This plugin is based on rabbitmq-recent-history-exchange from Alvaro Videla
It has been developed by ShuttleCloud.
This exchange gives you the possibility to set throttling to any exchange. This exchange receives a message and after a time it's delivered to the final exchange. It works as an intermediary
You should set this headers:
- to_exchange: The final exchange
- messages_per_second: The rate of messages in seconds.
For example:
- Messages with this headers:
- to_exchange= services
- messages_per_second: 0.017
Delivers a message every 60 seconds to the exchange services.
- Messages with this headers:
- to_exchange= endpoints
- messages_per_second: 0.1
Delivers 10 messages every second to the exchange endpoints.
It doesn't accomplish the standar erlang convention. Take into account that I'm not an erlang programmer nor rabbitmq committer, I appreciate all reviews and feedback.