Arduino OLED character-based display lib for I2C two-wire SSD1306-based OLED displays 128x64
This library was created for several reasons:
- These specific OLED displays are cheap! Check eBay (about $3 each).
- The Adafruit libraries for similar displays don't work with I2C
- Other libraries implement a framebuffer, which instantly uses about half of your dynamic memory on standard Arduinos
- Sometimes you just want a nice, cheap, low overhead text display
- Ultimately, I wrote this because I was seduced by cheap displays on the internet and only discovered after I bought several that there was no library to make them work
Using a font file stored in Arduino PROGMEM, this library can intialise the display and do the following:
- Display (limited) text on the screen at an x,y (0-16,0-7) position
- Display integers on the screen at an x,y (0-16,0-7) position
- As you control the font, you can program any characters you like!
- Utility python script for generating font and/or splash screen data included
- Flash screen (with a specified delay)
- Alert mode (flashes multiple times with decreasing delay)
- Integrated software 2-pin I2C comms, leaving Arduino SDA/SCL for other uses
- support double height font printing
- support inverted text
- support scrolling modes
- directly support float/double for putString()
- use optional framebuffer (only uses memory if you enable it)
- various graphic functions that will become possible with the above
##Support If you have a problem, you can file an issue and if I care, I may attend to it. Alternatively, if you want to fix things yourself, I am open to pull-requests. Everything lives here: