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Top-rated games from Game Off 2024

Game Bytes

Another year, another incredible GitHub Game Off—and this one was secrets-ational! With over 500 submissions, participants turned the theme of “secrets” into an extraordinary showcase of creativity, humor, and mind-boggling mechanics. Play the top-rated games now!

Tensorflow logo

Popular topic

TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation.

This recommendation was created by GitHub staff



Mend Renovate | Dependency Update Automation

Renovate: an open-source tool which automatically creates pull requests for all types of dependency updates. Includes crowdsourced test and package adoption data are used to flag potentially risky updates and enable auto-merging for those that meet user-defined conditions.

How Renovate works:

  • Scans your repos to detect dependencies (wide package manager support)
  • Checks if any newer versions exist
  • Raises PRs for available updates

This recommendation was created by GitHub staff



Increase velocity and reduce technical debt through code review by world-class engineers backed by automation. PullRequest provides code review with inline comments directly on your pull requests in GitHub.