This FW/1 directory is a complete web application and expects to live in its own
webroot if you plan to run the applications within it. To use FW/1 in a separate
webroot you can either copy the framework
directory to that webroot or add a mapping
for /framework
to the framework
folder inside this FW/1 directory. Note that since
your Application.cfc
needs to extend
, you have to add the mapping
in your admin - you can't just use a per-application mapping.
Please read the Framework One Code of Conduct - we want FW/1 to be a welcoming and supportive environment for everyone to feel comfortable contributing!
Demo sites: v4.3.2 -
Project home:
Documentation / Wiki: /
Chat: The CFML team Slack has a dedicated #fw1 channel.
FW/1 is setup to run tests using GitHub Actions using the fw1_java11.yml
and fw1_boxlang.yml
workflow files.
To run tests locally, you'll need CommandBox installed.
Then run box install
once to install the dependencies (TestBox is the only one currently).
Then start a server on port 8500 with your choice of CFML engine, e.g.,
box server start cfengine=lucee@5 port=8500
This will open a browser, running the FW/1 "Introduction" app.
You can then run the tests:
box testbox run verbose=false
If you get any failures, you can run this with more verbose, but still compact output:
box testbox run reporter=mintext
Copyright (c) 2009-2024, Sean Corfield (and others -- see individual files for additional copyright holders). All rights reserved. The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Apache Software License 2.0 ( which can also be found in the file LICENSE at the root of this distribution and in individual licensed files. By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.