In this repository, you can find:
- A brief explanation of the data in the tidy_data_set.txt
- run_analysis.R: The script that gets the original data and performs some cleaning and aggregations to get the final dataset
- tidy_data_set.txt: The output dataset from the run_analysis.R script
- getting_and_cleaning_data folder: A folder containing the original data from the link provided for this project
The R script in this repository reads the data from the train and test files and summarizes it by calculating the mean of each of the values aggregated by subject and activity. The steps it takes are:
- Read the train and test raw data files
- Read the label and feature files to make the data easier to read
- Filter the raw data to keep only the columns that contain mean or standard deviation metrics
- Merge the test and train datasets into one
- Change the activity numbers into the correct labels
- Aggregates the data_frame by activity and subject using the mean() function
- Creates the tidy_data_set.txt file with the resulting data_frame