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HTTP Client Builder

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Client builder is a configuration builder for HTTP request piplines. The client builder can be used to create http clients configured against API models using an expressive and fluent API.

var client = ClientBuilder.CreateBuilder()
    .WithBearerToken("JWT TOKEN HERE")
    .WithHeader("x-api-key", "this is an extra header")

var response = await client
        predicate: (weather) => weather.IsNice && weather.Temperature > 60,
        errorFactory: () => new Exception("THE WEATHER IS NOT NICE"))
        value: (code, weather) =>
        error: (exception) =>

var getWeatherRequest = client.AddGetHandler("forecast", new WeatherForecastHandler());
var getSnowRequest = client.AddGetHandler("snow", new WeatherForecastHandler());
var getRainRequest = client.AddGetHandler("rain", new WeatherForecastHandler());

await Task.WhenAll(

return response.Success;

Readme Image

Table of Contents

  1. Building Clients
  2. Request Handlers
  3. Request Methods
  4. Response Types


To begin using the IHttpClient interface the ClientBuilder static factory is used. Begin the build pipline by invoking the ClientBuilder.CreateBuilder() static method. This will return an IClientBuilder interface directing consumers through each step of the build pipeline.

Configure Host Settings

The first step in the client builder pipline requires a host configuration. The ConfigureHost method requires an IPADRESS OR HOSTNAME as the first required parameter.

IHttpClient client = ClientBuilder.CreateBuilder()

You can optionally provide a HttpScheme of either https or http. If no scheme is provided the builder will default to HTTPS

IHttpClient client = ClientBuilder.CreateBuilder()
    .WithHost("", scheme: HttpScheme.Http)

An optional PORT can also be provided to specify a TCP port used by the HTTP or HTTPS server.

IHttpClient client = ClientBuilder.CreateBuilder()
    .WithHost("", scheme: HttpScheme.Http, port: 15672)

After configuring a host the builder will proceed to either the CreateClient() or Authorization steps.

Configure Authorization

The client builder support several authentication steps such as: Basic Auth, Beaer Token, Api Keys, and finally an optional Factory.

To add a default authorization bearer token to the client, invoke the ConfigureBearerToken(token) method. The provided token will be added to all requests as an Authorization: Bearer Token... header. Note: a future async pipeline will be provided to enable to facilitate asynchronous authentication configuration

IHttpClient client = ClientBuilder.CreateBuilder()
    .WithBearerToken("JWT TOKEN HERE")

Basic authentication is supported by invoking the WithBasicAuth method. The provided username and password will be Base64 encoded as a Basic authentication header.

IHttpClient client = ClientBuilder.CreateBuilder()
    .WithBasicAuth(username: "", password: "")

Apikeys can be added to all default requests using the WithApiKey method. This method requires an APIKEY value with an option to specify a key used for the header. The header will default to x-api-key if none is provided.

IHttpClient client = ClientBuilder.CreateBuilder()
    .WithApiKey("api key", optional? header)

Request Handlers

Create a new handler or class that implments the IRequestHandler interface to handle the results of a specific HTTP Static Badge, Static Badge, Static Badge, Static Badge request. When leveraging the handlers API request are initially configured and later invoked as needed. This aims to reduce boiler plate code, prevent the need for simple methods that wrap HTTP requests, and help with seperation of concerns. Here our client code reads more like server code, we create requests and point them at handlers. There are teo main types of handlers: pre-processed and post-processed.

Creating Handlers

Handler without any processing.

public class WeatherForecastHandler : IRequestHandler
    public async Task HandleRequest(HttpStatusCode code, HttpContent content)
        // Called when no post request processing is required.

Handle with a single generic argument to specify a contrnt body object

public class WeatherForecastHandler : IRequestHandler<WeatherForecast>
    public Task HandleBody(HttpStatusCode code, HttpResponseHeaders headers, WeatherForecast content)
        // Invoked when a successful response is properly deserialized as the specified type

    public Task HandleException(Exception exception)
        // Invoked when an error is encountered. 

Handler with an addtional T Parameter to specify a Error Type returned from Bad requests.

public class WeatherForecastHandler : IRequestHandler<WeatherForecast, ErrorResponse>
    public Task HandleBody(HttpStatusCode code, HttpResponseHeaders headers, WeatherForecast content)
        // Invoked when a successful response is properly deserialized as the specified type

    public Task HandleError(HttpStatusCode code, ErrorResponse error)
        // Incoked when an error code is recoeved and content is deserialized as the specifed type

    public Task HandleException(Exception exception)
        // Invoked when an error is encountered. 

Creating Dispatchers

Create a IHttpClient using the IClientBuilder as described above.

var client = ClientBuilder.CreateBuilder()

Once a new client is created you can call the Create[VERB]Handler() with a provided path and reference to an IRequestHandler. The example below creates three new Static Badge directed towards
Static Badge, Static Badge, and Static Badge
Each Create[VERB]Handler method returns an instance of an IDispatchRequest interface.

var getWeatherRequest = client.CreateGetHandler("forecast", new WeatherForecastHandler());
var getSnowRequest = client.CreatePostHandler("snow", new WeatherForecastHandler());
var getRainRequest = client.CreateGetHandler("rain", new WeatherForecastHandler());

Dispatching Requests

These IDispatchRequest requests can now be executed or better dispatched to the server by awaiting the DispatchAsync(). Here we are awaiting all three tasks concurrently.

await Task.WhenAll(
    getSnowRequest.DispatchAsync(new StringContent("HELLO Content")),

Disposing Requests

If your handlers require clean up or they have a short lifecycle you can execute the dispose method on the IDispatchRequest interface. Handlers requiring clean up should implment the IDisposableRequestHandler interface. This interface will add the IDisposable members to your handler. Invoking the IDispatchRequest.Dispose() method will dispose you handler.

public class WeatherForecastHandler : IDisposableRequestHandler
    public async Task HandleRequest(HttpStatusCode code, HttpResponseHeaders headers, HttpContent content){}

    public async Task HandleRequest<TValue>(HttpStatusCode code, HttpResponseHeaders headers, TValue body){}

    public void Dispose()
        // The handles dispose method will be invoked if you dispose of the IDispatch Request.

// You can also create a life cycle request.
using var getUglyDWeather = client.AddGetHandler("ugly", new WeatherForecastHandler());
await getUglyDWeather.DispatchAsync();

// Your IDispatch instance will now be disposed

Handler Callbacks

An alternative to using IRequestHandler interfaces are delegates. you can provide an function to handle the data as its returned from the server.

var dispatch = _client.CreateGetHandler($"status/{code}",  (statusCode, content) =>
    result = (int)statusCode;
    return Task.CompletedTask;
await dispatch.DispatchAsync();

Request Methods

Static Badge

var response = await client.GetContentFromJsonAsync<Weather>("forecast")

Static Badge

Static Badge

Static Badge

Response Types

All requests will return an IResponse interface. This interface provides HttpStatusCode, Stores any handled Exceptions and stores a Value<T> processed by the body. An IRespons can only ever be one of three things, a Success, Exception, or Error.

Extension Methods


The Ensure method lets you safely access the nullable types stored in the IResponse as the callbacks will only be invoked when the result is already successful and stores a Value. The ensure method then provides a predicate that will allow consumers to evealuate the data stored in the IResponse

var response = await client
        predicate: (weather) => weather.IsNice && weather.Temperature > 60,
        errorFactory: () => new Exception("THE WEATHER IS NOT NICE"));

Ensure also provides an Async Facllback allowing consumers to access additional asynconouse resources for data validation.

var response = await client
        predicateAsync: async (weather) => await CheckWeather(weather),
        errorFactory: () => new Exception("THE WEATHER IS NOT NICE"));
var response = await client
        predicateAsync: async (weather) => await CheckWeather(weather),
        errorFactory: () => new Exception("THE WEATHER IS NOT NICE"));


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