To use this project checkout the online documentation.
To use this project there are no dependencies on anything other than Angular, however to get the most out of the UI elements we have chosen bootstrap for any templates which can be overridden.
This toolbelt has been created as they offer useful add-ons to the angular environment which can solve common interactions or UI needs
The following helpers are available for building rich applications with angular;
- Platform (Allow detection and information about the client, for example recommend new browsers to those using old ones)
- Active Navigation (highlight navigation items depending on current uri location)
- Growl (show dynamically messages on your interface)
- Infinite Scroll (dynamically load data into a list showing on the page once the list reaches the bottom of the page)
- Scroll (automatic scrolling on a page to take users to a set anchor location, but via a jump or animation)
- Markdown (Wrapper for marked project to allow parsing of Markdown text)
- Password Strength (allows checking of passwords against rules to avoid poor password selection)