GameDAO is a EU based community owned and governed DAO providing community centric protocols:
- building unstoppable organizations
- community shared ownership
- fundraising and project curation
- coordination to organize and prioritize and coordinate use of funds
- nft based governance gamification
- amm / defi / lending protocols.
These enable crowdfunding and governance protocols and aim at videogame creators and players, creators and eSports communities.
GameDAO as a dApp is running on ZERO.IO, a substrate based multichain network for the Metaverse featuring unique, decentralised protocols for the videogames industry.
This is a proof of concept dApp featuring fundraising, governance and other functionality, inspired by Substrate Frontend Template.
Expect things to break and sub par production quality code, if you are checking it out. Also, check out for rust based modules running on zero network.
- install dependencies:
- run development environment
yarn start
- test before committing:
yarn build
- prettier to normalize general syntax
- imports sorted from outside to inside
- use typescript for all new code and migrate to typescript everything you touch
- conventional commit / lint
© Copyright 2019 GameDAO,, GameDAO AG