This project was made for Buildspace GTFOL mini hackaton.
The project was to make an idea board with the following:
- Everyone can have acess, but
- Only members holding a NFT can post.
- Only members holding a NFT can upvote/downvote
For this project we decided to make a slam poetry boad based in this concept:
This project demonstrates a basic Hardhat use case. It comes with a sample contract, a test for that contract, a sample script that deploys that contract, and an example of a task implementation, which simply lists the available accounts.
Try running some of the following tasks:
npx hardhat accounts
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat clean
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
node scripts/sample-script.js
npx hardhat help
Dri - @driespindola
Vanes - @vanessa
Julia - @JuliaM664
moonplant - @_moonplant