A simple cache wrapper for functions. Only need 1 line of code to cache the function result.
- Simple wrapper for function (support async)
- Cache TTL
- Cache signature validation (Optional)
- Less pollution in your code
- Support Array/Set/Map in returned type
- Support LocalStorage or Memory as cache store
npm i side-cache
One Line for Cache
import { cacheable } from 'side-cache';
const getUser = async (userId) => {
const resp = await fetch('https://gorest.co.in/public/v1/users?id=' + userId);
return await resp.json()
const getCacheableUser = cacheable(getUser, (userId)=> `user.${userId}`)
const userInfo = getCacheableUser(1)
Cache Options
import { cacheable } from 'side-cache';
const getUser = async (userId) => {
const resp = await fetch('https://gorest.co.in/public/v1/users?id=' + userId);
return await resp.json()
//Cache will expired after 1 hour
const getCacheableUser = cacheable(
(userId) => `user.${userId}`,
{timeToLive: 3600}
const userInfo = getCacheableUser(1)
Global Config
import { configure } from 'side-cache';
keyPrefix: "cacheable",
signer: (data:string) => createHash('sha256').update(data).digest('hex'), //Default is null
timeToLive: 3600 * 24 // Default ttl is 1 day (seconds)
//cacheStore: new LocalStorageCacheStore() - Defautl store in browser.
//cacheStore: new LocalMemCacheStore() - Default store in Node.
declare const cacheable: (
target: Function, // support sync/async function
cacheKeyBuilder: string | Function, // only support sync function
options?: CacheOptions
) => any;
interface CacheOptions {
keyPrefix?: string | Function; // Support sync/async function
signer?: (data:string) => string; // Function use to do signature validation
timeToLive?: number;
declare const configure: (options?: GlobalCacheOptions) => void;
interface GlobalCacheOptions extends CacheOptions {
cacheStore?: CacheStore;
serializer?: Serializer<any>;
What kind of storage policy support?
Currently we only support LocalStorage(in broswer) and LocalMemory(in node), it been selected automatically while launch your application.
Does Browser application supported?
Please raise you questions in issues!