Simple and minimalistic slug generator library written entirely in F#.
It's easy to use and has no extra dependencies.
If you want to add this package to your project, execute the following command:
dotnet add package FSlugify
If you want to build this library on your machine, execute the following commands:
git clone
cd fslugify
dotnet build
If you want to run the tests, execute the following command:
dotnet test
- Install Docker for your system
Build a Docker image called fslugify
. This will work without any local .NET Core installation.
docker build -t fslugify .
Use the following to instantiate a Docker container from the fslugify
image and run the tests inside:
docker run --rm fslugify dotnet test
You can see the some examples in the folder "samples" (both in C# and F#).
Here how it looks a simple F# program that uses this library:
open FSlugify.SlugGenerator
let main argv =
printfn "This is a series of examples on how to use the SlugGenerator!\n"
slugify DefaultSlugGeneratorOptions "Déjà Vu!"
|> printfn "Slug generated from \"Déjà Vu!\" with default options: \"%s\"\n"
slugify { DefaultSlugGeneratorOptions with Separator = '#' } "Déjà Vu!"
|> printfn "Slug generated from \"Déjà Vu!\" with custom separator: \"%s\"\n"
slugify { DefaultSlugGeneratorOptions with Lowercase = false } "Déjà Vu!"
|> printfn "Slug generated from \"Déjà Vu!\" without lowercase: \"%s\"\n"
let customMap = [("|", " or "); ("🤡", " clown ")]
slugify { DefaultSlugGeneratorOptions with CustomMap = customMap } "Test | 🤡"
|> printfn "Slug generated from \"Test | 🤡\" with custom map: \"%s\"\n"
This program will output the following text:
This is a series of examples on how to use the SlugGenerator!
Slug generated from "Déjà Vu!" with default options: "deja_vu"
Slug generated from "Déjà Vu!" with custom separator: "deja#vu"
Slug generated from "Déjà Vu!" without lowercase: "Deja_Vu"
Slug generated from "Test | 🤡" with custom map: "test_or_clown"
It is possible to use the custom Computation Expression in order to define your custom slugify function.
Here a simple example:
open FSlugify.Builder
let main argv =
printfn "This example shows how to use the custom Slug Computation Expression!\n"
let customSlugify = slug {
separator '@'
lowercase false
custom_map ("|", " or ")
custom_map ("&", " and ")
custom_map ("⏳", " hourglass ")
custom_map ("🤡", " clown")
customSlugify "Test | Case"
|> printfn "Slug generated from \"Test | Case\": \"%s\"\n"
customSlugify " Test & ⏳ "
|> printfn "Slug generated from \" Test & ⏳ \": \"%s\"\n"
customSlugify "HI 🤡!!!"
|> printfn "Slug generated from \"HI 🤡!!!\": \"%s\"\n"
This program will output the following text:
This example shows how to use the custom Slug Computation Expression!
Slug generated from "Test | Case": "Test@or@Case"
Slug generated from " Test & ⏳ ": "Test@and@hourglass"
Slug generated from "HI 🤡!!!": "HI@clown"
Although the library is usable as it is in a C# project (as it shown in the C# sample), for a better usability (both in syntax and usability) it's preferred to use the library FSlugify.Adapter.
Code contributions are more than welcome! 😻
Please commit any pull requests against the master
If you find any issue, please report it!
This project is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).
Author: Enrico Galassi