Last seen building Virtual Production tools at Unity, at the crossroads of gaming and film. Previously Lead Unity and R&D Developer at Dpt. My interests are in Computer Graphics, Generative and Procedural Systems, Audio Programming, Tools Making, Artificial Intelligence... Self taught, curious, always eager to learn.
You can also check my vimeo and youtube for some (old-ish) experiments.
I distinguish between recent projects and those preceding my time at Unity.
- CUDA-Photogrammetry-Rotation-Estimation | Estimation of the rotation of a geometric dataset based on its normals. Implemented using CUDA.
- ofxPolygonTriangulation | an OpenFrameworks addon for Computational Geometry in C++.
- UnityGaussianMixtureModel | An implementation of a Gaussian Mixture Model (Machine Learning Clustering technique) in Unity using Compute Shaders.
- UnityMorphologicalAntialiasing | An implementation of Morphological Antialiasing for Unity's Universal Render Pipeline.
- UnityParticleGalaxyGPGPU | A galaxy particle system running on the GPU, made with Unity.
- UnityOcean | Ocean procedural modelisation, made with Unity.
- CppPathTracer | C++ path tracer (CPU), started with Ray Tracing in One Weekend then iterated on the architecture.
- UnityFluidGPU | Eulerian 2D Fluid Simulation on the GPU, made with Unity.
- UnityVolumetric | Raymarching based Volumetric Rendering on the GPU, made with Unity.
- UnityMarchingCubesGPU | GPU based implementation of the Marching Cubes algorithm, made with Unity.
- UnityParticleFlow | GPU based particle system. Particles move along a user designed Vector Field. Made with Unity, compatible with WebGL.
- Marine Creatures | Procedural marine creatures animation, made with Cinder in C++.
- CSoundGeneticSynthesis | Genetic Programming Applied To Sound Synthesis. An Evolutionary Algorithm is used to generate audio synthesis CSound code. See the pdf file in the repository.
- UnityLibPD | An integration of Pure Data (Visual Audio Programming) in Unity using the Native Audio API
- Pluck | Experimental audio creation app for mobile devices, made with openFrameworks in C++ (github).
- DrumBot | A drum machine using a cellular automaton as its sequencer, made with SuperCollider (github).
- Hexapod | Custom 3D printed hexapod robot powered by Arduino (github). Includes a simulator (github), made with Unity.