Synology AudioStation client for .NET.
- Requires SynologyDotNet.Core
- Targets .NET Standard 2.0
Install-Package SynologyDotNet.AudioStation
In order to consume data, you may also add other NuGet packages like SynologyDotNet.AudioStation. This example shows how to configure the connection and login with username and password.
// Create an AudioStationClient
var audioStation = new AudioStationClient();
// Create the SynoClient which communicates with the server, this can be re-used across all Station Clients.
var client = new SynoClient(new Uri("https://MySynolgyNAS:5001/")).Add(audioStation);
// Login
await client.LoginAsync("username", "password");
// Get 100 artists from the music library.
var response = await audioStation.ListArtistsAsync(100, 0);
foreach(var artist in response.Data.Artists)
SynAudio - Desktop App based on this library
It is a Synology Audio Station like desktop application (WPF) for Windows.