrase('...')
provider = hre.ethers.provider
await provider.getBalance(me)

Scripts to find syntax bugs in code

find methods missing the restricted modifier

hh run scripts/find_unrestricted_methods.ts

Checks all public/external methods in services and components for methods that are missing the restricted modifier but should have one.

The script find_unrestricted_methods.ts is based on the ANTLR grammar Solidity.g4 (from and uses the antlr4ng runtime ( To compile grammar to ts classes run antlr4ng -Dlanguage=TypeScript -o antlr/generated/ -visitor -listener antlr/Solidity.g4 (requires openjdk to be installed sudo apt install openjdk-17-jre-headless).

find methods missing the virtual keyword

hh run scripts/find_missing_virtual_methods.ts.ts

Checks all public/external methods in services and components for methods that are not marked as virtual but should be.



forge build

# contract sizes
forge build --sizes

forge test

# run single test case
forge test --mt test_deployAllSetup

# run all tests except long running
forge test --nmt longRunning

# run single test case with substantial logging
# to include logs as well use -vvvvv
# to add internal functions to trace add --
forge test --decode-internal --mt test_decimals -vvvv

# provide gas report for a single test
forge test --mt test_decimals --gas-report

# provide code coverage report
forge coverage
forge coverage --report lcov 

Aliases configured in the devcontainer setup

Alias Command
fb forge build
fbw forge build --watch
fbc forge build contracts/
fbcw forge build --watch contracts/
ft forge test
ftf forge test --nmt "_longRunning"
ftt forge test -vvvv --mt
fttg forge test -vvvv --gas-report --mt
fttw forge test -vvvv --watch --mt
ftc forge test -vvvv --mc
ftcw forge test -vvvv --watch --mc
fcf forge coverage --nmt "_longRunning"
fcfr forge coverage --nmt "_longRunning" --report lcov

Important: All profiles are run using the foundry ci profile which disables the optimizer (for speed).

### Library Linking

# foundry.toml

  # expected format(example below): libraries = ["<path>:<lib name>:<address>"]
  libraries = ["src/libraries/MyLibrary.sol:MyLibrary:0x..."]


Style Guide

Please see for style guide and general coding rules.

Automatic code formatting

We use prettier and the solidity plugin to format the code automatically. The plugin is configured to use the style guide mentioned above. To execute format checks run npm run styleCheck. To execute formatting run npm run styleFix.


We use solhint to lint the code. To execute linting run npm run lint.

Storage layout

Analysis tool

Command line call

hh run scripts/analyze_storage_layout.ts

Analyses contract MockStorageLayout.sol and writes the storage layout to storage_layout.json and storage_layout.csv. New structs must be added to MockStorageLayout to be included in analysis.

Storage layout details:

  • Items fill up the current slot if possible
  • If not enough space is left in the current slot, the item is placed in the next slot
  • Stucts and arrays always start a new slot
  • Items following a struct or array always start a new slot

More at

Custom types sizes

Type Size
Amount 12 bytes
Blocknumber 4 bytes
ClaimId 2 bytes
DistributorType 8 bytes
NftId 12 bytes
ObjectType 1 byte
ReferralId 8 bytes
RoleId 1 byte
RiskId 8 bytes
Seconds 5 bytes
Selector 4 bytes
StateId 1 byte
Str 32 bytes
Timestamp 5 bytes
Version 3 byte
VersionPart 1 byte
UFixed 20 bytes
address 20 bytes
uint256 32 bytes
uint128 16 bytes
uint160 20 bytes
uint64 8 bytes
uint32 4 bytes
uint16 2 bytes
string 32 bytes
bytes 32 bytes
bytes8 8 byte
bool 1 byte


Repository for the next version of the Generic Insurance Framework (GIF) smart contracts. The official version is GIF V3.




