Chef-install helps you to install Chef cookbooks on your local machine with single command.
Currently works on Ubuntu only.
Note. Behind the scenes chef-install uses ruby and chef-solo
pip install -e git+https://[email protected]/exslim/chef-install.git#egg=chef_install
git clone ~/.chef-install/cookbooks
You can omit this step if you already have them. Just edit ~/.chef-install/solo.rb
and set proper path to cookbooks.
Example of ~/.chef-install/solo.rb
file_cache_path "/tmp/chef-solo"
cookbook_path root + '/cookbooks'
log_level :info
log_location STDOUT
ssl_verify_mode :verify_none
data_bag_path root + '/data_bags'
chef-install my_cookbook
Note. You should run chef-install as root if any of cookbooks requires it.