Code for Ghosh & Rihel (2020).
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Flow diagram depicting the steps of our analysis framework. Code files in this repository are shown in orange. Code in green can be found at:
Data is output from our behavioural set-up (ViewPoint) in the form of a .xls file. perl_batch_192.m organises this data to a .txt format. Experiment metadata (e.g. animal genotypes) is supplied in the form of a .txt file. The 1min bin method uses sleep_analysis2.m to produce figures and statistics from these two .txt files. The 25Hz method exports .raw data from ViewPoint to produce .xls files. Vp_Extract.m reorganises these, using .txt data, to a .mat file which can be input to either Vp_Analyse.m or Bout_Clustering.m. Vp_Analyse.m produces figures and statistics. Bout_Clustering.m uses the clustering function gmm_sample_ea.m to assign data to modules, produce figures and calculate statistics, Bout_Clustering.m’s output can be input to Bout_Transitions.m, which compresses full modular sequences by calling Batch_Compress.m and Batch_Grammar_Freq.m. The motifs identified from this approach can be input to Batch_Transitions_Hours.m which compresses 500 module chunks and uses Batch_Grammar_Freq.m to count motif occurrences per hour. With the exception of the 1min bin method (sleep_analysis2.m), two example figures are shown for each figure producing step. All code can be run locally, though for speed several steps (indicated in green) are best run on a cluster computer.