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gardncl committed May 18, 2017
1 parent d7f80ab commit dda6b9c
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Showing 16 changed files with 186 additions and 186 deletions.
38 changes: 19 additions & 19 deletions arrays/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
# Chapter 6: Arrays

* 6.1 DutchNationalFlag
* 6.2 IncrementArbitraryPrecisionInteger
* 6.3 MultipleArbitraryPrecisionInteger
* 6.4 AdvanceThroughArray
* 6.5 DeleteDuplicates
* 6.6 BuySellStockOnce
* 6.7 BuySellStockTwice
* 6.8 EnumeratePrimes
* 6.9 PermuteElements
* 6.10 NextPermutation
* 6.11 SampleOfflineData
* 6.12 SampleOnlineData
* 6.13 ComputeRandomPermutation
* 6.14 ComputeRandomSubset
* 6.15 GenerateNonuniformRandomNumbers
* 6.16 SudokuChecker
* 6.17 ComputeSpiralOrdering
* 6.18 Rotate2DArray
* 6.19 ComputePascalsTriangle
- [ ] 6.1 DutchNationalFlag
- [ ] 6.2 IncrementArbitraryPrecisionInteger
- [ ] 6.3 MultipleArbitraryPrecisionInteger
- [ ] 6.4 AdvanceThroughArray
- [ ] 6.5 DeleteDuplicates
- [ ] 6.6 BuySellStockOnce
- [ ] 6.7 BuySellStockTwice
- [ ] 6.8 EnumeratePrimes
- [ ] 6.9 PermuteElements
- [ ] 6.10 NextPermutation
- [ ] 6.11 SampleOfflineData
- [ ] 6.12 SampleOnlineData
- [ ] 6.13 ComputeRandomPermutation
- [ ] 6.14 ComputeRandomSubset
- [ ] 6.15 GenerateNonuniformRandomNumbers
- [ ] 6.16 SudokuChecker
- [ ] 6.17 ComputeSpiralOrdering
- [ ] 6.18 Rotate2DArray
- [ ] 6.19 ComputePascalsTriangle
26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions binarysearchtrees/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
# Chapter 15: Binary Search Trees

* 15.1 IsBST
* 15.2 FirstGreaterThan
* 15.3 FindKLargest
* 15.4 ComputeLCA
* 15.5 ReconstructBST
* 15.6 ClosestEntries
* 15.7 EnumerateEntries
* 15.8 MostVisitedPages
* 15.9 MinimumHeightBST
* 15.10 InsertionAndDeletionBST
* 15.11 AreNodesOrdered
* 15.12 RangeLookup
* 15.13 ClientCreditsInfo
- [ ] 15.1 IsBST
- [ ] 15.2 FirstGreaterThan
- [ ] 15.3 FindKLargest
- [ ] 15.4 ComputeLCA
- [ ] 15.5 ReconstructBST
- [ ] 15.6 ClosestEntries
- [ ] 15.7 EnumerateEntries
- [ ] 15.8 MostVisitedPages
- [ ] 15.9 MinimumHeightBST
- [ ] 15.10 InsertionAndDeletionBST
- [ ] 15.11 AreNodesOrdered
- [ ] 15.12 RangeLookup
- [ ] 15.13 ClientCreditsInfo
34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions binarytrees/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
# Chapter 10: Binary Trees

* 10.1 IsHeightBalanced
* 10.2 IsSymmetric
* 10.3 ComputeLowestCommonAncestor
* 10.4 ComputeLCAWithParent
* 10.5 SumRootToLeaf
* 10.6 FindRootToLeafSum
* 10.7 InorderIterative
* 10.8 PreorderIterative
* 10.9 ComputeKthNodeInorder
* 10.10 ComputeSuccessor
* 10.11 ImplementInorderSpaceEfficient
* 10.12 ReconstructBinaryTree
* 10.13 ReconstructBinaryTreeWithMarkers
* 10.14 TreeToLinkedList
* 10.15 ComputeExterior
* 10.16 ComputeRightSiblingTree
* 10.17 LockingBinaryTree
- [ ] 10.1 IsHeightBalanced
- [ ] 10.2 IsSymmetric
- [ ] 10.3 ComputeLowestCommonAncestor
- [ ] 10.4 ComputeLCAWithParent
- [ ] 10.5 SumRootToLeaf
- [ ] 10.6 FindRootToLeafSum
- [ ] 10.7 InorderIterative
- [ ] 10.8 PreorderIterative
- [ ] 10.9 ComputeKthNodeInorder
- [ ] 10.10 ComputeSuccessor
- [ ] 10.11 ImplementInorderSpaceEfficient
- [ ] 10.12 ReconstructBinaryTree
- [ ] 10.13 ReconstructBinaryTreeWithMarkers
- [ ] 10.14 TreeToLinkedList
- [ ] 10.15 ComputeExterior
- [ ] 10.16 ComputeRightSiblingTree
- [ ] 10.17 LockingBinaryTree
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions dynamicprogramming/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
# Chapter 17: Dynamic Programming

* 17.1 ComputeScoreCombinations
* 17.2 ComputeLevenshtein
* 17.3 CountPossibleTraversals
* 17.4 ComputeBinomialCoefficients
* 17.5 SearchSequence2D
* 17.6 KnapsackProblem
* 17.7 BedBathBeyondProblem
* 17.8 MinimumWeightPathTriangle
* 17.9 MaximumCoinsGain
* 17.10 CountMovesToClimbStairs
* 17.11 PrettyPrintingProblem
* 17.12 LongestNondecreasingSubsequence
- [ ] 17.1 ComputeScoreCombinations
- [ ] 17.2 ComputeLevenshtein
- [ ] 17.3 CountPossibleTraversals
- [ ] 17.4 ComputeBinomialCoefficients
- [ ] 17.5 SearchSequence2D
- [ ] 17.6 KnapsackProblem
- [ ] 17.7 BedBathBeyondProblem
- [ ] 17.8 MinimumWeightPathTriangle
- [ ] 17.9 MaximumCoinsGain
- [ ] 17.10 CountMovesToClimbStairs
- [ ] 17.11 PrettyPrintingProblem
- [ ] 17.12 LongestNondecreasingSubsequence
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions graphs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
# Chapter 19: Graphs

* 19.1 SearchMaze
* 19.2 PaintBooleanMatrix
* 19.3 ComputeEnclosedRegions
* 19.4 DeadlockDetection
* 19.5 CloneAGraph
* 19.6 MakingWiredConnections
* 19.7 TransformOneStringToAnother
* 19.8 TeamPhotoDay
* 19.9 ComputeShortestPath
- [ ] 19.1 SearchMaze
- [ ] 19.2 PaintBooleanMatrix
- [ ] 19.3 ComputeEnclosedRegions
- [ ] 19.4 DeadlockDetection
- [ ] 19.5 CloneAGraph
- [ ] 19.6 MakingWiredConnections
- [ ] 19.7 TransformOneStringToAnother
- [ ] 19.8 TeamPhotoDay
- [ ] 19.9 ComputeShortestPath
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions greedyalgorithms/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
# Chapter 18: Greedy Algorithms and Invariants

* 18.1 ComputeOptimumAssignment
* 18.2 ScheduleMinimizedWaitingTime
* 18.3 IntervalCoveringProblem
* 18.4 ThreeSumProblem
* 18.5 FindMajorityElement
* 18.6 GasUpProblem
* 18.7 ComputeMaximumWaterTrapped
* 18.8 ComputeLargestRectangle
- [ ] 18.1 ComputeOptimumAssignment
- [ ] 18.2 ScheduleMinimizedWaitingTime
- [ ] 18.3 IntervalCoveringProblem
- [ ] 18.4 ThreeSumProblem
- [ ] 18.5 FindMajorityElement
- [ ] 18.6 GasUpProblem
- [ ] 18.7 ComputeMaximumWaterTrapped
- [ ] 18.8 ComputeLargestRectangle

28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions hashtables/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
# Chapter 13: Hash Tables

* 13.1 PalindromicPermutations
* 13.2 IsLetterConstructable
* 13.3 LRUCache
* 13.4 ComputeLCA
* 13.5 ComputeKMostFrequent
* 13.6 NearestRepeated
* 13.7 SmallestSubarray
* 13.8 SmallestSequentialSubarray
* 13.9 LongestSubarray
* 13.10 LongestContainedInterval
* 13.11 ComputeAverageTopThree
* 13.12 ComputeStringDecompositions
* 13.13 CollatzConjecture
* 13.14 HashFunctionChess
- [ ] 13.1 PalindromicPermutations
- [ ] 13.2 IsLetterConstructable
- [ ] 13.3 LRUCache
- [ ] 13.4 ComputeLCA
- [ ] 13.5 ComputeKMostFrequent
- [ ] 13.6 NearestRepeated
- [ ] 13.7 SmallestSubarray
- [ ] 13.8 SmallestSequentialSubarray
- [ ] 13.9 LongestSubarray
- [ ] 13.10 LongestContainedInterval
- [ ] 13.11 ComputeAverageTopThree
- [ ] 13.12 ComputeStringDecompositions
- [ ] 13.13 CollatzConjecture
- [ ] 13.14 HashFunctionChess
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions heaps/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# Chapter 11: Heaps

* 11.1 MergeSortedFiles
* 11.2 SortIncDec
* 11.3 SortAlmostSorted
* 11.4 ComputeKClosest
* 11.5 ComputeMedianOnline
* 11.6 ComputeKLargest
* 11.7 HeapStack
- [ ] 11.1 MergeSortedFiles
- [ ] 11.2 SortIncDec
- [ ] 11.3 SortAlmostSorted
- [ ] 11.4 ComputeKClosest
- [ ] 11.5 ComputeMedianOnline
- [ ] 11.6 ComputeKLargest
- [ ] 11.7 HeapStack
26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions linkedlists/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
# Chapter 8: Linked Lists

* 8.1 MergeSortedLists
* 8.2 ReverseSingleSublist
* 8.3 TestCyclicity
* 8.4 TestForOverlappingLists
* 8.5 FindOverlappingWithCycles
* 8.6 DeleteNode
* 8.7 DeleteKthLastNode
* 8.8 RemoveDuplicatesFromSortedList
* 8.9 CyclicRightShift
* 8.10 EvenOddMerge
* 8.11 Palindromic
* 8.12 ListPivot
* 8.13 AddIntegers
- [ ] 8.1 MergeSortedLists
- [ ] 8.2 ReverseSingleSublist
- [ ] 8.3 TestCyclicity
- [ ] 8.4 TestForOverlappingLists
- [ ] 8.5 FindOverlappingWithCycles
- [ ] 8.6 DeleteNode
- [ ] 8.7 DeleteKthLastNode
- [ ] 8.8 RemoveDuplicatesFromSortedList
- [ ] 8.9 CyclicRightShift
- [ ] 8.10 EvenOddMerge
- [ ] 8.11 Palindromic
- [ ] 8.12 ListPivot
- [ ] 8.13 AddIntegers
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions parallelcomputing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
# Chapter 20: Parallel Computing

* 20.1 ImplementCachingDictionary
* 20.2 AnalyzeUnsyncronizedThreads
* 20.3 ImplementThreadSyncronization
* 20.4 ImplementThreadPool
* 20.5 Deadlock
* 20.6 ReaderWriterProblem
* 20.7 ReaderWriterProblemPreference
* 20.8 ImplementTimer
* 20.9 TestCollatzConjecture
- [ ] 20.1 ImplementCachingDictionary
- [ ] 20.2 AnalyzeUnsyncronizedThreads
- [ ] 20.3 ImplementThreadSyncronization
- [ ] 20.4 ImplementThreadPool
- [ ] 20.5 Deadlock
- [ ] 20.6 ReaderWriterProblem
- [ ] 20.7 ReaderWriterProblemPreference
- [ ] 20.8 ImplementTimer
- [ ] 20.9 TestCollatzConjecture
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions primatives/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# Chapter 5: Primatives

* 5.1 ComputeParity
* 5.2 SwapBits
* 5.3 ReverseBits
* 5.4 FindClosestInteger
* 5.5 MultiplicationNoArithmeticOperators
* 5.6 ComputerDivision
* 5.7 ComputePower
* 5.8 ReverseDigits
* 5.9 CheckIfIntegerIsPalindrome
* 5.10 GenerateUniformRandomNumbers
* 5.11 RectangleIntersection
- [ ] 5.1 ComputeParity
- [ ] 5.2 SwapBits
- [ ] 5.3 ReverseBits
- [ ] 5.4 FindClosestInteger
- [ ] 5.5 MultiplicationNoArithmeticOperators
- [ ] 5.6 ComputerDivision
- [ ] 5.7 ComputePower
- [ ] 5.8 ReverseDigits
- [ ] 5.9 CheckIfIntegerIsPalindrome
- [ ] 5.10 GenerateUniformRandomNumbers
- [ ] 5.11 RectangleIntersection
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions recursion/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# Chapter 16: Recursion

* 16.1 TowersOfHanoi
* 16.2 NQueens
* 16.3 GeneratePermutations
* 16.4 GeneratePowerSet
* 16.5 GenerateSubsetsK
* 16.6 GenerateStrings
* 16.7 GeneratePalindromicDecompositions
* 16.8 GenerateBinaryTrees
* 16.9 SudokuSolver
* 16.10 ComputeGrayCode
* 16.11 ComputeDiameter
- [ ] 16.1 TowersOfHanoi
- [ ] 16.2 NQueens
- [ ] 16.3 GeneratePermutations
- [ ] 16.4 GeneratePowerSet
- [ ] 16.5 GenerateSubsetsK
- [ ] 16.6 GenerateStrings
- [ ] 16.7 GeneratePalindromicDecompositions
- [ ] 16.8 GenerateBinaryTrees
- [ ] 16.9 SudokuSolver
- [ ] 16.10 ComputeGrayCode
- [ ] 16.11 ComputeDiameter
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions searching/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# Chapter 12: Searching

* 12.1 SearchSorted
* 12.2 SearchSortedIndex
* 12.3 SearchSortedCyclic
* 12.4 IntegerSquareRoot
* 12.5 RealSquareRoot
* 12.6 SearchSorted2D
* 12.7 FindMinAndMax
* 12.8 FindKthLargest
* 12.9 FindMissingIP
* 12.10 FindDuplicateAndMissing
- [ ] 12.1 SearchSorted
- [ ] 12.2 SearchSortedIndex
- [ ] 12.3 SearchSortedCyclic
- [ ] 12.4 IntegerSquareRoot
- [ ] 12.5 RealSquareRoot
- [ ] 12.6 SearchSorted2D
- [ ] 12.7 FindMinAndMax
- [ ] 12.8 FindKthLargest
- [ ] 12.9 FindMissingIP
- [ ] 12.10 FindDuplicateAndMissing
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions sorting/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# Chapter 14: Sorting

* 14.1 ComputeIntersection
* 14.2 MergeSorted
* 14.3 RemoveFirstNameDuplicates
* 14.4 RenderCalendar
* 14.5 MergeIntervals
* 14.6 ComputeUnion
* 14.7 PartitionSortRepeats
* 14.8 TeamPhotoDay
* 14.9 ImplementFastSorting
* 14.10 ComputeSalaryThreshold
- [ ] 14.1 ComputeIntersection
- [ ] 14.2 MergeSorted
- [ ] 14.3 RemoveFirstNameDuplicates
- [ ] 14.4 RenderCalendar
- [ ] 14.5 MergeIntervals
- [ ] 14.6 ComputeUnion
- [ ] 14.7 PartitionSortRepeats
- [ ] 14.8 TeamPhotoDay
- [ ] 14.9 ImplementFastSorting
- [ ] 14.10 ComputeSalaryThreshold

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