Package franeklubi/tie
provides a Processing-like API for simple and fun drawing,
game making, data and algorithm visualization, and generally - art :)
To install this package:
go get
You'll also need to install dependencies. (see Dependencies)
This package depends on two other packages:
- gl v2.1
- glfw v3.2
To install these, use:
go get
go get
and You should be all set! :)
Main features:
- it's beginner friendly,
- has Processing-like API - no need to learn a new framework from the ground up,
- provides easy image manipulation,
- it's fun :D
( For more examples visit franeklubi/tie-examples! )
package main
// import the package
import (
func main() {
// initialize engine in main
tie.Init(500, 500, "window_name", false)
// width, height, window_name, is_resizable
// pass all the functions you want used by the engine
// launch the engine
var (
img tie.Image
// called only once, before setup, nothing can be drawn here
func preload() {
img = tie.LoadImage("/path/to/image.png")
// called only once, before draw, you can draw here
func setup() {
tie.Background(255, 255, 255, 255)
// called once every frame
func draw() {
// drawing loaded image
tie.Fill(255, 255, 255, 255)
tie.PastePixels(img, 0, 0, tie.Width, tie.Height)
// drawing ellipse
tie.Fill(0, 255, 0, 255)
tie.Ellipse(tie.Width/2, tie.Height/2, 200, 200)
// drawing rectangle
tie.Fill(0, 255, 255, 255)
tie.Rect(tie.Width/2-50, tie.Height/2-50, 100, 100)