Releases: fluentassertions/fluentassertions.analyzers
Releases · fluentassertions/fluentassertions.analyzers
What's Changed
- feat: Fix dictionary custom methods false diagnostics by @Meir017 in #379 thanks @jnyrup for reporting (5 years ago...)
- bugfix: false positive on expressions containing Count by @Meir017 in #384 thanks @davidnmbond for reporting
Full Changelog: v0.33.0...v0.34.1
What's Changed
- feat: add assert that IsEmpty scenarios by @Meir017 in #356
- feat: add nunit collection Assert.That Is.EqualTo by @Meir017 in #360
- feat: add nunit collection Assert.That contains item by @Meir017 in #361
- feat: add nunit collection Assert.That All InstanceOf by @Meir017 in #362
- feat: add nunit collection Assert.That OnlyHaveUniqueItems & NotContainNulls by @Meir017 in #364
- feat: add nunit Assert.That Is.AtMost & Is.AtLeast by @Meir017 in #365
- feat: Rewrite parameters order when handling constant values in assertions by @Meir017 in #370
- feat: ignore mstest Assert.Fail & Assert.Inconclusive methods by @Meir017 in #371
- feat: NUnit Rewrite parameters order when handling constant values in assertions by @Meir017 in #372
- tests: add examples for excluding assert methods from analyzer by @Meir017 in #376
Full Changelog: v0.32.0...v0.33.0
What's Changed
- chore: bugfix/309 more than one dimension array by @Meir017 in #311
- feat: support List<>.Count.Should().Be scenario by @Meir017 in #314
- feat: add missing nunit test cases for false assertions by @Meir017 in #337
- feat: add nunit assert.that empty assertions by @Meir017 in #339
- feat: add nunit assert.that zero assertions by @Meir017 in #340
- feat: add nunit collectionassert.isempty assertions by @Meir017 in #341
- feat: add nunit collection assert AreEqual by @Meir017 in #346
- feat: add nunit collection assert Contains by @Meir017 in #347
- feat: add nunit collection assert AllItemsAreInstancesOfType by @Meir017 in #349
- feat: add nunit assert AreNotSame by @Meir017 in #350
- tests: add mstest tests for generic Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType by @Meir017 in #351
- feat: add nunit collection asserts AllItemsAreNotNull & AllItemsAreUnique by @Meir017 in #352
- feat: ignore more nunit assert methods by @Meir017 in #354
New Docs
Full Changelog: v0.31.0...v0.32.0
What's Changed
- docs: add test project for FluentAssertionsAnalyzer by @Meir017 in #304
- chore: Cleanup solution structure by @Meir017 in #308
- bugfix: limit CollectionShouldHaveCount_LengthShouldBe to one dimension arrays only by @Meir017 in #310
Closed issues
- #309 thanks @scott-moxham for reporting this!
Full Changelog: v0.30.0...v0.31.0
What's Changed
- feat: add nunit null assertions by @Meir017 in #293
- feat: add nunit numeric assertions by @Meir017 in #294
- feat: add nunit equality assertions by @Meir017 in #295
- feat: add nunit types assertions by @Meir017 in #296
- feat: add nunit contains assertions by @Meir017 in #297
- feat: add nunit Assert.Conditions by @Meir017 in #298
- bugfix: fix docs for issue #301 by @Meir017 in #302
- bugfix: fix analyzer for issue #300 and #299 by @Meir017 in #303
Closed issues
- #299, #300, #301 thanks @FantasyTeddy for reporting these!
Full Changelog: v0.29.1...v0.30.0
What's Changed
- feat: add xunit Assert.InRange by @Meir017 in #281
- feat: add xunit Assert.Equivalent by @Meir017 in #282
- #137 xunit define codefixes for exceptionasserts assert.throws by @Meir017 in #284
- feat: Add Using directive for FluentAssertion if missing by @Meir017 in #285
- chore: update benchmark pipeline by @Meir017 in #288
- bugfix: and test for #96 by @Meir017 in #289
- feat: add nunit boolean assertions by @Meir017 in #291
- bugfix: fix issue #290 by @Meir017 in #292 (thanks @JeppeSN for reporting this)
Full Changelog: v0.29.0...v0.29.1
What's Changed
- bugfix: fix #276
- feat: Migrate fluent assertions code-fixers to levarage IOperation by @Meir017 in #278
- bugfix: Do not report fluentassertion diagnostic when there is a condition expression before the Should invocation by @Meir017 in #279
- feat: Migrate NullConditionalAssertion to IOperation by @Meir017 in #280
Full Changelog: v0.28.0...v0.29.0
What's Changed
- use single analyzer for fluentassertions tips - collections by @Meir017 in #252
- Use specific message for code fixes by @Meir017 in #256
- feat: Migrate numerics to IOperation by @Meir017 in #259
- feat: Migrate String to IOperation by @Meir017 in #260
- feat: Migrate dictionary to IOperation by @Meir017 in #263
- feat: migrate exceptions to IOperation by @Meir017 in #264
- tests: introduce API for creating complex test projects by @Meir017 in #267
- feat: Migrate MsTest to IOperation by @Meir017 in #269
- feat: Migrate xunit to IOperation by @Meir017 in #270
- feat: Migrate equals to IOperation by @Meir017 in #272
faster analyzers (see all
Full Changelog: v0.27.0...v0.28.0
What's Changed
- Benchmark tests by @Meir017 in #180
- Fix missing parenthesis after applying XUnit code fixes by @jairbubbles in #248
New Contributors
- @jairbubbles made their first contribution in #248
Full Changelog: v0.26.0...v0.27.0
What's Changed
- chore: update Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk to version 17.7.2 by @Meir017 in #232
- add support for xunit SetAsserts Contains by @Meir017 in #234
- add support for xunit SetAsserts DoesNotContain by @Meir017 in #235
- chore: update xunit.assert to version 2.5.1 by @Meir017 in #233
- add support for xunit SetAsserts Subset by @Meir017 in #236
- add support for xunit TypeAsserts IsAssignableFrom by @Meir017 in #238
- add support for xunit TypeAsserts IsNotAssignableFrom by @Meir017 in #239
- add support for xunit TypeAsserts IsType by @Meir017 in #240
- add support for xunit TypeAsserts IsNotType by @Meir017 in #241
- bugfix: fix string analyzers array complex type ignoring by @Meir017 in #243 (thanks petterh for reporting in #242)
Full Changelog: v0.25.0...v0.26.0