Un-Official OpenEmbedded layer for bananapi boards.
Due to the linux sunxi did not merge the kernel and uboot changes made by Lemaker.
So we make some changes on meta-sunxi and add this new layer to make OE works for bananapi.
This layer depends on the additional layer:
meta-sunxi: https://github.com/xleng/meta-sunxi
meta-openembedded: git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded
Tested with core-image-minimal based on yocto 1.6
###Build minimal image
The following steps has just been tested under ubuntu 12.04 and it may also works on others *nix like OS.
####Install the essential packages
$ sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib
build-essential chrpath libsdl1.2-dev xterm
####Get poky-daisy-11.0.0
$wget http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/yocto/yocto-1.6.1/poky-daisy-11.0.1.tar.bz2
$tar xvjf poky-daisy-11.0.0.tar.bz2
$cd poky-daisy-11.0.0
####Get meta-sunxi
$git clone https://github.com/xleng/meta-sunxi.git
####Get meta-bananapi
$git clone https://github.com/xleng/meta-bananapi.git
####Get meta-openembedded
$git clone -b daisy https://github.com/openembedded/meta-openembedded.git
####Set compile config
$source ./oe-init-build-env
Add meta-sunxi, meta-bananapi, meta-oe layers to ./conf/bblayer.conf, and it wil be something like this:
$cat ./conf/bblayers.conf
# LAYER_CONF_VERSION is increased each time build/conf/bblayers.conf
# changes incompatibly LCONF_VERSION = "6"
BBLAYERS ?= " \ /home/john/opensource/yocto/poky-daisy-11.0.0/meta \ /home/john/opensource/yocto/poky-daisy-11.0.0/meta-yocto \ /home/john/opensource/yocto/poky-daisy-11.0.0/meta-yocto-bsp \ /home/john/opensource/yocto/poky-daisy-11.0.0/meta-sunxi \ /home/john/opensource/yocto/poky-daisy-11.0.0/meta-bananapi \ /home/john/opensource/yocto/poky-daisy-11.0.0/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \ " BBLAYERS_NON_REMOVABLE ?= " \ /home/john/opensource/yocto/poky-daisy-11.0.0/meta \ /home/john/opensource/yocto/poky-daisy-11.0.0/meta-yocto \ "
the parent path of poky maybe different in your pc.
And change the machine type to bananapi in ./conf/local.conf
MACHINE ??= "bananapi"
####Run compile command $bitbake core-image-minimal
This will cost a lot of time in your first compile, it will donwload the sources form internet and then compile the sources, so be patient with it.
You will get a image file under './tmp/deploy/images/bananapi/core-image-minimal-bananapi.sunxi-sdimg'.
Flash this image file with your tools to sd card to boot the system.