See for the newer version.
This will help you to generate a Ansible provisioning to run your Symfony apps.
##Requirements This have been tested with the Ubuntu OS. It should work with many other various Linux distribution. Feel free to share your advice for the other OS.. You will need to install if you haven't done yet:
- Ansible
- Composer
- Vagrant
- VirtualBox.
- nfs
sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
Install the bundle
composer require fansible/devops-bundle *@dev --dev
Enable the bundle in the
file, for development environment only.
if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
/* After other dev dependencies... */
$bundles[] = new \Fansible\DevopsBundle\FansibleDevopsBundle();
Add the following in your configuration in
fansible_devops: #Name of your project name: fansible-devops environments: vagrant: ip: host: #Those vars will be used to generate the VagrantFile #box: ubuntu/trusty64 #memory: 1024 #cpus: 1 #exec: 100 #src: . #dest: /var/www/fansible-devops/current prod: ip: x.x.x.x host: #Specific role you want to use ansible_roles:
Add your host in your hostfile:
sudo /bin/bash -c "echo '' >> /etc/hosts"
Now you can use our command to generate all the files you need to your provisioning.
app/console generate:provisioning
To be able to correctly provision your server, ansible needs some role that are describe in the requirements.txt file. You need to download them by running
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.txt
. -
Now you can run
vagrant up
to start your vagrant. It is lunched using the Vagrantfile that we have just generated.