MessagePack framework.
MessagePack is an efficient binary serialization format. It lets you exchange data among multiple languages like JSON. But it's faster and smaller.
- CMP is a C implementation of the MessagePack serialization format.
.package(url: "", from: "1.6.0"),
pod "MPMessagePack"
github "gabriel/MPMessagePack"
#import <MPMessagePack/MPMessagePack.h>
NSDictionary *dict =
@"n": @(32134123),
@"bool": @(YES),
@"array": @[@(1.1f), @(2.1)],
@"body": [NSData data],
NSData *data = [dict mp_messagePack];
Or via MPMessagePackWriter
NSError *error = nil;
NSData *data = [MPMessagePackWriter writeObject:dict error:&error];
If you need to use an ordered dictionary.
MPOrderedDictionary *dict = [[MPOrderedDictionary alloc] init];
[dict addEntriesFromDictionary:@{@"c": @(1), @"b": @(2), @"a": @(3)}];
[dict sortKeysUsingSelector:@selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)];
NSData *data = [dict mp_messagePack];
id obj = [MPMessagePackReader readData:data error:&error];
MPMessagePackReader *reader = [[MPMessagePackReader alloc] initWithData:data];
id obj1 = [reader read:&error]; // Read an object
id obj2 = [reader read:&error]; // Read another object
See msgpack-rpc.
It also supports a framing option where it will prefix the rpc message with the number of bytes (as a msgpack'ed number).
Request with completion block:
MPMessagePackClient *client = [[MPMessagePackClient alloc] init];
[client openWithHost:@"localhost" port:93434 completion:^(NSError *error) {
// If error we failed
[client sendRequestWithMethod:@"test" params:@[@{@"arg": @(1)}] completion:^(NSError *error, id result) {
// If error we failed
// Otherwise the result
You can also request synchronously:
NSError *error = nil;
id result = [client sendRequestWithMethod:@"test" params:@[@{@"arg": @(1)}] messageId:3 timeout:5.0 error:&error];
// error.code == MPRPCErrorRequestTimeout on timeout
And cancel in progress requests:
BOOL cancelled = [client cancelRequestWithMessageId:3];
// cancelled == YES, if the request was in progress and we cancelled it
MPMessagePackServer *server = [[MPMessagePackServer alloc] initWithOptions:MPMessagePackOptionsFramed];
server.requestHandler = ^(NSString *method, id params, MPRequestCompletion completion) {
if ([method isEqualToString:@"echo"]) {
completion(nil, params);
} else {
completion(@{@"error": {@"description": @"Method not found"}}, nil);
NSError *error = nil;
if (![server openWithPort:93434 error:&error]) {
// Failed to open
If you are using Mantle to encode objects to JSON (and then msgpack), you can specify a coder for the MPMessagePackClient:
@interface KBMantleCoder : NSObject <MPMessagePackCoder>
@implementation KBMantleCoder
- (NSDictionary *)encodeModel:(id)obj {
return [obj conformsToProtocol:@protocol(MTLJSONSerializing)] ? [MTLJSONAdapter JSONDictionaryFromModel:obj] : obj;
Then in the client:
MPMessagePackClient *client = [[MPMessagePackClient alloc] init];
client.coder = [[KBMantleCoder alloc] init];
There is an experimental, but functional msgpack-rpc over XPC (see XPC directory). More details soon.