Export/Import products with categories from Foks system.
Our platform can import product from one place to different marketplaces like (Rozetka, Promua, Wordpress, Opencart and others...). We support over 450 clients from different countries (Europe, USA, Ukraine).
php 7.4
chmod 755 wp-content/plugins/foksImportExport/bin/console.php
php wp-content/plugins/foksImportExport/bin/console.php import-products
- Import productsphp wp-content/plugins/foksImportExport/bin/console.php import-attributes
- Import attributesphp wp-content/plugins/foksImportExport/bin/console.php export-products
- Export productsphp wp-content/plugins/foksImportExport/bin/console.php clear-products
- Remove all products
Init core with simple import.
Add export.
Add Cron.
Add settings ui interface.
Small fixes.
Update core api and support product variations.
New frontend logic