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Fedora atomic

arnaud gaboury edited this page Nov 27, 2019 · 3 revisions

Fedora Atomic

autoauto- [Fedora Atomic](#fedora-atomic)auto - [Filesystem](#filesystem)auto - [Contents of the Atomic Host filesystem](#contents-of-the-atomic-host-filesystem)auto - [Storage setup](#storage-setup)auto - [Docker Image Storage - LVM Thinpool](#docker-image-storage---lvm-thinpool)auto - [Troubleshoot](#troubleshoot)auto - [Resolution](#resolution)auto - [Monitor the thin pool](#monitor-the-thin-pool)auto - [Extend the Root Partition](#extend-the-root-partition)auto - [The devicemapper Backend](#the-devicemapper-backend)auto - [Volume](#volume)auto - [Package management](#package-management)auto - [Add new package](#add-new-package)auto - [remove local packages](#remove-local-packages)auto - [Livefs](#livefs)auto - [Override](#override)auto - [Error](#error)auto - [Basic commands](#basic-commands)auto - [Atomic](#atomic)auto - [inactive request](#inactive-request)auto - [Pod management](#pod-management)auto - [Using podman](#using-podman)auto - [Ostree](#ostree)auto - [Ostree status](#ostree-status)auto - [Compose Ostree](#compose-ostree)auto - [Verify](#verify)auto - [Customize Ostree](#customize-ostree)auto - [Setup Atomic Host server](#setup-atomic-host-server)auto - [Automize Ostree building](#automize-ostree-building)auto - [Snapshot](#snapshot)auto - [Setup build server](#setup-build-server)auto - [Resources](#resources)autoauto

NOTE: manual pages are not available on RHEL Atomic, however they are available on RHEL Server systems.)


NOTE: Atomic is installed by the host provider on xfs filesystem.

The basis of the filesystem use in Docker is the storage backend abstraction. Each containers has two layers, one (called the "init" layer), which is based on an image layer and a child of that which contains the actual container content.

A lot of the stateful directories point to /var, while a lot of the non stateful directories point to /usr. This is by design as it is best to separate content that we don’t want to ever modify, with transient or runtime content.

Contents of the Atomic Host filesystem

1 - The Root partition is called root and is 3GB by default. root is a Logical Volume that contains the following:

  • The /var and /etc directories.

  • The /ostree/repo which contains the OSTree versions.

  • The /var/lib/docker/ directory which contains container images data, such as temporary data or the docker volumes. A docker volume is a unit of storage that a running container can request from the host system. The unit of storage can be provided by another container but also by the host directly.

For the most part /var is read/write and /usr is read-only.

2 - A Container Image Partition called docker-pool. It is formatted as an LVM thin pool by the docker-storage-setup service. It is used to store the container images.

Storage setup

NOTE : Fedora Atomic Host comes bundled with a version of Docker based on this project atomic repo that moves no faster than the upstream Kubernetes project can abide (currently docker-1.13.1)

Docker uses /var/lib/docker as the default directory where all Docker related files, including the images, are stored. Atomic hosts however use direct LVM volumes via the devicemapper backend to store Docker images and metadata /dev/atomicos/docker-data and /dev/atomicos/docker-meta.

Docker suuports different storage drivers

We must be sure we are running in the direct-lvm mode and have LVM thin pools set up. This can be done using the docker-storage-setup utility.

Docker Image Storage - LVM Thinpool

LVM is a Logical Volume Manager for Linux Kernel.

Docker needs storage to store containers and container images. The default storage option for Docker on Fedora Atomic Host is an LVM thin pool. We need to create thin pool volume. Thin Provisioning is used in lvm for creating virtual disks inside a thin pool. The docker-storage-setup service can assist you in setting up an LVM thin pool. When docker starts, it automatically starts docker-storage-setup.

By default, docker-storage-setup tries to find free space in the volume group backing the root volume and tries to setup a thin pool. If there is no free space in the volume group, docker-storage-setup will fail to set up an LVM thin pool and will fall back to using loopback devices.

Logical volumes can be thinly provisioned. This allows to create logical volumes that are larger than the available extents. Using thin provisioning, we can manage a storage pool of free space, known as a thin pool, which can be allocated to an arbitrary number of devices when needed by applications.

Below are steps to setup a new LVM thinpool storage.


  • here is the online manual for container-storage-setup

  • thin volumes are not supported across the nodes in a cluster. The thin pool and all its thin volumes must be exclusively activated on only one cluster node.

  • we can create our thin pool with LVM commands or use the helper script container-storage-setup to configure the direct LVM storage.

  • container-storage-setup without specifying a command defaults to using docker config files /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage-setup for input and /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage for output.

  • During boot, docker-storage-setup service reads the /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage file. We need to start and enable the service file.

1 - scan for already existing LVM partitions:

# lvmdiskscan
  /dev/atomicos/root [     <19.00 GiB] 
  /dev/vda1          [       1.00 GiB] 
  /dev/vda2          [     <19.00 GiB] LVM physical volume
  /dev/vdb1          [    <100.00 GiB] 
  1 disk
  2 partitions
  0 LVM physical volume whole disks
  1 LVM physical volume

# pvdisplay
  --- Physical volume ---
  PV Name               /dev/vda2
  VG Name               atomicos
  PV Size               <19.00 GiB / not usable 1.98 MiB
  Allocatable           yes (but full)
  PE Size               4.00 MiB
  Total PE              4863
  Free PE               0
  Allocated PE          4863
  PV UUID               Ji8MSG-yiKd-ZSlF-cop0-siUg-SPSN-xMhEkx

2 - create new physical volume

# pvcreate /dev/vdb

NOTE: when running above command, you may be returned this error:

# pvcreate /dev/vdb
  Device /dev/vdb excluded by a filter.

It either means:

  • there is a filter. Run cat /etc/lvm/lvm.conf | grep filter and see if there are filetrs.
  • there is a partition or signature on the disk. Check with gdisk and see if there is a MBR or a partition. In case of MBR, run # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/vdb bs=512 count=1.
  • run gdisk to remove everything
# gdisk /dev/vdb
p   print
d   delete partition if any
w   write table
x   expert mode
z   destroy gpt data structure
y   yes
q   quit

# gdisk /dev/vdb

Partition table scan:
  MBR: not present
  BSD: not present
  APM: not present
  GPT: not present
  • some extra commands:
vgextend atomicos /dev/vdb    
vgreduce atomicos /dev/vdb1
pvremove /dev/vdb1

3 - create volume group

# vgcreate vg-docker /dev/vdb
# vgdisplay
  --- Volume group ---
  VG Name               vg-docker
# pvdisplay
  --- Physical volume ---
  PV Name               /dev/vdb
  VG Name               vg-docker
  PV Size               <100.00 GiB / not usable 2.98 MiB
  Allocatable           yes 
  PE Size               4.00 MiB
  Total PE              25599
  Free PE               25599
  Allocated PE          0
  PV UUID               Wblg0x-nsLd-1eyE-sZfA-jQfO-Ldvi-rUGdK1

4 - Edit the /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage-setup file. These settings will override default ones in /usr/share/container-storage-setup/container-storage-setup

# vim /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage-setup

5 - stop docker

# systemctl stop docker

6 - Remove any existing docker storage configuration file.

# rm -f /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage

7 - Remove existing Docker location.

# rm -rf /var/lib/docker

8 - Run the container-storage-setup configuration tool.

# container-storage-setup
INFO: Device /dev/vdb is already partitioned and is part of volume group atomicos
NOCHANGE: partition 2 is size 39843807. it cannot be grown
  Physical volume "/dev/vda2" changed
  1 physical volume(s) resized / 0 physical volume(s) not resized
NOCHANGE: partition 1 could only be grown by -33 [fudge=2048]
  Physical volume "/dev/vdb1" changed
  1 physical volume(s) resized / 0 physical volume(s) not resized
  Rounding up size to full physical extent 124.00 MiB
  Thin pool volume with chunk size 512.00 KiB can address at most 126.50 TiB of data.
  Logical volume "docker-pool" created.
  Logical volume atomicos/docker-pool changed.

# pvdisplay
  --- Physical volume ---
  PV Name               /dev/vda2
  VG Name               atomicos
  PV Size               <19.00 GiB / not usable 1.98 MiB
  Allocatable           yes (but full)
  PE Size               4.00 MiB
  Total PE              4863
  Free PE               0
  Allocated PE          4863
  PV UUID               NQomBi-7W83-XyvX-bEYV-uhmz-Ot5o-UZpVSc
  --- Physical volume ---
  PV Name               /dev/vdb1
  VG Name               atomicos
  PV Size               <100.00 GiB / not usable 2.00 MiB
  Allocatable           yes (but full)
  PE Size               4.00 MiB
  Total PE              25599
  Free PE               0
  Allocated PE          25599
  PV UUID               QhlEUm-MzPG-utLJ-jfUQ-exEK-IYaE-te41qN

# vgdisplay 
  --- Volume group ---
  VG Name               atomicos
  System ID             
  Format                lvm2
  Metadata Areas        2
  Metadata Sequence No  62
  VG Access             read/write
  VG Status             resizable
  MAX LV                0
  Cur LV                2
  Open LV               1
  Max PV                0
  Cur PV                2
  Act PV                2
  VG Size               118.99 GiB
  PE Size               4.00 MiB
  Total PE              30462
  Alloc PE / Size       30462 / 118.99 GiB
  Free  PE / Size       0 / 0   
  VG UUID               ePxO4u-jNwJ-gUsa-MVJ1-1RQ1-JUxK-Lg0HLe
# mylsblk
NAME                             SIZE FSTYPE      MOUNTPOINT LABEL
sr0                              492K iso9660                config-2
vda                               20G                        
├─vda1                             1G ext4        /boot      
└─vda2                            19G LVM2_member            
  └─atomicos-root                 19G xfs         /sysroot   
vdb                              100G                        
└─vdb1                           100G LVM2_member            
  ├─atomicos-docker--pool_tmeta  124M                        
  │ └─atomicos-docker--pool     99.8G                        
  └─atomicos-docker--pool_tdata 99.8G                        
    └─atomicos-docker--pool     99.8G 

9 - Docker options. They can either be added in on file /etc/docker/daemon.json, or in many files in /etc/sysconfig

# ls -al /etc/sysconfig | grep docker
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root  875 Jul  4 15:29 docker
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root   56 Jul  4 15:29 docker-network
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root  230 Jul  6 11:03 docker-storage
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root  278 Jul  5 09:05 docker-storage-setup

10 - restart docker

11 - verify

 # lsblk                 
NAME                          MAJ:MIN RM  SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT
sr0                            11:0    1  492K  0 rom  
vda                           252:0    0   20G  0 disk 
├─vda1                        252:1    0    1G  0 part /boot
└─vda2                        252:2    0   19G  0 part 
  └─atomicos-root             253:0    0   19G  0 lvm  /sysroot
vdb                           252:16   0  100G  0 disk 
├─dockervg-docker--pool_tmeta 253:1    0  104M  0 lvm  
│ └─dockervg-docker--pool     253:3    0 39.8G  0 lvm  
├─dockervg-docker--pool_tdata 253:2    0 39.8G  0 lvm  
│ └─dockervg-docker--pool     253:3    0 39.8G  0 lvm  
└─dockervg-dockerlv           253:4    0   24G  0 lvm  /var/lib/docker

12 - Use the mount command to see the mount-point Docker is using:

 # mount |grep devicemapper
36:/dev/mapper/atomicos-root on /var/lib/docker/devicemapper type xfs (rw,relatime,seclabel,attr2,inode64,noquota)

Docker stores image and layer contents in the thinpool, and exposes them to containers by mounting them under subdirectories of /var/lib/docker/devicemapper/. The /var/lib/devicemapper/mnt/ directory contains a mount point for each image and container layer that exists.


  • the atomic storage modify command may be used for some operations described above. atomic storage reset will clean all storages.
  • Docker documentation has a very good how-to for creating the thin pool volume without the helper script.


1- Under certain circumstances Docker may fail to start with the following error appearing in the logs: Error initializing graphdriver: devmapper: Unable to take ownership of thin-pool (docker-pool) that already has used data blocks

This issue occurs when Docker tries to reuse a previously utilized LVM thin pool when using the devicemapper storage driver.

# systemctl stop docker.service
# rm -rf /var/lib/docker
# umount /var/lib/docker/containers
# lvremove /dev/atomicos/docker-pool
# gdisk /dev/vdb  & remove everything

2- Remove lost physical device from a group

If you see this message: Device for PV aQVolq-mbVY-PEf0-yig7-Hrny-gMfp-DkPoOb not found or rejected by a filter, we must remove the pv from the group.

# pvs
# vgs
# lvs -a -o +devices
# vgreduce --test vg_system --removemissing
# vgreduce vg_system --removemissing
check error is removed
# pvdisplay

Monitor the thin pool

1 - Without this command, automatic extension does not occur even in the presence of the LVM profile.

# lvs -o+seg_monitor

2 - monitor free space

root@control2➤➤ ~ # lvs -a
  LV               VG       Attr       LSize    Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  root             atomicos -wi-ao----  <19.00g                                                    
  [lvol0_pmspare]  dockervg ewi------- 1020.00m                                                    
  thinpool         dockervg twi-a-t---  <95.00g             0.02   0.01                            
  [thinpool_tdata] dockervg Twi-ao----  <95.00g                                                    
  [thinpool_tmeta] dockervg ewi-ao---- 1020.00m   

3 - LVM logs

% journalctl -fu dm-event.service

4 - Set the storage option dm.min_free_space=10% to a value (representing a percentage) in /etc/docker.daemon.json. For instance, setting it to 10 ensures that operations fail with a warning when the free space is at or near 10%.

5 - If you reboot the host and find that the docker service failed to start, look for the error, “Non existing device”. You need to re-activate the logical volumes with this command:

# lvchange -ay docker/thinpool

6 - Another feature of devicemapper is its use of snapshots (also sometimes called thin devices or virtual devices), which store the differences introduced in each layer as very small, lightweight thin pools.

Extend the Root Partition

!! don't work!!

When the Root Partition has run out of space, we can extend it to use free space in volume group.

# lvextend -r -L +3GB /dev/atomicos/root

The devicemapper Backend


Any kind of write-heavy load inside a container (such as databases or large logs) should generally be done to a volume. A volume is a plain directory from the host mounted into the container, which means it has none of the overhead that the storage backends may have. It also means you can easily access the data from a new container if you update the image, or if you want to access the same data from multiple concurrent containers.

Package management

Add new package

The feature that allows for adding new packages to a system is known as package layering. Layering a package is achieved by executing the rpm-ostree install subcommand. It is necessary to reboot after you layer a package (required to boot into the new deployment).

To reinstall all uninstalled base packages, run:

# rpm-ostree override reset --all

remove local packages

Local packages are the ones installed from rpm files. To remove them, we need to specify the whole name, i.e package + version.

# rpm-ostree uninstall docker-ce docker-ce-selinux 
error: Package/capability 'docker-ce' is not currently requested
# rpm-ostree uninstall docker-ce-selinux-17.03.2.ce-1.el7.centos.noarch 


To workaround the need to reboot, an experimental feature known as livefs has been introduced. We tell rpm-ostree that we want to go ahead and apply the updates to the live running system with the following command run after adding a package:

#  rpm-ostree ex livefs

NOTE: ex is for experimental


Another experimental feature of rpm-ostree is the ability to remove packages that were delivered with the base OSTree.

# rpm-ostree override remove MyPackage


Error when running install command (below is example):

# rpm-ostree install MyPackage
Resolving dependencies... Forbidden base package replacements:
  selinux-policy-targeted 3.14.1-29.fc28 -> 3.14.1-30.fc28 (updates)
  selinux-policy 3.14.1-29.fc28 -> 3.14.1-30.fc28 (updates)
error: Some base packages would be replaced

This is basically because the content in the current deployment is a bit out of date with what is in the updates yum repos. In this case, we need to run:

# rpm-ostree rebase fedora/28/x86_64/updates/atomic-host

Basic commands

  • check for updates without applying the update:
rpm-ostree upgrade --check
  • list package installed components:
#  dnf repoquery -l MyPackage


We can create a docker image containing whatever we want to run (even if it's the docker daemon itself) then run that container using atomic tool with ostree/trunc backend (without docker daemon):

# atomic run --storage ostree /bin/bash
bash-4.4# exit

Here is the list of registry.

atomic run attempts to start an existing container if a container name is specified, or execute container image run method if an image name is specified. Defaults to the following command, if image does not specify LABEL run: docker run -i --name ${NAME} ${IMAGE}

inactive request

When installing a package already installed, a message will always appear when installing/uninstalling/upgrading: Inactive requests: MyPackage (already provided by ...)

To remove this message, run rpm-ostree uninstall MyPackage. It will not uninstall but remove it from the list of packages to install (inactive request).

Pod management

Pod management is done with the podman command. Libpodprovides a library for applications looking to use the Container Pod concept, popularized by Kubernetes. Libpod also contains the Pod Manager tool (Podman). Podman manages pods, containers, container images, and container volumes.

The podman command can run and manage containers and container images. It supports most of the same features and command options you find in the docker command, with the main differences being that podman doesn’t require the docker service or any other active container runtime for the command to work.

Using podman

The podman command lets you run containers as standalone entities, without requiring that Kubernetes, the Docker runtime, or any other container runtime be involved. It is a tool that can act as a replacement for the docker command, implementing the same command-line syntax, while it adds even more container management features.


OSTree is an upgrade system for Linux-based operating systems that performs atomic upgrades of complete filesystem trees. It is not a package system; rather, it is intended to complement them. A primary model is composing packages on a server, and then replicating them to clients. The underlying architecture might be summarized as git for operating system binaries.

OSTree supports exactly two persistent writable directories that are preserved across upgrades: /etc and /var.

Directroies for the machine can be found in /sysroot/ostree/deploy/fedora-atomic.

Ostree status

Below command show last changes, with new tree showing first. We see that we added a local package: sshguard-2.1.0-1.el7.lux.x86_64sshguard

The layeredPackages are the ones we layered, or installed.

root@control2➤➤ ~ # rpm-ostree status
State: idle; auto updates disabled
● ostree://fedora-atomic:fedora/28/x86_64/atomic-host
        Version: 28.20180527.0 (2018-05-27 19:05:29)
        BaseCommit: 291ea90da29bc5abe757b5a50813b3de1396b08412939a89b3b671aba9856093
        GPGSignature: Valid signature by 128CF232A9371991C8A65695E08E7E629DB62FB1
    LayeredPackages: bind-utils byacc flex gcc gdisk git git-all  git-subtree glibc-langpack-en jq kubernetes-client kubernetes-node libmodulemd libxcrypt-devel mcstrans nano nmap ntp ntpstat pam_ssh pass perl-MailTools python3-smartcols ranger rng-tools rpmconf rsyslog rxvt-unicode-256color selinux-policy-devel setools
    LocalPackages: sshguard-2.1.0-1.el7.lux.x86_64

        Version: 28.20180527.0 (2018-05-27 19:05:29)
        BaseCommit: 291ea90da29bc5abe757b5a50813b3de1396b08412939a89b3b671aba9856093
        GPGSignature: Valid signature by 128CF232A9371991C8A65695E08E7E629DB62FB1
        LayeredPackages: bind-utils byacc flex gcc gdisk git git-all git-subtree glibc-langpack-en jq kubernetes-client kubernetes-node libmodulemd
libxcrypt-devel mcstrans nano
# ostree admin status
* fedora-atomic dced1fb28e15799c1e025c5110b51b5cb73d6124958953095d858a70bfa35210.0
    Version: 28.20180527.0
    origin: <unknown origin type>
  fedora-atomic 943490d082982fa340acc3ab89774f24481f0606f2bf7766315a2fd9ed5fa607.0 (rollback)
    Version: 28.20180527.0
    origin: <unknown origin type>
# rpm-ostree db list 291ea90       
ostree commit: 291ea90 (291ea90da29bc5abe757b5a50813b3de1396b08412939a89b3b671aba9856093)
 # ostree admin config-diff
M    machine-id
M    subgid
M    subuid
M    localtime
A    lvm/backup/atomicos
A    sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
A    sysconfig/authconfig
A    sysconfig/network
A    sysconfig/anaconda

The M means Modified. An A would mean added, while a D would mean the file had been deleted.

Below command will show what has been modified in /etc/sysconfig

# ostree admin config-diff | grep sysconfig

Compose Ostree

The "canonical" way is to use cloud-init for setting up auth, and then ansible for configuration. The first step would be to convert customizations to an ansible playbook.

One of the primary benefits to Atomic Host and OSTree is the ability to configure once, deploy many times using custom OSTree images.

The procedure and playbook below enable to create our own Atomic Host OSTree image. This is the first step in creating our own distributions of Atomic Host to install on all cloud servers

1 - install packages

# rpm-ostree install git python

1 - directory setup

We choose var/lib/docker/devicemapper (or dockerroot as configured in storage setup)

2 - download needed files

# cd var/lib/docker/devicemapper
# mkdir {myostree,repo,cache}
# cd myostree
# git clone -b f28

3 - initiate a repo

# ostree --repo=repo init --mode=archive-z2
# ls repo
extensions/  objects/  refs/  state/  tmp/  config

4 - compose a tree

rpm-ostree compose tree --cachedir=cache --repo=repo fedora-atomic/fedora-atomic-host.json

The treecompose process will now begin. First it parses all the input files and then downloads the required RPMs that will end up in the tree. It will then end up installing those RPMs into the tree and running a SELinux relabel on it.


# ostree fsck repo=repo 
Validating refs...
Enumerating objects...
Verifying content integrity of 485 commit objects...

fsck objects (77647/77647) [=============] 100%

# ostree refs --repo=repo

# ostree log --repo=repo fedora/28/x86_64/atomic-host
commit a759d4f33f5e6a32cf62eeb5a0da4dac4253b5c0e6407fa69574ded670bb079b
ContentChecksum:  a52031211877e0b1c29674953feb2e0325c213ee7a60abc3b70537a56cd27c88
Date:  2018-06-07 07:51:10 +0000
Version: 28
(no subject)

Customize Ostree

Setup Atomic Host server

Automize Ostree building

We’ll first create a systemd unit for a service that runs the compose, and a timer unit.

Description=run rpm-ostree compose for Fedora atomic

ExecStart=/usr/bin/rpm-ostree compose tree --repo=${WORKING_DIR}/repo --cache=${WORKING_DIR}/cache ${WORKING_DIR}/fedora-atomic/fedora-atomic-host.json


Description=run rpm-ostree compose daily




By default, there always have a previous tree (an operating system snapshot) installed. So if something goes wrong, we can always fall back to the previous tree.

Setup build server

We will set up a build server and host the contents

Ansible playbook
