pfff is a set of tools and APIs to perform static analysis, code visualizations, code navigations, or style-preserving source-to-source transformations such as refactorings on source code. There is good support for C, Java, Javascript and PHP. There is also preliminary support for other languages such as C++, Rust, C#, Html, CSS, Erlang, Lisp, Haskell, Python, OPA and SQL. There is also very good support for OCaml code so that the framework can be used on the code of pfff itself.
For each languages there are mainly 2 libraries, for instance parsing_php.cma and analysis_php.cma, that you can embed in your own application if you need to process PHP code. See the demos/ directory for example of use of the pfff API. See also docs/manual/Parsing_xxx.pdf and docs/manual/Analyzis_xxx.pdf for more documentation on how to use or extend pfff.
pfff is also made of few tools:
- pfff, which allows to test the different parsers on a single file
- scheck, a bug finder
- stags, an Emacs tag generator
- sgrep, a syntactical grep
- spatch, a syntactical patch
- codemap, which is a gtk and cairo based source code visualizer/navigator/searcher leveraging the information computed previously by pfff_db and codegraph.
- codegraph, a source code indexer and package/module/class dependency visualizer
- codequery, an interactive tool a la SQL to query information about the structure of a codebase using Prolog as the query engine
- pfff_db, which does some global analysis on a set of source files and store the data in a marshalled form in a file somewhere (e.g. /tmp/db.json)
For more information, look at the pfff wiki here: as well as the docs/manual/ directory.
$ ./pfff -parse_php demos/foo.php
$ ./pfff -dump_php demos/foo.php
You can also look at ./pfff --help
$ ./pfff_db -lang ml -o /tmp/pfff.json ~/pfff
to analyze all the .ml and .mli files under ~/pfff and store metadata information (the database) in /tmp/pfff.json
$ ./codemap ~/pfff
This should launch a gtk-based GUI that allows you to visualize source code and perform some code search.
$ ./codegraph -lang cmt -build ~/pfff
to generate a graph_code.marshall file in ~/pfff containing all dependency information about the pfff codebase using the typed bytecode .cmt files generated during the compilation of pfff.
$ ./codegraph ~/pfff
This should launch a gtk-based GUI that allows you to visualize source code dependencies.
Look at the pfff wiki here: