This is a small application demo used to showcase integration with the Okta service platform to secure a microservices architecture provisioned using the MicroProfile framework. This application domain is to manage the speakers and session talks for a conference event.
The Okta domain used by this application is . Access to its admin dashboard here
This application is composed of:
2 microservices applications:
microservice used to manage the speakers that will talk at the event. -
microservice used to manage the session talks held at the event.
A small web application designed as an Angular SPA that uses the previous microservices.
JWT validation doesn’t work correctly in the current Payara Platform release 5.2020.5. Fixes are expected to come for the next release and this project will be updated to clarify it as such. |
Users that access this application should follow into the next 3 roles:
Administrators of the conference event. They can:
Create new session talks
View all session talks
Delete session talks
View all registered speakers
Accept speakers into the conference.
Speakers of talks at the event. They can:
View all fellow speakers
Register themselves as speakers
Attendees of the event. They can:
View all speakers registered
View all session talks
Attend a session if interested
The microservices are configured as Maven projects and can be launched from the command line using the Payara Micro Maven plugin like this:
mvn clean install
mvn payara-micro:start