:: A configurational framework for creating a modular static web templates.
Lurik is a configurational framework using JavaScript for building a modular static web templates. Lurik helped you build a modular web templates based on a components and a modules. Lurik is reusable and make it posible to load just a scripts or styles what a page need, thats make your site more faster.
Fyi, currently Lurik is used at BINUS University for building a CSS Framework called BINUS-UI.
Lurik has four fundamental elements, its Core, Helpers, Components, and Modules.
Its a basic code to help you build your templates, like Twitter Bootstrap, Bulma, Foundation or jQuery (if needed), etc. -
It's like an utilities code that you can use repeatly, it's a code like text-align, float-left, float-right, clearfix, etc. -
A small pieces of a templates like post-item, avatar, form element such as textbox, checkbox, etc. -
It's a module of a templates like footer, header, gallery, etc.
00. Requirements
Before installing Lurik, make sure you have installed the following software:
01. Installation
Open terminal and point it to Lurik folder and then type:
npm install
Next, type code below to installing a template:
grunt compile:client-name
As an example, you can type:
grunt compile:lurik
Because we already create an example template called "lurik". For the configuration, you can see file “settings/clients/lurik.json”.
After you installed, open "index.html" file to see the demo of the template.
02. Main Command
For installign client for the first time, type:
grunt compile:client-name
For downloading NPM modules which used by components, helpers or modules, type:
grunt compile-npm:client-name
If you just want to compiling a client scripts or styles, type:
grunt compile-templates:client-name
And if you just want to compiling an icons which used by client, type:
grunt compile-icons:client-name
03. Add/Update Core
Coming soon!!
04. Add/Update Helpers
Coming soon!!
05. Add/Update Components
Coming soon!!
06. Add/Update Modules
Coming soon!!
07. Registering Templates
Coming soon!!
Thank you.