Image handler bundle use the very helpful Vich uploader bundle, which allows file upload with annotations.
In the same way, Image handler adds in this bundle a way to handle uploaded picture, like resizing or cropping.
Here is an example of use, with the table field "avatar"
First, add the namespace for annotations :
use Vich\UploaderBundle\Mapping\Annotation as Vich;
use Fulgurio\ImageHandlerBundle\Annotation as ImageAnnotation;
Configure your entity class as explain in Vich Uploader :
* @Vich\Uploadable
Add a new class member, avatarFile
* @var Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile
* @Vich\UploadableField(mapping="avatar_image" fileNameProperty="avatar")
* @Assert\File(
* maxSize="1M",
* mimeTypes={"image/png", "image/jpeg", "image/pjpeg"}
* )
private $avatarFile;
As you'll see, avatarFile is associated to avatar with fileNameProperty
We update the setAvarFile method avatar member, because if entity has no change, file will not be uploaded as well. So we "fake" a change by update ''avatar'' member.
* Set avatarFile
* @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile $avatarFile
public function setAvatarFile(UploadedFile $avatarFile)
$this->avatarFile = $avatarFile;
// Because we need an update of User object when form submit a file,
// we make a fake update of $avatar
if ($avatarFile)
return $this;
At the end, you need to add image handler annotation to original field, avatar :
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=128, nullable=true)
* @ImageAnnotation\ImageHandle(mapping="avatar_image", action="resize", width=100, height=100)
private $avatar;
If you want to crop the picture, just replace the action by "crop", and change width of heigth as wanted. You can type 3 fields for each function :
- width (optional): width to resize / crop
- height (optional): height to resize / crop
- mappping (optional): name of config mapping, to set width and height in global config. See above
- action (optional): by default, you'll resize the picture, but "crop" is also available
In app/config/config.yml, just type something like that :
width: 400
height: 400
width: 200
height: 200
action: crop
With Vich/UploadBundle, you need to config a mapping name. In my case, it's in @Vich\UploadableField(mapping="avatar_image" fileNameProperty="avatar"). If you put in you config file a fulgurio_image_handler.mappings.avatar_image, it will use this settings, so picture will be resize to 400x400. But if you add a mapping settings in ImageHandler annotatin, like @ImageAnnotation\ImageResize(mapping="second_size") ImageHandler will crop to 200x200. Groovy !