This repository is no longer used. See for the continuation of this work.
This is a backend daemon that listens to fedmsg and updates PDC with information about what it sees on the bus.
Set up a python virtualenv:
$ sudo dnf -y install python-virtualenvwrapper $ source ~/.bashrc $ mkvirtualenv pdc-updater
Setup pdc-updater and its dependencies:
$ workon pdc-updater $ pip install -r requirements.txt $ python develop
Try running the test suite:
$ dnf install libyaml-devel $ pip install -r test-requirements.txt $ nosetests
Check test suite coverage:
$ pip install coverage $ nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=pdcupdater
- go to in your browser and login.
- go to
- open up the devtools console in your browser, and find the request for the current page.
- right click to open a context menu and select 'copy as cURL'
- paste that into a terminal. It should have your saml cookie.
- before hitting enter, edit the command to add the following option:
-H 'Accept: application/json'
, to tell the API you want data
- the command should print out your token.
Copy fedmsg.d/
to fedmsg.d/
and fill
in your token there.
Run it for real:
$ fedmsg-hub
Finally, you can take the dev instructions from the-new-hotness and learn how to set up a local fedmsg-relay so you can replay production messages and more fully test out pdc-updater.