A Tag-Length-Value (also known as Type-Length-Value) is an encoding scheme used for many protocols.
The tag and length are fixed in size (varying from 1 to 4 bytes) and the value field is of variable size.
The fields are:
- Tag: An alphanumeric code that represents the kind of field the object represents;
- Length: Size of the value field (in bytes);
- Value: Variable-sized series of bytes which contains data for this field object.
Advantages of using TLV:
- Sequences are usually easy to parse;
- Unknown tags or elements can be skipped or ignored, so new versions can be added without a problem;
- Elements can be placed in any order;
- New elements can be created without breaking the protocol itself or the parsing function.
For more information, you can see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type-length-value
You can install directly from PyPI:
pip install uttlv
Or download the source code and install using pip:
pip install .
To start using this package, just import the package and create an object
from uttlv import TLV
# Create object
t = TLV()
To add a tag to object, do it like a dict value:
# A tag of int value
t[0x01] = 10
# A tag of string value
t[0x02] = 'test'
# A tag of an array of bytes
t[0x03] = bytes([1, 2, 3])
# Or another TLV object
another_one = TLV()
another_one[0x05] = 234
t[0x04] = another_one
A tag can only be int, str, bytes or a TLV itself. Any other type will raise a TypeError exception. If a tag is inserted and another object with same tag value already exists on the object, the tag will be overriden with the new value.
To get the underlying array, just call to_byte_array()
arr = t.to_byte_array()
print('TLV:', arr)
To parse an array, just call the method parse_array()
# create object
t = TLV()
# parse from object
data = bytes([0x03, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0A])
If you call tree()
, the object will create a string with a tree-like structure to print:
from prtlv import TLV
# Create object
t = TLV()
# Add value
t[0x01] = 10
# Print it
print('Value:\n', t.tree())
## <output>
## Value:
## 1: 10
You can also add a dictionary to map a tag to its underline class type, so it's showed as correct type instead of a bytearray.
The dictionay must have all keys as the tag values and its respective values as the class type of the tag:
config = {
0x01: {'type': 'int', 'name': 'NUM_POINTS'},
0x02: {'type': 'int', 'name': 'IDLE_PERIOD'},
0x03: {'type': 'str', 'name': 'NAME'},
0x04: {'type': 'str', 'name': 'CITY'},
0x05: {'type': 'bytes', 'name': 'VERSION'},
0x06: {'type': 'bytes', 'name': 'DATA'},
0x07: {'type': 'TLV', 'name': 'RELATED'},
0x08: {'type': 'TLV', 'name': 'COMMENT'}
# Set map
For now, only 'int', 'str', 'bytes' and 'TLV' are accepted as valid classes. Any other class will raise AttributeError.
If a tag map is configured, one can use the tag name to access its value:
t = TLV()
t['NUM_POINTS'] = 10
And also can print it with all tag names instead of values:
## <output>
You can access also the tags directly:
t = TLV()
t['NUM_POINTS'] = 10
- Different tag length simultaneously