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A program to index diffraction images containing multiple lattices in macromolecular crystallography.

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MCDPS: A multi-crystal indexing data processing suite in macromolecucar crystallography

Author: Zhi Geng | Email address: [email protected]


MCDPS is a software used for indexing diffraction images containing multiple lattices in macromolecular crystallography. It has several important features:

  • It is based on the principle of whole-pattern matching provided cell dimensions and space-group symmetry are known.
  • It features a local correction for prior information as well as an iterative refinement of experimental parameters to enhance its robustness to errors.
  • Indexing result of the new method can be fed back to softwares XDS and Crystfel to facilitate further data reduction and structural determination.

Please cite the following publication if you use MCDPS in your work: 😊

Zhou,Q.,Gao,Z.Q.,Dong,Z.,Jiang,Y.M.,She,Z.,Geng,Z.&Dong,Y.H.(2021). A reference-based multi-lattice indexing method integrating prior information correction and iterative refinement in protein crystallography. Acta Cryst. A77.


Before compiling source codes, the following libraries or softwares are required:


  1. Install library: openmpi, gsl and fgsl.
  1. Modify configure to specify library path to openmpi and fgsl.

  2. run ./configure.

  3. The following 4 binary files will be created in directory bin:

  4. Finish. Now you can enjoy your test! 😄


  1. Indexing oscillation (or rotation) based diffraction datasets:
  • Preparation: Prepare a configuration file param.config specifying the following parameters:
###information about space group and unit cell
Space_group = 19       # space group number
Crystal_system = Tetragonal  #Triclinic,Monoclinic,Orthorhombic,Trigonal,Tetragonal,Hexagonal,Cubic
Unit_cell_a = 77.0    # unit cell parameter a (unit: angstrom)
Unit_cell_b = 77.0    # unit cell parameter b
Unit_cell_c = 37.2   # unit cell parameter c
Unit_cell_alpha = 90.00  # unit cell parameter alpha (unit:degree)
Unit_cell_beta = 90.00   # unit cell parameter beta
Unit_cell_gama = 90.00   # unit cell parameter gama

###information about diffraction geometry
Wavelength = 1.0      # X-ray wavelength (unit: angstrom)
Distance = 140.0      # sample-to-detector distance (unit: millimeter)
Pixel_size = 0.079    # single pixel size (unit: millimeter)
XCenter = 1034.84     # beam center x (unit: pixel)
YCenter = 1028.31     # beam center y (unit: pixel)

###information about user implementation parameters
Enable_rescut = 1     # 1: perform resolution cutoff for indexing  0: not perform
Rescut = 5.0          # setup resolution cutoff
Enable_refcut = 0     # 1: perform reflection number cutoff for indexing  0: not perform
Refcut = 90           # setup reflection number cutoff
Position_error = 3.5  # positional tolerance to accept reflections as matched (unit: pixel)

###prior information correction parameters
Enable_gridscan = 0   # 1: perform prior information correction   0:not perform
Enable_uc_scan = 0    # 1: perform unit cell correction   0:not perform
CellScan = 1.0        # unit cell scan range (unit: angstrom)
CellScanstep = 0.2    # unit cell scan step (unit: angstrom)
XCScan = 6            # beam center x scan range (unit: pixel)
YCScan = 6            # beam center y scan range (unit: pixel)
XYCScanstep = 2       # beam center scan step (unit: pixel)
Local_angle_range = 5.0 # local orientation search range (unit: degree) 
Local_angle_step = 1.0  # local orientation search step (unit: degree)

#specify number of threads used for indexing with
#num_threads = 8
  • Peak search: generate SPOT.TXT with script, for example:
python -p "/home/gengzhi/dataset/lyso-3crystals" -f "lyso-3crystals01.????" -n 1 -r "1  0  0"  -m "."

Options you may set are:

Usage: python [options]

  -h, --help              show this help message and exit.
  -p PATH, --path=PATH    Path to where diffraction images saved.  Compulsory.
  -f HEAD, --head=HEAD    Header name of diffraction images.  Compulsory.
  -n NPAT, --npat=NPAT    Individual image number for MCDPS indexing.  Optional, default is 1.
  -r ROT, --rot=ROT       Define rotation axis direction, depending on station setup. Optional, default is '1  0  0'.
  -m RES, --res=RES       Path to saving indexing result. Optional, default is './results'.
  • Indexing: Using both param.config and SPOT.TXT, MCDPS can be performed using script of, for example:
python -k 9 -n 5 -e "/home/gengzhi/software/multi-indexing/bin/index-mpi" -d "/usr/lib64/openmpi/bin/mpirun" -m "."

Options you may set are:

Usage: python [options]

  -h, --help              show this help message and exit.
  -k NODE, --node=NODe    Number of CPU cores for parallel computing. Optional, default is 9.
  -n NLAT, --nlat=NLAT    Number of target crystal lattices to index. Optional, default is 5.
  -e EXE, --exe=EXE       Path to binary executive file-->index-mpi. Compulsory.
  -d MPI, --mpi=MPI       Path to parallel compiler-->mpirun. Compulsory.
  -m RES, --res=RES       Path to saving indexing result. Optional, default is './results'.

Or you can use Note : We recommend using when considering prior information correction since its more effective acceleration.

python -n 5 -e "/home/gengzhi/software/multi-indexing/bin/index-omp" -m "."

Options you may set are:

Usage: python [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n NLAT, --nlat=NLAT  Lattices number
  -e EXE, --exe=EXE     Path to executive index file-->index-omp
  -m RES, --res=RES     Path to saving result
  • Integration: Given orientation matrix, integrate all diffraction images with script, for example:

python -s 96 -u "77.0 77.0 37.24 90.0 90.0 90.0" -n 1 -t "1  30" -r "1  0  0"  -o "1034.84 1028.31" -z "50  0" -m "0.009463 -0.005849 -0.014483;0.008637 0.002454 0.019843;-0.002964 -0.011519 0.011581" -e "."

Options you may set are:

Usage: python [options]

  -h, --help              show this help message and exit.
  -n NPAT, --npat=NPAT    Pattern start number for index.
  -t RANG, --rang=RANG    Start and End image number used for integration. Optional, default is '1  30'.
  -s SPGN, --spgn=SPGN    Space group number. Compulsory.
  -u UNIT, --unit=UNIT    Unit Cell parameters. Compulsory.
  -r IROT, --irot=IROT    Rotation axis direction dependent on station setup. Optional, default is '1  0  0'.
  -o ORGN, --orgn=ORGN    Beam center X and Y in unit of pixels. Compulsory.
  -z RESO, --reso=RESO    Resolution range. Optional, default is '50  0'.
  -e RES, --res=RES       Path to saving integration result. Optional, default is './results'.
  -m OM, --om=OM          Input orientation matrix (3 by 3)
  • Scale and Merge: Scale and merge integrated intensities for each crystal with script, for example:
python -s 96 -u "77.0 77.0 37.24 90.0 90.0 90.0" -z "50  0" -m "."

Options you may set are:

Usage: python [options]

  -h, --help              show this help message and exit.
  -s SPGN, --spgn=SPGN    Space group number. Compulsory.
  -u UNIT, --unit=UNIT    Unit Cell parameters. Compulsory.
  -z RESO, --reso=RESO    Resolution range. Optional, default is '50  0'.
  -m RES, --res=RES       Path to saving merged result. Optional, default is './results'.
  • Multiple datasets Merge: Scale and merge multiple integrated intensities to generate more complete dataset with script, for example:
python -f "XDS_ASCII_1.HKL XDS_ASCII_2.HKL" -u "77.0 77.0 37.24 90.0 90.0 90.0" -s 96 -t "TRUE" -m "."

Options you may set are:

Usage: python [options]

  -h, --help              show this help message and exit.
  -f INPF, --inpf=INPF    A list of all input unmerged XDS_ASCII.HKL filenames. Compulsory.
  -u UNIT, --unit=UNIT    Unit Cell parameters. Compulsory.
  -s SPGN, --spgn=SPGN    Space group number. Compulsory.
  -t FRED, --fred=FRED    Fridel Law: TRUE or False. Optional, default is TRUE.
  -m RES, --res=RES       Path to saving merged result. Optional, default is './results'.
  • Remove overlaps: Remove overlapping reflections between multiple integrated files with script, for example:
python -f "INTEGRATE1.HKL  INTEGRATE2.HKL INTEGRATE3.HKL" -t 3.0 -m "." -n 360 -r 2000

Options you may set are:

Usage: python [options]

  -h, --help              show this help message and exit.
  -f INPF, --inpf=INPF    A list of all input unmerged XDS_ASCII.HKL files to remove overlaps. Compulsory.
  -t CUT, --cut=CUT       Criterion of overlapping between two reflections in unit of pixels. Optional, default is 3.0.
  -m RES, --res=RES       Path to saving result. Optional, default is './results'.
  -n NPAT, --npat=NPAT  Number of collected diffraction patterns
  -r NREF, --nref=NREF  Maximum number of reflections for each pattern
  • show clusters: Show hierarchy clustering results of match-rate after the first round of whole space search,for example:
python3 -f "class.txt" -c 0.2 -t 30

Options you may set are:

Usage: python3 [options]

  -h, --help              show this help message and exit.
  -f FILE, --file=FILE    a file listing all three orientation angles with corresponding match-rate (in total 4 columns). Compulsory.
  -c MCUT, --cut=MCUT     cutoff value to select high match-rate for display. Compulsory, default is 0.2.
  -t TALL, --tall=TALL    Threshold to cluster neigher points in hierarchy clustering.
  1. Indexing single-shot (or serial) diffraction images:
  • Preparation: Prepare a configuration file param.config specifying the following parameters:
###information about space group and unit cell
Space_group = 96       # space group number
Crystal_system = Tetragonal  #Triclinic,Monoclinic,Orthorhombic,Trigonal,Tetragonal,Hexagonal,Cubic
Unit_cell_a = 79.17    # unit cell parameter a (unit: angstrom)
Unit_cell_b = 79.17    # unit cell parameter b
Unit_cell_c = 38.01   # unit cell parameter c
Unit_cell_alpha = 90.00  # unit cell parameter alpha (unit:degree)
Unit_cell_beta = 90.00   # unit cell parameter beta
Unit_cell_gama = 90.00   # unit cell parameter gama

###information about diffraction geometry
Wavelength = 1.3275      # X-ray wavelength (unit: angstrom)
Distance = 93.0      # sample-to-detector distance (unit: millimeter)
Pixel_size = 0.110    # single pixel size (unit: millimeter)
XCenter = 0.0     # beam center x (unit: pixel)
YCenter = 0.0     # beam center y (unit: pixel)

###information about user implementation parameters
Enable_rescut = 1     # 1: perform resolution cutoff for indexing  0: not perform
Rescut = 3.0          # setup resolution cutoff
Enable_refcut = 1     # 1: perform reflection number cutoff for indexing  0: not perform
Refcut = 90           # setup reflection number cutoff
Position_error = 3.5  # positional tolerance to accept reflections as matched (unit: pixel)

###prior information correction parameters
Enable_gridscan = 0   # 1: perform prior information correction   0:not perform
Enable_uc_scan = 0    # 1: perform unit cell correction   0:not perform
CellScan = 1.0        # unit cell scan range (unit: angstrom)
CellScanstep = 0.2    # unit cell scan step (unit: angstrom)
XCScan = 6            # beam center x scan range (unit: pixel)
YCScan = 6            # beam center y scan range (unit: pixel)
XYCScanstep = 2       # beam center scan step (unit: pixel)
Local_angle_range = 5.0 # local orientation search range (unit: degree) 
Local_angle_step = 1.0  # local orientation search step (unit: degree)
  • Generate SPOTS.TXT from two files: .stream from Crystfel-0.7.0 and .geom describing detector geometry:
  • Indexing: Using both param.config and SPOTS.TXT, MCDPS can be performed using script, for example:
python -k 9 -n 5 -t 500 -e "/home/gengzhi/software/multi-indexing/bin/index-sfx" -d "/usr/lib64/openmpi/bin/mpirun" -m "."

Options you may set are:

Usage: python [options]

  -h, --help              show this help message and exit.
  -k NODE, --node=NODe    Number of CPU cores for parallel computing. Optional, default is 9.
  -n NLAT, --nlat=NLAT    Number of target crystal lattices to index. Optional, default is 5.
  -t NIMG, --nimg=NIMG    Number of images used for indexing. Compulsory, default 500.
  -e EXE, --exe=EXE       Path to binary executive file-->index. Compulsory.
  -d MPI, --mpi=MPI       Path to parallel compiler-->mpirun. Compulsory.
  -m RES, --res=RES       Path to saving indexing result. Optional, default is './results'.


A program to index diffraction images containing multiple lattices in macromolecular crystallography.






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