Components for Espressif ESP32 ESP-IDF framework
Most of them ported from esp-open-rtos.
Use "export EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS=~/esp/esp-idf-lib/components/" to include new componet
include EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS in Makefile
make menuconfig
Component | Description | License | Thread safety |
i2cdev | I2C utilites | MIT | Yes |
ds1307 | Driver for DS1307 RTC module | BSD | Yes |
ds3231 | Driver for DS3231 high precision RTC module | MIT | Yes |
hmc5883l | Driver for HMC5883L 3-axis digital compass | BSD | Yes |
onewire | Bit-banging one wire driver | MIT* | No |
ds18x20 | Driver for DS18B20/DS18S20 families of one-wire temperature sensor ICs | BSD | No |
dht | Driver for DHT11/DHT22 temperature and humidity sensors | BSD | No |
bmp180 | Driver for BMP180 digital pressure sensor | MIT | Yes |
bmp280 | Driver for BMP280/BME280 digital pressure sensor | MIT | Yes |
bh1750 | Driver for BH1750 light sensor | BSD | Yes |
ultrasonic | Driver for ultrasonic range meters, e.g. HC-SR04, HY-SRF05 | BSD | No |
pcf8574 | Driver for PCF8574 remote 8-bit I/O expander for I2C-bus | MIT | Yes |
hd44780 | Universal driver for HD44780 LCD display | BSD | No |
pca9685 | Driver for 16-channel, 12-bit PWM PCA9685 | BSD | Yes |
ms5611 | Driver for barometic pressure sensor MS5611-01BA03 | BSD | Yes |
ads111x | Driver for ADS1113/ADS1114/ADS1115 I2C ADC | BSD | Yes |
pcf8591 | Driver for 8-bit ADC and an 8-bit DAC PCF8591 | BSD | Yes |
tsl2561 | Driver for light-to-digital converter TSL2561 | BSD | Yes |
max7219 | Driver for 8-Digit LED display drivers, MAX7219/MAX7221 | BSD | Yes |
mcp23017 | Driver for 16-bit I2C GPIO expander | BSD | Yes |
tda74xx | Driver for TDA7439/TDA7439DS/TDA7440D audioprocessors | MIT | Yes |
ttn | Driver for RFM95 LORA Module | MIT | Yes |
u8g2 | Driver for OLED DISPLAY | BSD | Yes |