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A hedgehog tutorial

Course material for the bobkonf course in Berlin on Feb 23rd, 2018.

Thanks to @aische for enlightening discussions.


In the course we will load 0*.hs into ghci in order and fill in the blanks. If you want to see what the final files are supposed to look like, you can peak into spoilers/.


You will need an editor of your choice and the terminal to run ghc in interactive mode.

Before you come to the course, you should:

stack upgrade  # (just in case, this has been tested with 1.6.3., and is known to fail with 1.5.1)
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH  # (just in case...  this is where stack just installed itself)
git clone
cd bob18-tutorial-hedgehog
stack setup
stack build --fast  # (in case you are in a hurry: `--fast` reduces compile time and increases run time.)
echo 'iAmReady' | stack exec -- ghci 01_Basics.hs

Give it some time, there are a lot of hidden dependencies in some of the exercises. Eventually you should see this on your terminal:

GHCi, version 8.2.2:  :? for help
[1 of 1] Compiling Basics           ( 01_Basics.hs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
*Basics> ━━━ Basics ━━━
  ✓ prop_const passed 100 tests.
  ✓ 1 succeeded.
*Basics> Leaving GHCi.

That's it! You are ready for the tutorial.

If you are having difficulties getting this far, please check that your local repository is in sync with github, then open an issue.

Selected links & further reading