This is a simple and easy-to-customize program which allows to match people in pairs.
A good use would be for Secret Santa.
Enter the people you need to match together, and this program will send an e-mail to all participants telling them who is their pick.
Create a file config.json
in your root directory with the following keys and without comments:
"SEND": Boolean // true will send the emails, false will print results to the console
"email": {
// html string starting with the <body> tag. Use the variable giftReceiver to display the picked person
"content": String
"override": { // optional object that allows to override some email configurations
[email: String]: { // email of the recipient taken from members array
"subject": String // subject of the email to override
"to": String // overrides the name that will be used, e.g. "name" <[email protected]>
"subject": String // use the variable emailRecipient to display the name of the recipient
"members": [
"email": String,
"name": String
"rules": { // optional rules that will reject pairings
"couples": [ // forbid member1 to pick member2 and vice-versa
[,] // use the member emails
"pastyears": [ // forbid member1 to pick member2
[,] // use the member emails
"sender": {
"from": String // as you want it to appear for the receivers,
"host": String // smtp server,
"port": String // smtp port,
"username": String // sender email,
"password": String // sender password
See config.example.json;
Sender config example for Gmail:
"from": "Santa Claus <[email protected]>",
"host": "",
"port": "587",
"username": "[email protected]",
"password": "SantasMagicPassword"
Sender config example for Outlook:
"from": "Santa Claus <[email protected]>",
"host": "",
"port": "587",
"username": "[email protected]",
"password": "SantasMagicPassword"
javac -cp ".;libs/*" -d target src/*
java -cp "target;libs/*" Draw