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Go tool allowing to aggregate bash files into one allowing bash script reusability.


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Bash Compiler


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1. Excerpt

This tool allows to detect all the framework functions used inside a given sh file. The framework functions matches the pattern Namespace::functionName (we can have several namespaces separated by the characters ::). These framework functions will be injected inside a compiled file. The process is recursive so that every framework functions used by imported framework functions will be imported as well (of course only once).

2. Documentation

2.1. Go Libraries used

2.2. Template system

template system doc 1

There is the choice between Go template/text or template/html libraries. I chosen template/text to avoid some escaping that are not needed in bash.

Go template/text or template/html don't provide any execution context to the filters (FuncMap).

I'm not using Template.ParseGlob because I have to call it twice to include files of root directory and sub directories with 2 glob patterns. But a bug in text/template makes the template be initialized again after each calls to ParseGlob function. So I compute manually list of templates in internal/render/render.go NewTemplate function.

I simulated a context by pushing the context to the render function. So the data associated to the template has the following structure:

type Context struct {
 Template *template.Template
 Name     string
 RootData any
 Data     any
  • Template points to the first template that has been rendered
  • Name is the name of the first template that has been rendered
  • RootData are the data that have been sent at the start of the rendering
  • Data are the data sent to the sub template (possibly a part of RootData or the whole RootData)

Then each filter has to be called with the right context. The special filter include allows to include a sub template overriding context Data.

Template filter functions, internal/render/functions/index.go includes:

  • Sprig filter functions
    • Sprig is not maintained anymore, a possible alternate fork is sprout but it misses a lot of functions.
  • my own templates functions
    • string functions
      • stringLength
      • format allow to format string like in this example
        • {{ format "${%sLongDescription[@]}" .functionName }}
    • templates functions
      • include: allows to include a template by template name allowing to use filter
      • includeFile: allows to include a template by filename
      • includeFileAsTemplate: same as includeFile but interpreting the file as a template
      • dynamicFile: resolve first matching filepath in paths provided as argument

2.3. Compiler

see Compile command.

3. Development

3.1. Pre-commit hook

This repository uses pre-commit software to ensure every commits respects a set of rules specified by the .pre-commit-config.yaml file. It supposes pre-commit software is installed in your environment.

You also have to execute the following command to enable it:

pre-commit install --hook-type pre-commit --hook-type pre-push

Now each time you commit or push, some linters/compilation tools are launched automatically

3.1.1. @embed

Allows to embed files, directories or a framework function. The following syntax can be used:

Syntax: # @embed "srcFile" AS "targetFile"

Syntax: # @embed "srcDir" AS "targetDir"

if @embed annotation is provided, the file/dir provided will be added inside the resulting bin file as a tar gz file(base64 encoded) and automatically extracted when executed.

The compiler's embed annotation offers the ability to embed files or directories. annotationEmbed allows to:

  • include a file(binary or not) as base64 encoded, the file can then be extracted using the automatically generated method Compiler::Embed::extractFile_asName where asName is the name chosen using annotation explained above. The original file mode will be restored after extraction. The variable embed_file_asName contains the targeted filepath.
  • include a directory, the directory will be tar gz and added to the compiled file as base64 encoded string. The directory can then be extracted using the automatically generated method Compiler::Embed::extractDir_asName where asName is the name chosen using annotation explained above. The variable embed_dir_asName contains the targeted directory path.
  • include a bash framework function, a special binary file that simply calls this function will be automatically generated. This binary file will be added to the compiled file as base64 encoded string. Then it will be automatically extracted to temporary directory and is callable directly using asName chosen above because path of the temporary directory has been added into the PATH variable.

3.2. Build/run/clean

Formatting is managed exclusively by pre-commit hooks.

3.2.1. Build


3.2.2. Tests


3.2.3. Coverage


3.2.4. run the binary


3.2.5. Clean


4. Commands

Compile bin file

go run ./cmd/bash-compiler examples/configReference/shellcheckLint.yaml \
  --root-dir /home/wsl/fchastanet/bash-dev-env/vendor/bash-tools-framework \
  -t examples/generated -k -d

for debugging purpose, manually Transform and validate yaml file using cue

cue export \
  -l input: examples/generated/shellcheckLint-merged.yaml \
  internal/model/binFile.cue --out yaml \
  -e output >examples/generated/shellcheckLint-cue-transformed.yaml

5. KCL

cd internal/model/kcl
kcl -D configFile=testsKcl/example.yaml

6. Alternatives