Get information about tracking, stats collection, and dynamic audio for podcasts.
$ npm install podcast-privacy
const podcastPrivacy = require('podcast-privacy');
name: 'Podtrac',
abilities: [ 'Stats' ],
privacyPolicyURL: ''
name: 'Chartable',
abilities: [ 'Stats', 'Tracking' ],
privacyPolicyURL: ''
name: 'Art19',
abilities: [ 'Stats', 'Tracking', 'Dynamic Audio' ],
privacyPolicyURL: '',
logoURL: ''
podcast-privacy is also available as a JSON api. Register for a free API key here.
Special thanks to Marco Arment and his work on Overcast for leading the charge on increasing transparency for listeners.
This package is maintained by the creators of Podbay. To add or change information in the package, you can open a pull request, file an issue, or email us at [email protected].