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auxiliary enum dirchex

cktricky edited this page May 9, 2011 · 2 revisions


Kyle Rippee (k3r0s1n3)


This module is a port of DirChex, it sends GET or PUT requests and logs the responses.


Module Options:

CONTENTTYPE   application/javascript       false      Enter a content-type, ONLY if using PUT method
FILECONTENT   test text within test_file   false      Enter text to put into the file (only is using PUT)
METHOD        GET                          true       Enter either GET or PUT HTTP Methods
PROXYA                                     false      Proxy IP Address
PROXYP                                     false      Proxy Port Number
PUTFILE       test_file                    false      Enter the name of the file to PUT (only if using PUT)
RURLS         rurls/host_list.txt          true       Target addresses file
UA            1                            true       Please enter a User Agent

Options Explained (Module Specific):

METHOD -- By default the request is GET. Can also be PUT.


CONTENTTYPE -- This is available so that a user can specify a Content-Type when sending PUT requests. You can perform a show content and choose the numerical value which represents the Content-Type you'd prefer to try.

Not necessary when GET.

FILECONTENT -- This is the data that will go inside the file you are "PUT'ing".

Not necessary when GET.

PUTFILE -- This is the name of the file you are "PUT'ing".

Not necessary when GET.

UA -- Specify the User-Agent you'd like to use. Type show ua to see the list.

Real world example:

My target is and I have a list of URLs that I've placed in a file under the rurls directory called "my_host_list".

The "my_host_list" file essentially looks like: on and so forth

We'd like to send GET requests to every resource and log the result for use in dradis.

show rurls
set RURLS rurls/my_host_list
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