Rest API to handle simple projects and jobs on mysql database.
id: number
title: string
jobs: Job[]
id: number
creationDate: string
price: number
status: string
GET /projects
Returns all projects stored in database.
"payload": [
"id": 1,
"title": "project1",
"jobs": [...]
GET /projects/:id
Return project with specified id, http status code 404 otherwise.
"payload": {
"id": 1,
"title": "project1",
"jobs": [...]
POST /projects
Create a new project.
Example body:
"title": "project1",
"jobs": [
"creationDate": "2022-04-11 09:00:00",
"price": 10.23,
"status": "in preparation"
"id": 1,
"title": "project1",
"jobs": [
"id": 3,
"creationDate": "2022-04-11 09:00:00",
"price": 10.23,
"status": "in preparation"
PATCH /projects/:id/jobs
Add a new job to an existing project.
Example body:
"creationDate": "2022-04-11 09:00:00",
"price": 10.23,
"status": "in preparation"
"id": 1,
"title": "project1",
"jobs": [
"id": 3,
"creationDate": "2022-04-11 09:00:00",
"price": 10.23,
"status": "in preparation"
GET /jobs
Return all jobs.
Query parameters:
status: returns only jobs with specified status
GET /jobs?status=cancelled
sort: return all jobs sorted by specified field (just creationDate for now)
GET /jobs?sort=+creationDate
ASCGET /jobs?sort=-creationDate
GET /jobs/:id
Returns job with specified id, 404 if job id does not exists
PATCH /jobs/:id/status
Modify job' status
"status": "in progress"
"id": 3,
"creationDate": "2022-04-11 09:00:00",
"price": 10.23,
"status": "in progress"
To start the process, run the following command in project's root:
npm run start-docker
It starts two container, a MariaDB instance, listening on port 3306, and a NodeJS container running the project and listening on port 3000.
Database container is initialized by docker compose with database structure and some random data to make some tests.