Browse Ffuf's JSON output as a neatly formatted HTML report in the comfort of your browser.
But... but... Ffuf already has HTML output flag available!? I know, I am using the same code 😁
ffufsee was created for specific use cases:
- You have the JSON file generated by Ffuf and you want to generate HTML report. As far as I know, Ffuf does not have this option.
- You are like me and run distributed Ffuf using ShadowClone so generating hundreds of HTML reports does not make sense. JSON files can be combined easily!
git clone
cd ffufsee
go run main.go ~/path/to/your/ffuf-output.json
Or you can build a binary and execute from anywhere
go build .
cp ffufsee /usr/local/bin/
ffufsee ~/path/to/your/ffuf-output.json
Open browser and visit http://localhost:5505
The Ffuf JSON file needs to be created by Ffuf v2.0.0 (current version). JSON files generated by older Ffuf versions are not supported, sorry!