This is a responsive html/js/css client for Mopidy. Responsive, so it works on desktop and mobile browsers.
Mopidy is a music server which can play music from Spotify or from your local hard drive.
Note: this client under heavy development! At the moment, initial loading is extremely slow, especially on mobile devices. As Mopidy changes, this client changes as well. It tries to follow the development-branch of Mopidy for now, so update Mopidy as you update the client.
To install Mopidy, check out the installation docs, the settings docs and even more detailed information.
Drop the files from this client in a folder on your Mopidy-system. Then change the (in the root directory of the Mopidy code) to make it work. Add a line mopidy.frontends.http.HttpFrontend to the FRONTENDS section, and set the HTTP_SERVER_STATIC_DIR to point to the folder with the files from the web client.
(Note from Mopidy:) As a simple security measure, the web server is by default only available from localhost. To make it available from other computers, change :attr:`mopidy.settings.HTTP_SERVER_HOSTNAME`. Before you do so, note that the HTTP frontend does not feature any form of user authentication or authorization. Anyone able to access the web server can use the full core API of Mopidy. Thus, you probably only want to make the web server available from your local network or place it behind a web proxy which takes care or user authentication. You have been warned.