WebExtension packages for every need, by @fregante.
- webext-alert -
for background pages/workers in Web Extensions. - webext-storage - A more usable typed storage API for Web Extensions.
- webext-patterns - Convert the patterns of your WebExtension manifest to regex.
- webext-polyfill-kinda - Super-lightweight Promised wrapper around
API to be used in modules. - webext-storage-cache - Cache values in your Web Extension and clear them on expiration.
- webext-detect - Detects where the current browser extension code is being run.
- webext-tools - Utility functions for Web Extensions.
- webext-events - High-level events and utilities for events in Web Extensions.
- webext-msg - Simple message handler
- webext-content-scripts - Utility functions to inject content scripts from a WebExtension.
- webext-permissions - Get any optional permissions that users have granted you.
- webext-dynamic-content-scripts - Automatically registers your content_scripts on domains added via permission.request
- webext-options-sync - Helps you manage and autosave your extension's options.
- webext-options-sync-per-domain - Helps you manage and autosave your extension's options, separately for each additional permission
- webext-permission-toggle - Browser-action context menu to request permission for the current tab.
- webext-inject-on-install - Automatically add content scripts to existing tabs when your extension is installed.
- webext-base-css - Extremely minimal stylesheet/setup for Web Extensions’ options pages (also dark mode)
- webext-active-tab - Track
permission; automatically inject content scripts. - webext-bugs - Useful fixes and workarounds for browser extension shortcomings.
Also check out:
- Awesome-WebExtensions - A curated list of awesome resources for WebExtensions development.
- promise-fun - The inspiration for this repo.
Examples of personal Web Extensions using the patterns above:
- refined-github Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features
- GhostText 👻 Use your text editor to write in your browser. Everything you type in the editor will be instantly updated in the browser (and vice versa).
- npmhub 🔎 A browser extension to explore npm dependencies on GitHub repos
- github-issue-link-status Colorize issue and PR links to see their status (open, closed, merged)